

单词 spelling bees
释义 spelling bees短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
n.美拼写比赛;🌏拼字小蜜蜂;拼单词原型spellingbee的复数 Its bolsters argue that one-on-one instruction helps children learn, and point to the striking number of home- schooled children who win debating contests and spelling bees.
支持家庭学校的人坚称一对一的教学讲解更有助于孩子的学习。他们还指出有相当一部分来自家庭学校的孩子赢得了辩论比赛以及拼字比赛的胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn

I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin.
圣胡安的斗牛比赛,斯里兰卡的攀岩比赛,克里姆林宫的拼写比赛,我赢过。我演过哈姆雷特。 yeeyan

They provide a classroom environment where students can do hands-on and group learning such as performing, science experiments, art projects, foreign language study, spelling bees, discussions, etc.
他们提供教室环境,学生可以亲自实践,成组学习表演、科学实验、艺术项目、外语、拼写比赛、讨论等。 bsxlm.com




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