

单词 barmaid
释义 bar·maid 英ˈbɑːˌmeɪd美ˈbɑrˌmedAHDbärʹmād' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁶¹⁵⁶BNC²¹⁹⁶⁴iWeb³⁷⁹⁹⁷

a female bartender蒋争熟词记忆bar酒吧间maid少女⇒酒吧间女招待员bar酒吧间maid少女⇒酒吧间女招待员
用作名词He was chatting up a prettybarmaid.他在同一位漂亮的酒吧女服务员聊天。
She's abarmaid,and the nicest, kindest person in the whole village.她是个酒吧女招待,也是整个村子里最漂亮也最亲切的人。
He was chatting up a prettybarmaid.他在同一位漂亮的酒吧女服务员聊天。“ We're trying to promote a kind of perfume culture that is founded more on smells than on brand names and marketing, ” the barmaid, Stefania Zuccotti explains.
酒吧侍者斯特凡尼亚·祖科蒂介绍说:“我们所追求的是一种建立在气味本身基础上的香水文化,而不考虑香水的牌子或销售等。” www.perfumecity.com.cn

“ You'll never guess what I've just done,” I said to the other barmaid when I arrived.
当我到达工作地点时,我和另一名招待员说:“你不会猜到我刚干了件什么事。” yeeyan

“Would you like a single or a double?” asks the barmaid.
“你想要一个单人间还是双人?”要求酒吧女招待。 xdf

But the route to Dagenham Trades Hall, where I'm a barmaid, goes past where she lives, and she wanted me to pick something up for my grandchildren's dinner.
但是去达格南贸易厅的路线刚好经过我女儿住的地方,另外她还想让我带点东西给孙子做晚餐。 yeeyan

For example, you didn't trust the barmaid at the tavern before we left. You kept saying she was“ Scamming” us.
比如我们还没出发时,你就不信任酒馆里的女招待,一直在说她在“诈骗”我们。 anetcity

Have a dose of Anti-Tox?“ asked the barmaid.”
“要服解酒药吗?” 酒巴女招待问道。 iciba

I hope to get another situation as barmaid soon.
我希望不久就能找到当女侍的地方。 jukuu

Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the bar.
李小姐被认为是酒吧里最好的女调酒师。 acgres

Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel.
李小姐被认为是酒店里最好的女调酒师。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sue called to the barmaid, “ Oh, it was a glass of Liebfraumilch, ” and lived to work another day.
苏对吧台招待喊道,“噢,是一杯利波弗罗米尔奇。”然后第二天又故伎重演。 zftrans

The barmaid opened the cans for me and said the dog's name was Shep. She told me he was about a year old and that his owner had gone to Germany and left him on the street.
酒吧女招待替我开了罐头,还告诉我这狗叫谢普,1岁左右,它的主人去了德国,把它丢在街上。 for68




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