

单词 speed governor
释义 speed governor短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
As the vital control device in the hydraulic power plant, stability of the hydraulic turbine speed governor is a key part to the security and stability of generator set, even to the power system.
水轮机调速器是水电厂重要控制设备,其工作的稳定性直接关系到水轮发电机组乃至电力系统的安全稳定运行。 apshe

It has been applied Successfully in the parts of125MW water turbine, such main as valve of speed governor bush and other parts.
并将此工艺成功地应用于125MW水轮机调速器主阀衬套产品零件上。 cnki

Serve- control of accelerator position for an electro- hydraulic speed governor of automotive diesel engine was studied base on fuzzy self- adjusting PID control theory.
应用模糊自整定 PID控制方法对车用柴油机电液调速器油门执行器位置伺服控制进行研究。 dictall

The in situ operation effectiveness of the speed governor with such electrohydraulic follow up system is good so that it is worth popularizing and applying.
采用了这种电液随动系统的调速器现场运行效果良好,具有推广应用价值。 cnki

The relation and affect between regulation parameter of speed governor& primary frequency regulation are analyzed deeply, and suggestion is put forward to reasonable setting of each parameter.
本文对水轮机调速器各调节参数与机组一次调频的关系和对其影响进行了深入分析,并对各参数的合理设定提出了建议。 cnki

The structure and functions of a digital DC motor speed governor and the realization of thyristor digital trigger are described.
介绍了数字式直流调速器的结构、功能及晶闸管数字触发器的实现。 cnki

The speed governor shall be assembled in one complete set in order to keep a minimum setting in the field and tested in so far as practicable.
调速器应装配在一个完整的系统中以保持最低设置并在可行范围内进行检测。 www.1x1y.com.cn

The speed governor system is one of the key control systems in a pumped storage power plant.
蓄能电厂调速器系统是电站控制设备中一套关键的控制系统。 cnki

A better power given input point can raise the response rate of speed governor to the given signal of power input and accelerate the load regulating process of generator set.
较好的功率给定输入点,能够提高机组调速器对功率给定信号响应速度,加快机组负荷调整的进程。 cnki

As the development of the SCR and the machine driving technology, the DC speed governor system supplied by the SCR convertor has been widely designed and produced.
随着晶闸管变流件及电气传动技术的发展,不仅国外,而且国内也设计制造了晶闸管变流器供电的直流调速系统。 chemyq

Because of the DC speed governor driving system stability, wide speed control range, easy automatization and it's widely used in new built factory.
由于直流调速拖动系统平滑稳定,调速范围宽,因此,容易实现自动化,并在新建厂矿企业广泛应用。 chemyq

By analysing the energy saving theory of mine blowers, we drew a conclusion that frequency speed governor is the best way to save energy for mine blower.
通过对矿井通风机节能原理的分析,指出采用变频调速器是矿井通风机节能的最佳办法。 chemyq

Reasonable evaluation has been made to the whole performance and technical index of speed governor of Unit No.0, Ankang Hydro Power Station based on related test and analysis.
通过对安康水电厂0号机组调速器有关试验的测试与分析,对该调速器的整体性能及技术指标作出合理评价。 cnki

The paper introduces the application of variable- frequency speed governor in belt conveyor. Which provides a new control mode for Belt Conveyor.
主要介绍了变频调速在带式输送机上的应用,为皮带输送机提供了一种新的控制方式。 chemyq

The proposed algorithm can describe effectively the primary self- adjustment of generator units equipped speed governor after disturbance without the assumption of PV bus, PQ bus and balance bus.
该算法能有效描述装设调速器的同步发电机组在扰动后的自动一次调节行为,而且该方法不需做 PQ, PV及平衡节点的假设。 cnki

The simulation results show that the double- pulse speed governor improves precision of the system and its ability to depress load disturbance.
计算机仿真实验结果表明,双脉冲调速器能够有效地提高调速系统精度和抑制负荷扰动的能力。 cnki

The prime mover with self- equilibrium characteristic is simulated by DC motor with both speed and current feedbacks while the speed governor is simulated by software.
采用直流电机加电流、转速双反馈,实现对原动机及其自平衡特性的模拟;通过计算机软件编程实现对调速器的模拟; boshuo

The process of implementing synthetic gas compressor intake pressure auto- control with TPS and505- speed governor technique is introduced.
介绍了利用 TPS和505调速器的技术实现了对合成气压缩机入口压力自动控制的实施过程。 cnki

The SG2D is designed as a universal digital speed governor for combustion engines.
该法律政策专员二维设计作为一个普遍的数字调速器为内燃机。 dajiao.net

This paper has introduced a new multi-function testing equipment development of speed governor of elevator.
本文介绍了一种新研发设计的多功能电梯限速器自动检测设备。 dictall

This paper introduced on application of speed governor frequency modulator for sewage system. Remarkable energy saving effects and economic benefits have been obtained.
本文介绍了山东分公司在污水系统中采用变频调速后,取得了明显的节能效果和经济效益。 chemyq

This speed governor not only can solve the reliability of the transformation of power to mechanical displacement, but also can effectively cancel the transmission bar and reduce delivery link.
该调速器不仅较好地解决了电-机位移转换的可靠性问题,同时有效地取消传动杆件和减少传递环节,机构简洁。 cnki

This speed governor testing system has very good cost-benefit performance and wide popularization value and is an excellent scheme of testing speed governor performance of turbine.
该调速器测试系统具有很好的性能价格比和较广的推广价值,是一种进行水轮机调速器性能测试的理想解决方案。 cnki

When the speed governor and the guide mechanism fail to work, the cylinder valve can function as a stop gate for protecting the turbogenerating unit.
当调速器或导水机构失灵时,可动水关闭保护机组,起到快速闸门的作用。 cnki

Have training ability, about relay contactor, PLC, frequency converter, servo, DC speed governor etc.
有继电接触器、可编程序控制器、变频器、伺服、直流调速器培训能力; chinakong




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