

单词 speculate about
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But Garcia told reporters that Habanos executives have“ more important” things to do than speculate about the embargo.
但是,加西亚告诉记者说,哈伯纳斯公司的高级主管们有比推测禁运“更重要”的事情要做。 tobaccochina

On the other hand, it is tempting to speculate about what purpose female ejaculation could fulfil.
另一方面,这也诱导人们去思考女性“射精”的作用。 yeeyan

“ The researchers use the higher performance in one area to speculate about deficit elsewhere, ” says Dawson.
“研究人员用一个领域的高性能来推测其他地方的缺陷,”道森说。 yeeyan

At first they were carefree enough to devote their full attention to Marley, to the point where Mr. Grogan had time to speculate about his dog's inner thoughts.
一开始他们非常自在,全副精力都投入了马利身上,就在这段时间里,格罗根先生得以有时间揣摩他的爱犬的内心想法。 yeeyan

Dennis' story has made many people speculate about the possibility of the crashed vehicle containing alien life forms.
丹尼斯的故事使许多人开始怀疑这个坠落物中有外星生命体的可能性。 dictall

Discuss changes or developments among your series and speculate about their historical or cultural context.
探讨这些连续剧之间的变化和发展,并且思索它们的历史或文化情境。 myoops

In the report, the authors do not speculate about what caused the disparities.
在这则报道中,作者没有对差距的原因作出猜测。 yeeyan

It's pointless to speculate about the degree to which Paris's testament was rehearsed or coerced.
这是毫无意义的猜测,帕里斯的致辞是被排练或被胁迫的。 tianya

John refused to speculate about the content of the letter.
约翰拒绝猜测信的内容。 ebigear

Now that John Paxson has foreclosed any short-term possibility of the Bulls' dealing for Kobe Bryant, let's speculate about the consequences.
既然帕克森否定了短期内公牛与湖人就科比交易的可能性,那么现在就让我们来推测一下结果。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sometimes when K. and H. were bored they would speculate about the real identity of his mother and how his parents had met.
有时候 K和 H觉得无聊了就开始猜测他母亲的真实身份,还有她和爸相遇的过程。 yeeyan

That’s why it’s pointless to speculate about what he might have accomplished had he been born75 or80 years later and therefore been able to use computers.
这就是为什么推测假如他75年或80年以后出生,因而得以使用计算机会取得什么样的成就是毫无意义的。 ebigear

The unit’s public offering would be “ ready to go in the coming months when market conditions are optimal, ” Benmosche said in the letter, adding that he couldn’t speculate about the precise timing.
本默切在信中表示,友邦保险准备在今后几个月市场情况理想时进行首次公开募股,但是没有指明具体时间。 yeeyan

We can only speculate about the future.

We don't need to speculate about the possible winner in the game.
我们不必去揣测谁可能是这场比赛的胜者。 ewstudy

We think it's interesting when say a ring drops, and the group has to speculate about who would get the most benefit out of it.
我们认为在一个戒指掉落时,一个团队可以推测出谁获得它可以得到最大的收益是一件很有意思的事情。 ngacn

We speculate about what the Earth looked like when there were no trees, when there were no flowering plants, and when the continental land masses were in different positions than they are today.
我们都在设想没有树木,没有显花植物,甚至各大洲的位置都与现今不同的时候,这个地球是什么样子的。 fossillis




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