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词汇 Spiekeroog
释义 Spiekeroog
n.施皮克奥格在德国;东经 7º43' 北纬 53º47'
The islanders followed his example and todaySpiekeroogis home to the long-eared owl.而岛民们也效仿他使今天的施皮克岛成为长耳猫头鹰的家。
The word hectic is unknown on the East Frisian islands off the northern coast of Germany and that applies to the cosy isle ofSpiekeroog.德国北部海岸线上费里西亚群岛的东部来说,不存在繁忙的景象,同样对舒适的斯皮克岛也是如此。
The best thing aboutSpiekeroog, however, is its tranquil landscape. The so-called “Ostplate” in the east with its wide sandy beaches can only be enjoyed on foot.不过施皮克岛最美之处则在于它平静的风景。在它东部所谓的“o”的宽广的沙滩上只能步行享受。
is unknown on the East Frisian islands off the northern coast of Germany and that applies to the cosy isle ofSpiekeroog.在德国北部沿海的东夫斯里兰岛上并不知道忙乱这个词汇,这个词汇也使用于温暖舒适的施皮克岛。




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