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词汇 speech
释义 speech 英spiːtʃ美spitʃAHDspēch ★★★★☆中高四六研I牛4COCA¹²⁴⁵BNC¹⁰⁹³iWeb²⁰²⁷Economist⁹³²

U 说话,言谈; 言语; 说话能力

the act or power of speaking; spoken language

U 说话方式

the way of speaking of a person or group

C 演说,演讲; 讲话

an act of speaking formally to a group of listeners

the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience;

he listened to an address on minor Roman poets

language communication by word of mouth;

his speech was garbled

he uttered harsh language

he recorded the spoken language of the streets

something spoken;

he could hear them uttering merry speeches

the exchange of spoken words;

they were perfectly comfortable together without speech

your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally;

his manner of speaking was quite abrupt

her speech was barren of southernisms

I detected a slight accent in his speech

a lengthy rebuke;

a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline

the teacher gave him a talking to

words making up the dialogue of a play;

the actor forgot his speech

the mental faculty or power of vocal communication;

language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals


❌ He always has trouble with his the speech when there are girls around.

✔️ He always has trouble with his speech when there are girls around.

当表示“言语”“说话能力”时, speech为抽象名词,不可数,前面不加任何冠词。

speech, address, lecture, oration, report, talk

1.在这组词中, address, speech, talk, oration四个词是同义词, lecture和report的词义与其他四个词的词义差异较大。


Professor Black will give us a lecture on English literature tomorrow afternoon.布莱克教授明天下午将给我们做关于英国文学的演讲。
His mother gave him a lecture for getting up late.他妈妈因为他睡懒觉而训斥了他一顿。



The manager had just given the company's annual report.经理刚做了公司的年度报告。

2.address, speech, talk, oration四个词的共同含义是“当众讲话”。其区别是:

①speech和talk是普通用语, address和oration是正式用语。

②address和oration用于正式隆重的场合,经过充分准备,听众较多,篇幅较长。这两者中, oration比address更正式,更隆重,人更多,篇幅更长。例如:

The minister's address will be broadcast at 8 o'clock.部长的讲话将于8时广播。
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was an oration.林肯的盖茨堡讲演是一篇雄辩有力的演说辞。


③speech和talk的区别是:speech多用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合; 而talk多用于非正式场合,也可用于正式场合。speech一般是经过准备的也可不经过准备; 而talk一般是不经过准备的。speech的措辞一般是庄重的; 而talk是较为随便的,讲话方式也较自由,甚至也可以是对话。例如:

Please tell us what you think in a few simple words, we don't want a speech.请用简短的话说明你的意思,不要演说。
We enjoy freedom of speech.我们有言论自由。
We had a long talk about it.关于此事,我们作了一次长谈。
He gave us a very interesting talk on Yugoslavia.他给我们作了一场饶有兴趣的关于南斯拉夫的报告。


His speech was sent to the newspaper in advance.他的讲话稿事先就送报社去了。
Her speech is informal and filled with colloquialisms.她的讲话常是非正式的,很口语化。下面两句意思相同:

The teacher is going to have speech with the student who played truant.

The teacher is going to have a word with the student who played truant.老师准备和逃学的那个学生谈谈话。address,speech,lecture,oration,report,talk
















构成 speak 的名词形式,引申诸相关词义。
用作名词 n.
动词+~address a speech to sb给某人作报告close a speech结束讲话deliver a speech发表演讲find one's speech说得出话improvise a speech即席演说learn speech学说话lose one's speech说不出话make a speech发表演说prepare a speech准备演说record a speech把讲话录下来recover speech恢复说话能力understand sb's speech听懂某人的话wander in speech演说时东拉西扯形容词+~after-dinner speech餐后演讲clear speech说话清楚concluding speech闭幕词,结束演说educated speech有教养的谈吐free speech言论自由general speech一般的讲话long speech长篇演说open speech公开演说opening speech开幕词ordinary speech日常说话political speech政治演说powerful speech有影响力的演讲set speech经过准备的演说short speech简短的发言welcoming speech欢迎辞common speech共同语言direct speech直接引语everyday speech日常用语human speech人类言语indirect speech间接引语musical speech音乐语言national speech民族语言popular speech大众语言reported speech间接引语the native speech本族语名词+~acceptance speech〈美〉总统候选人接受政党提名时所作的演讲answering speech答词campaign speech竞选演说curtain speech剧作者,演员或演出人的谢幕词farewell speech告别词radio speech广播讲话介词+~freedom of speech言论自由organs of speech发音器官power of speech语言能力,说话的能力~+介词speech about有关…的演说speech for humanity人类言语speech of welcome欢迎辞speech on the war关于战争的演说
用作名词n.find one's speech

说出话 speak word

小学英语速记联想记忆:speech演讲进展的speed速度很重要近义词 talkreportaccentaddresslectureorationdictionpronunciation反义词 silence沉默
用作名词n.He lost his power of speech.他失去了说话的能力。
Only human beings possess the faculty of speech.只有人类具有说话的能力。
Fear robbed him of speech.他害怕得说不出话来。
Reading good books helps to refine one's speech.阅读好书有助于使你的谈吐高雅。
Language is speech, writing is merely a device for recording speech.语言是说的话,文字只是记录言语的一种手段。
The speech of the islanders is hard to understand.岛上居民的语言很难听懂。
The native speech of Guangdong is still popular among Chinese Americans in China Town.广东方言在唐人街美籍华人中仍很流行。
By her speech, we can tell that she is from Shanghai.听她的口音我们知道她是上海人。
I think young people are sometimes disrespectful in their speech.我认为年轻人有时说话失礼。
His indistinct speech makes it impossible to understand him.他口齿不清,无法听懂他的意思。
He can express himself better in speech than in writing.他用语言比用文字更能表达自己的意思。
In his campaign speech he blasted the Opposition.他在竞选演说中猛烈地抨击他的对手。
His speech was so long; it should have been pruned.他的演说太长了,本应该删掉一些。
His public speeches were permeated with hatred of injustice.在他对民众的演说里,充满了对不公正的愤慨。
The opposition speaker made a lively speech, pitching into the government for its ineffective actions.反对党发言人发表演说,猛烈抨击政府毫无效果的行动。
He spiced his speech with stories and jokes.他用故事与笑话给他的讲演增添了趣味。
I'm preparing a speech for the meeting on Thursday.我在为星期四会议上的讲演做准备。
The dinner and speeches occupied more than three hours.宴会和演讲占了三个多小时。
The mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.市长向女王背了一篇又臭又长的欢迎词。
I missed the first part of the speech.我没听到报告的第一部分。
I can't understand his speech on how we can conquer ourselves.我不能理解他作的我们如何能控制自己的演讲。
It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在发言中提到失业人数的增加是不明智的。
He has abstracted the speech.他对讲话作了摘要。
He broke down in the middle of his speech.他讲了半截停了下来。
I was abruptly notified that a half-hour speech was expected of me.我突然被通知要讲半个小时的话。
Our representative was called upon to make a speech.我们的代表应邀作了讲话。
Angry cries met his speech.听众发出愤怒的叫喊声来反对他的讲话。
He pitched his speech so that even the children could understand.他带着一种特殊的表情讲话,以便孩子们也能听懂。
We have the records of all theirspeeches.我们有他们全部讲话的录音。
Their concern is manifested mainly in finespeeches, rather than in practical solutions.他们的关心主要表现在说漂亮话上,而不在寻找切合实际的解决办法上。~+to n.I had to give a speech to the Press Club.我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
The radio station agreed to beam the Minister's speech to the whole Europe.广播电台同意对全欧广播该大臣的讲话。Pspeechcraftn.口才Pspeechmakern.演讲人Pspeechifiern.演说者Pspeech-centre言语中枢Pspeechwayn.特有的语言方式Pecho-speech模仿语言模仿言语Pspeechreadingn.聋哑人的唇读法Pspeechifyvi.演说滔滔不绝地讲个不完Pspeechlessa.不会说话的哑的说不出话的无言的非言语所能表达的烂醉的


speech的基本意思是“说话,说话能力”,指人的一种语言的能力。speech也可作“说话方式”解,指人们为了表达自己的某一意图而采取的一种表达方式,作以上两义解时, speech是不可数名词。

speech还可作“演说,演讲; 讲话”解,通常指在公共场合为群众所作的讲话,强调影响、教育或娱乐群众。这种讲话可以是有准备的或措词庄重的,可以是正式的或是非正式的,有时还可指讲话或讲话稿的风格。作此解时speech是可数名词。

用作名词The mayor made aspeechat the opening.市长在开幕式上发表了演说。
The speaker will soon wind up hisspeech.演说者就要结束他的讲话了。
I had to give aspeechto the press club.我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
He closed hisspeechwith a funny joke.他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。
We express our thoughts byspeech.我们用言语表达思想。
He had lost the power ofspeech.他丧失了语言能力。
Only human beings are capable ofspeech.只有人类才具有说话的能力。
同义词 conversation,dialogue,discussion,expression,language,tone,voiceaccent,articulation,communication,dialect,diction,doublespeak,elocution,enunciation,idiom,intercourse,jargon,lingo,locution,palaver,parlance,prattle,pronunciation,prose,speaking,spiel,tongue,utterance,verbalization,vernacular,vocalization,vocalizing,voicingdouble talk,expressing,mother tongue,native tongue,oral communication,vocal expression
反义词 quiet,silence,standardlisteningnoun.formal talk to audience
同义词 address,appeal,commentary,debate,lecture,paper,rhetoric,sermonallocution,bombast,declamation,diatribe,discourse,disquisition,dissertation,eulogy,exhortation,harangue,homily,invocation,keynote,opus,oration,oratory,panegyric,parlance,parley,pitch,recitation,salutation,spiel,stump,tirade,valedictorychalk talk,pep talk,prelection
反义词 listening,quiet,silence
allocutionnoun formal speech or address
behaviornoun manner of conducting oneself
act,action,address,air,attitude,bag,bearing,carriage,code,comportment,conduct,convention,course,dealings,decency,decorum,deed,delivery,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expression,form,front,guise,habits,management,mien,mode,morals,nature,observance,performance,practice,presence,propriety,ritual,role,routine,savoir-faire,seemliness,social graces,speech,style,tact,talk,taste,tenue,tone,way,way of life,ways,what's done
behaviorsnoun manner of conducting oneself
actions,acts,addresses,airs,attitudes,bags,bearings,carriages,codes,comportment,conduct,conventions,courses,dealings,decency,decorum,deeds,deliveries,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expressions,forms,fronts,guises,habits,managements,miens,modes,morals,natures,observances,performances,practices,presences,proprieties,rituals,roles,routines,savoir-faires,seemliness,social graces,speeches,styles,tact,talks,tastes,tenues,tones,way of lifes,ways,ways,what's dones
communicationnoun information transmitted
account,advice,announcement,briefing,bulletin,communiqué,conversation,converse,declaration,directive,disclosure,dispatch,excerpt,goods,hot story,ideas,info,information,inside story,intelligence,language,lowdown,message,missive,news,note,pipeline,prophecy,précis,publicity,report,revelation,scoop,skinny,speech,statement,summary,the poop,tidings,translation,utterance,warning,word,work
confabnoun conversation
confabsnoun conversation




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