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词汇 spikelets
释义 spikeletsCOCA²³⁷⁷⁰⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
na.小穗;小穗状花;🌏穗状花序原型spikelet的复数 The grains per spike should be raised mainly through the increase of fertile spikelets.
而增加每穗粒数则应主要从增加结实小穗数着手; cnki

The numbers of spikelets and fertile florets were controlled by the rate of differentiation.
小穗数与可育小花数的多少由其分化速度决定。 cnki

The variable number of floral organs was observed in nsr spikelets.
裸粒水稻小穗内的花器官数日也有较大的变异。 cnki

The atavistic spikelets of Carex diagenesis and its significance on phylogeny.

The disease resistance was interrelated with the millet growth period, the density of spikelets and the length of seta.
品种抗病性与粟生育期、穗码松紧、刺毛长短明显相关。 cnki

The effect of selection for kernel weight and spikelets per spike is worse, but other traits can be selected at early generation.
小穗数和穗粒重早代选择效果不佳,其他考察性状可从早代开始选择。 cnki

The paper, first, indicates a severe problem in use of spikelets genotypes, and Presents a new method and its steps to create new more spikelets and many spikelets genotypes.
本文指出小麦较多小穗种质利用中存在的严重问题,提出创造新的较多小穗和多小穗种质的新方法及其步骤。 cnki

The traits with low CV value are plant height, ear length, number of spikelets, available spikelets which had low improvement potential.
变异系数较小,即改良潜力小的性状为株高、穗长、主穗小穗数、有效小穗数。 cnki

Atavistic spikelets of bisexual structure in genus Carex.

Comparison of12 autotetraploid barley original varieties with their diploid parents in spikelets per ear, seed-set, 100- grain weight, grain weight per ear and protein content has been done.
比较了12个同源四倍体大麦原种与其二倍体亲本在每穗小穗数、每穗实粒数、结实率、千粒重、穗重和蛋白质含量上的差异。 cnki

Correlation-path analysis indicated that the number of panicles, seed seting rate and the number of spikelets per panicle had direct influence on the single plant grain yield significantly.
相关和通径分析表明,单株有效穗、每穗粒数和结实率对单株产量有显著的直接作用。 cnki

European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots.
欧洲的一种莎草,具有圆边的叶子、穗状红色花朵和芳香的根。 iciba

Obvious differences were found in spike length, number of spikelets and per length spikelet and some special types such as multi- spikelet types and dense spike types were included.
穗长、小穗数的单位长度着生的小穗数存在明显差异,存在一些密穗类型和多小穗类型。 cnki

Panicle fertilizer can increase spikelets and prevent spikelet retrogression and lay a foundation for heading safely and increasing kernel setting and kernel weight.
穗肥能够增加颖花数和防止颖花退化,为适时安全抽穗和提高结实率、粒重打好基础。 zidian8

Reproductive organ formation, including panicles, stamens, and spikelets, was also gradually and severely impaired in G1 to G4 mutants.
生殖器官,包括穗、雄蕊和小穗的形成在 G1- G4 中也渐次严重受到破坏。 ricedata

The correlation between the average grain weight of middle spikelets and lower spikelets and the grain weight per spike was highly significant.
中部以及基部小穗粒重与穗粒重之间呈高度正相关。 cnki

The result indicated that heredity of spike length and number of spikelets was in accord with addictive- dominance model, and the addictive effect was mainly in gene effect with part dominance.
结果表明,穗长和小穗数的遗传均符合加性—显性遗传模型,基因作用以加性效应为主,显性程度为部分显性。 cnki

The results showed that ear length, the number of the spikelets and the florets, and the1000-seed weight were badly influenced by watering and fertilizing in different periods after the boot stage.
结果表明,羊草孕穗以后的各生长发育时期,补给水肥对其穗长、小穗数、小花数和千粒重均有不良影响。 cnki

The effect of the formation process of the ear- stem vascular system on the differentiation and development of the spikelets, florets and seed set was also discussed.
本文还就穗-茎维管系统的形成过程对小穗小花分化、结实的可能影响作了讨论。 cnki

There were highly significant differences in heading date, flowering date, plant height and number of seed-setting spikelets per head among different pairs of isogenic lines.
在不同对的近等基因系之间,抽穗期、开花期、株高、穗长和结实小穗数等五个性状有极显著的差异。 cnki

These genes in rice were expressed in various organs, including roots, stems, leaves and spikelets, but their expression patterns were different from each other.
它们在水稻的根、茎、叶、穗等多个组织中表达,但是表达模式不完全相同。 fabiao

With delaying sowing, the numbers of spikelets and florets decreased, while the fertile florets were increased.
小穗数和小花数随迟播而减少,可育小花数随迟播而增加。 cnki




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