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词汇 spermatogenic
释义 sper·mat·o·gen·ic 英spɝ,mæto'dʒɛnɪk美spɝ,mæto'dʒɛnɪk COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
Effects of mercuric chloride on DNA damage of spermatogenic cell were possible mechanism of mercuric chloride on spermatogenic cell damage.
一定剂量的氯化汞处理引起生殖细胞 DNA损伤作用可能是氯化汞细胞毒性的机制之一。 cnki

The result of spermatogenic cells developing by spermatic fluid cytology examination was coincident with that of epididymis or testis puncture biopsy P0.05.
同一患者精液细胞学检查与附睾或睾丸穿刺活检所反映的生精细胞发育水平一致 P0.05。 cnki

The wall of the spermatogenic cysts was made of Sertoli cells.
每一精小囊中的生精细胞发育同步。 cnki

The apoptosis of spermatogenic cells is influenced by multiple factors, such as neuroendocrine, physical and chemical factors, specific genes, and gene mutations.
生精细胞凋亡受神经内分泌因素、各种理化因素、特异性基因及基因突变等许多因素的影响。 cnki

The volume of lysosomes in spermatogenic cells enlarges, with electron density decreasing.
各级生精细胞溶酶体体积增大,电子密度降低。 cnki

At present, the research on testis spermatogenic cell apoptosis is in primitive stage. So far, specific testis spermatogenic cell apoptosis- related gene has not been cloned.
目前有关睾丸生殖细胞凋亡的研究尚处于起步阶段,迄今为止,尚未克隆出特异性的睾丸生殖细胞凋亡基因。 cnki

Compared with the control group, the spermatogenic cell index in every fluoride treated group was higher P0.01.
与对照组相比,各染氟组生精细胞凋亡指数均升高 P0.01。 cnki

Conclusion The characteristics of such currents and sensitive to Amiloride all approved that these currents recorded from mouse spermatogenic cells were produced through epithelial sodium channels.
结论电流特性和阿米诺利敏感性特征表明,生精细胞上所记录到的电流是上皮钠通道电流。 cnki

Conclusion: The obtained polyclonal antibodies are specific to natural SP22, which only exists in spermatogenic cells resting in testicular tubule and on the surface of human sperm head.
结论:制备的抗体具有特异性, SP22存在于睾丸曲细精管中各类生精细胞及精子头部表面。 cnki

ELISA was used to detect the testosterone content in serum, SP immunohistochemistry to observe the telomerase expression of spermatogenic cells.
ELISA方法检测各组大鼠血清睾酮含量、 SP免疫组化法检测睾丸生精细胞端粒酶的表达。 cnki

It suggests chronic exposure to mercury vapor may cause adverse effects on Sertoli's cells of spermatogenic epithelium and seminal vesicle function.
提示长期接触汞蒸气可能对男工生精上皮的支持细胞及精囊功能产生不良影响。 cnki

Objective To evaluate testicular function and differentiate between occlusive and non- occlusive azoospermia by analysis of presence, morphology and proportion of spermatogenic cells in the semen.
目的:根据精液中生精细胞的有无、形态和比例,进行精象分析,作为评价睾丸功能和鉴别阻塞性和非阻塞性无精子症的有效方法。 cnki

Objective To investigate the relation between serum inhibin B and testicular spermatogenic function.
目的探讨血清抑制素 B与睾丸生精功能的关系。 dictall

Objective To observe the relationship between spermatogenic cell apoptosis and serum estradiol level in rats exposed to fluoride.
目的探讨染氟大鼠生精细胞凋亡和血清雌二醇水平的关系。 cnki

Objective: To establish the method to identify human testicular spermatogenic cells.
目的:建立人睾丸生精细胞鉴定方法。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the differentiation of human testicular spermatogenic cells during in vitro culture.
目的:探讨人睾丸生精细胞在体外培养条件下发生的分化。 cnki

Objective: To investigated the differentiation of immature mouse spermatogenic cells during in vitro culture.
目的:探讨未成熟小鼠生精细胞在体外培养条件下的分化情况。 cnki

Results EAO would cause degenerative changes of spermatogenic cells in testes and lower the quality of sperm in epididymis.
结果发现实验性变态反应性睾丸炎造成睾丸生精细胞退行性病变,附睾精子质量下降。 cnki

The results showed that cadmium had toxicity, which could damage the testicle tissue in Rana nigromaculata, including spermatogenic cells, sertoli cells, interstitial cells.
结果表明,镉具有毒性效应,可以导致处理后的黑斑蛙精巢组织中的各级生精细胞、支持细胞和间质细胞受到损伤。 cnki

The analysis of sperm morphology and spermatogenic cells with Papanicolaous stained sperm smears in 37 fertile and67 infertile men were made according to WHO classification criteria.
对37例生育男性、67例不育男性精液,采用巴氏染色法,按 WHO标准进行精子形态学和生精细胞分析。 cnki

The effects of water- bath temperature on the structure of testis tissue and spermatogenic function were investigated.
研究了不同水浴温度对小鼠睾丸组织及生精机能的影响。 cnki

These findings suggest that EGF deficiency in rat with sialoadenectomy may influence many stages in spermatogenesis and delay proliferation of spermatogenic cell.
提示切除颌下腺后导致体内 EGF缺乏,可影响生精过程中的多个阶段并延缓生精细胞的增殖。 cnki

Three types of spermatogenic disorders were observed under the light microscope: the disorder type, sloughing type and the severe injury type.
光镜下可见紊乱型、脱落型和严重障碍型三种精子发生障碍。 cnki

Spermatogenic cell spermatogonial stem cell is the only cell type in postnatal mammals which has the capability to self- renew and to contribute genetic information to the next generation.
精原干细胞是精子的前体细胞,是雄性成体动物中唯一可以自我增殖、更新并向下一代传递遗传信息的细胞类型。 cnki

Objective: To study the changes of testicular spermatogenic function after kidney transplantation.
目的:探讨尿毒症患者肾移植后睾丸生精功能的改变。 cnki




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