

单词 spent nuclear fuel
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A political battle has raged for years over what to do with America's spent nuclear fuel.
至于如何处理美国的核废料,多年来已经成为美国的政治争论议题。 englishto

And then there are some really nasty forms of industrial waste, such as spent nuclear fuel, for which no universally accepted disposal methods have thus far been developed.
另外,还有一些非常危险的工业垃圾,比如废弃的核燃料,到目前为止,人们还没有研究出通行的处理办法。 ecocn

In a written statement, the State Department says the two sides have completed negotiations on“ arrangements and procedures” for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel from the United States.
美国国务院在一份书面声明中说,美印双方完成了再加工美国废核燃料“安排和程序”上的谈判。 voa365

Japanese officials say fire was discovered in a storage pond used for spent nuclear fuel rods in the reactor No.4 building on Tuesday, March 15.
周二,日本方面说,在4号反应堆的所在楼栋里,堆放废弃核燃料的地方发生了火灾。 blog.sina.com.cn

Pyongyang threatened earlier this month to resume reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel into material useable in weapons.
平壤本月早些时候威胁说,要恢复将核废料处理成可用于武器的材料。 ebigear

The spokesman said that his nation had“ reprocessed more than one- third of our spent nuclear fuel rods.”
该发言人还说朝鲜已经“重新加工了超过三分之一的已使用过的核燃料棒”。 yeeyan




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