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词汇 speculates
释义 spec·u·late·s 英'spekjuleɪt美'spekjuleɪt COCA²⁷⁴⁰⁹BNC⁴³⁰⁹²Economist¹⁵¹⁴⁵
vt. & vi. 思索; 猜测,推测

think about or take about a matter without having the necessary fact; make guesses

vi. 投机

gamble; venture

to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds;

Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps

talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion;

We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal

reflect deeply on a subject;

I mulled over the events of the afternoon

philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years

The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

invest at a risk;

I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating










用作动词 v.
~+副词speculate casually碰巧地猜测speculate rashly轻率地推测speculate shrewdly精明地猜测speculate theoretically理论地猜测~+介词speculate about关于…思索speculate as to为…思索speculate for〔in〕投机speculate on关于…推测
speculate about v.+prep.

思考关于… think about sth

speculate about sthWe should speculate about the purpose of life.我们应该想想人生的目的。
It was a quiet evening and Tom was speculating about the origin of the universe.静悄悄的夜晚,汤姆在思索着宇宙的起源。
speculate in v.+prep.

投机 buy or deal in goods

speculate in sthHe made a fortune speculating in tin shares, and lost almost all of it in cocoa futures.他做锡股的投机生意发了财,在做可可的期货交易时几乎又赔了个精光。近义词 job工作risk危险muse沉思mull思索guess推测study研究think认为gamble赌博reason原因ponder沉思wonder惊奇hazard危险reflect反映suppose假设consider考虑cogitate思考meditate沉思theorize推理chance可能性conceive设想ruminate深思conjecture推测reflect on考虑take risks冒险generalize概括excogitate想出contemplate注视hypothesize假设hypothecate假定hypothesise假设theorise建立理论venture冒险事业take a chance冒险chew over仔细考虑mull over仔细考虑think over仔细考虑deliberate深思熟虑的
S+~+AWe don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.我们不了解所有的情况,妄加推测是没有意义的。
S+~+that-clauseHe speculated that he would succeed.他推测他将成功。
The police are speculating that this incident may be linked to a similar attack two weeks ago.警方推测这次事件可能同两周前的类似的袭击有联系。



用作及物动词The doctorsspeculatethat he died of cancer.医生推测他死于癌症。
Can youspeculatehow such damage might arise?你能否想出这种伤害是怎样引起的?用作不及物动词He likes tospeculateon the stock market.他喜欢炒股。
It's dangerous tospeculate.做投机买卖是很危险的。
He did notspeculateon who would get the prize.他没有去猜测谁将得奖。
He began tospeculateabout the future.他开始思索未来。
She oftenspeculatedas to what sort of man she would marry.她常常在想将来自己会跟什麽样的人结婚。 They do not know which species the eggs belong to, but Dr Treude speculates they are from the deepwater catshark, which is known to produce egg capsules of this size, colour and shape.
研究员不清楚这些鲨鱼卵所属哪个种类, Treude博士推测这些蛋蛋可能属于深海中的猫鲨科,众所周知,猫鲨科产出大小,颜色,形状和胶囊相似的蛋蛋。 ecocn

But, as Ms Coronado speculates, the cleanliness of the bathroom has probably deteriorated.
然而,正如科罗纳女士推测的,卫生间的清洁有可能恶化。 ecocn

But now global warming is making the Baltic Sea map more comfortable for the critters, a new study speculates.
但是,最新的研究推测,现在全球变暖使波罗的海更适合这些小家伙的生长。 yeeyan

Craig Kinsley of the University of Richmond, Virginia, who did the work with rat mothers, speculates that Dr Gould's new findings may reflect human behaviour quite closely.
佛吉尼亚州 Richmond大学的 Craig Kinsley在母鼠身上进行研究。 他预测Gould博士的新发现可能可以很近似地反映人类行为。 ecocn

Euan Nisbet, a Zimbabwean geologist and climate scientist, speculates that after a century or two of further warming the island may be green from top to toe.
尤安•尼斯贝特 Euan Nisbet是一名津巴布韦的地质学家及气候学家,据他推测,全球变暖的趋势延续一至两个世纪后,阿森松岛可能会实现彻底的绿化。 ecocn

He speculates that the full physical growth of these regions may be delayed somewhat to allow them to be shaped by early life experiences.
他推测,这些区域的全面生理发育可能可以稍微延后,以使它们能够被早期的生活经验所塑造。 yeeyan

He speculates that, for reasons as yet unknown, a mother's immune system takes note of the number of male offspring and that each succeeding male fetus is subjected to increased levels of antibodies.
他推测,由于一些尚不为人知的原因,母体免疫系统可监测男性子代的数量,并且升高的抗体水平会影响每一个后孕男胎。 ecocn

He speculates that future studies might reveal whether the same mechanism regulates hunger, sleepiness and other aspects of physiology related to circadian rhythms.
他推测未来的研究可能揭示出这种相同的机制是否也在调节饥饿、嗜睡等其他生物周期节律相关的方面。 yeeyan

He speculates that its primary driver may be overweight and obesity, because estrogen is sequestered in fat tissue.
他推断,青春期提前的主要原因可能是身体超重和肥胖,因为雌性激素可以隐藏在脂肪组织中。 yeeyan

He speculates that may result from changes in the food we eat and the availability of more foods that interact with the same brain areas as addictive drugs.
格鲁扎推测,这可能是因为我们改变了饮食,可吃的食物种类多了,而这些食物与毒瘾相关的同一个大脑区域会相互影响。 yeeyan

In the case of the Milky Way, Mayer speculates that a similar gas- consuming process could have occurred later in its history when it had reached a critical mass after three to four billion years.
在银河系的情况中,梅尔推测一个类似的气体消耗的过程可能发生在40亿年后达到临界质量时的形成末期。 yeeyan

In a few years, Dr Belcher speculates, it may be possible to build a prototype machine to split water efficiently using sunlight.
贝尔切博士推测在几年内,就有可能建造出一台能够高效利用阳光来分解水的原型工作机。 ecocn

Instead, the eyes might express intensity, he speculates.
他推测,实际上,眼睛或许能够传递感情的强弱。 dxy

It is also possible that the“ nerve pruning” that takes place during motherhood actually benefits spatial learning, she speculates.
另一种可能是,这种这种发生在产仔之后的“神经修剪”,实际上对于空间学习有好处。 yeeyan

It was quite shocking. Every October someone speculates about this and you learn not to pay attention.
我很吃惊,每到十月就会有人对这个奖项作出推测,而我也不会特意去关注。 yeeyan

Lohmann speculates that hatchling turtles may imprint on the magnetic field of their home beach and, if so, such a phenomenon could be the basis of strategies for species preservation.
罗曼推测,人工孵化的海龟也许会留下它们家乡海滩磁场的烙印,如果是这样,这种现象可能会成为物种保护的策略基础。 yeeyan

More deeply, he speculates that perhaps it is because Americans have always had outsize expectations of China.
更深入一点,他推测可能因为美国人对于中国的期望过高。 yeeyan

No man speculates he would win the game.

Recent computer modeling speculates the event would be violent, unleashing tremendous light as gas is trapped between the two black holes and then rushes toward the more massive one.
最近的计算机模式推测,这种合并事件是非常火爆的,它们释放出巨大的光芒,两个黑洞之间的气体被严重压缩,然后冲向更多的巨大的黑洞。 yeeyan

So continuous exposure over time could leave substantial amounts of inflammatory particles in the brain, he speculates.
因此,长时间持续接触污染物会使得大量致炎粒子停留在脑部,他推测道。 yeeyan

Techcrunch speculates that Facebook will announce its own webmail client, dubbed Project Titan, or the “ Gmail killer, ” at a press event in San Francisco on Monday.
Techcrunch网推测 Facebook将要在周一旧金山的新闻发布会上宣布推出自己的网络邮箱服务,内部代号为泰坦项目或“ Gmail杀手”。 yeeyan

The smaller arteries, she speculates, may be occluded earlier in life, leading to heart disease, due to factors such as poorer socioeconomic background and poor nutrition, for instance.
她推测认为,内径较小的动脉,在诸如糟糕的社会经济状况及营养不良等因素的影响下,可能提前发生闭塞,从而发生心脏疾病。 dxy

The Sunday Mirror speculates that Arsenal are leading the likes of Chelsea, Aston Villa and Everton in the race for24-year-old Taylor.

The syndrome may be the result of Y chromosome recombination gone awry, Page speculates, when the chromosome inadvertently becomes a palindrome with no gap in the center.
Page推测,这个综合症可能是由于 Y染色体重组时出错,导致染色体中不小心出现了一段中心没有空隙的回文。 yeeyan

Whenever we smile, nerves and muscles may transmit messages that turn on happiness centers in the brain, Laird speculates.
每当我们微笑时,神经和肌肉就会传递信息使大脑的快乐中心兴奋,莱尔德猜测说。 yeeyan




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