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词汇 speculate
释义 spec·u·late 英ˈspekjəˌleɪt美ˈspɛkjəˌletAHDspĕkʹyə-lāt' ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA⁶⁷⁴⁰BNC¹²³⁵⁶iWeb⁷⁵⁶⁷Economist⁹⁹²⁶

vt. & vi. 思索; 猜测,推测

think about or take about a matter without having the necessary fact; make guesses

vi. 投机

gamble; venture

to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds;

Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps

talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion;

We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal

reflect deeply on a subject;

I mulled over the events of the afternoon

philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years

The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

invest at a risk;

I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating










来源于拉丁语中specere看派生的动词speculor, speculari, speculatus, -观察,侦查。
词根词缀: -specul-看 + -ate动词词尾
用作动词 v.
~+副词speculate casually碰巧地猜测speculate rashly轻率地推测speculate shrewdly精明地猜测speculate theoretically理论地猜测~+介词speculate about关于…思索speculate as to为…思索speculate for〔in〕投机speculate on关于…推测
speculate about v.+prep.

思考关于… think about sth

speculate about sthWe should speculate about the purpose of life.我们应该想想人生的目的。
It was a quiet evening and Tom was speculating about the origin of the universe.静悄悄的夜晚,汤姆在思索着宇宙的起源。
speculate in v.+prep.

投机 buy or deal in goods

speculate in sthHe made a fortune speculating in tin shares, and lost almost all of it in cocoa futures.他做锡股的投机生意发了财,在做可可的期货交易时几乎又赔了个精光。钱博士spec观察+ul名词后缀,表手段和工具,注意不是指小名词后缀,因为词根spec-是动词词根+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→通过某种工具如瞭望塔来观察→登高望远,仔细观察局势→推测,思索⇒基于推测进行投机
spect 看 + calculate 算计→仔细看,并且心里算计→沉思,怎么买卖股票投机
非常记忆spe四伯〖谐音〗+cu醋〖拼音〗+late迟到〖熟词〗⇒四伯推测那“醋坛子”迟到了GRE难词记忆speculate→peculate v.挪用公款→挪用公款做投机买卖例如炒作股票或期货GRE难词记忆speculate→spec=to look at 看+ulate→试图用思维看透某事→沉思词根记忆spec看+ ulate做得多→ 看得多想得也多 ⇒思索词根记忆spec+ulate=看准了=思考,投机近义词 job工作risk危险muse沉思mull思索guess推测study研究think认为gamble赌博reason原因ponder沉思wonder惊奇hazard危险reflect反映suppose假设consider考虑cogitate思考meditate沉思theorize推理chance可能性conceive设想ruminate深思conjecture推测reflect on考虑take risks冒险generalize概括excogitate想出contemplate注视hypothesize假设hypothecate假定hypothesise假设theorise建立理论venture冒险事业take a chance冒险chew over仔细考虑mull over仔细考虑think over仔细考虑deliberate深思熟虑的
S+~+AWe don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless tospeculate.我们不了解所有的情况,妄加推测是没有意义的。
S+~+that-clauseHe speculated that he would succeed.他推测他将成功。
The police are speculating that this incident may be linked to a similar attack two weeks ago.警方推测这次事件可能同两周前的类似的袭击有联系。



用作及物动词The doctorsspeculatethat he died of cancer.医生推测他死于癌症。
Can youspeculatehow such damage might arise?你能否想出这种伤害是怎样引起的?用作不及物动词He likes tospeculateon the stock market.他喜欢炒股。
It's dangerous tospeculate.做投机买卖是很危险的。
He did notspeculateon who would get the prize.他没有去猜测谁将得奖。
He began tospeculateabout the future.他开始思索未来。
She oftenspeculatedas to what sort of man she would marry.她常常在想将来自己会跟什麽样的人结婚。verb.think about deeply and theorize
同义词 contemplate,figure out,guess,hypothesize,read,reflect,ruminate,surmise,weigh,wonderbrainstorm,cerebrate,cogitate,conjecture,consider,deliberate,excogitate,figure,guesstimate,meditate,muse,reason,review,scheme,study,suppose,suspectbeat one's brains,build castles in air,call it,call the turn,chew over,dope out,have a hunch,hazard a guess,head-trip,kick around,pipe-dream,psych out,read between lines,run it up flagpole,size up
反义词 disregard,ignore,neglect,dismiss,forget,knowabstainverb.gamble, risk
同义词 dare,hazard,play,plunge,venturemake book,margin up,play the market,pour money into,spec,stick neck out,take a chance,take a flier,take a fling,wildcat
反义词 abstain,ignore,neglect
assumeverb believe, take for granted
accept,ascertain,be afraid,be inclined to think,conclude,conjecture,consider,count upon,deduce,deem,divine,estimate,expect,fall for,fancy,find,gather,get the idea,guess,have a hunch,have sneaking suspicion,hypothesize,imagine,infer,judge,posit,postulate,predicate,presume,presuppose,suppose,surmise,suspect,theorize,think,understand
assumesverb believe, take for granted
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands
bankverb collect money or advantage
amass,deposit,heap,hill,hoard,invest,lay aside,lay away,mass,mound,pile,put by,salt away,save,sock away,speculate,squirrel,stash
bankedverb collect money or advantage
amassed,deposited,heaped,hilled,hoarded,invested,lay aside,lay away,massed,mounded,piled,put by,salt away,saved,socked away,speculated,squirreled,stashed
believeverb assume or suppose
believesverb assume or suppose
accepts,accredits,admits,affirms,attaches weight to,be convinces of,buys,conceives,concludes,considers,counts on,credits,deems,falls for,gives credence to,has,has faith in,has no doubt,holds,is certain of,is credulous,is of the opinion,keeps the faith,laps up,place confidence in,posits,postulates,presumes true,presupposes,reckons on,regards,rest assures,supposes,swallows,swears by,takes as gospel,takes at one's word,takes for grants,takes it,thinks,trusts,understands The reason, psychologists speculate, may have something to do with our increasing reliance on digital communication and other forms of new media.
心理学家猜测,原因可能是现在的很多事情都依赖于电子交流以及其他形式的新媒体来完成。 yeeyan

Art- market observers speculate that the Chinese might one day acquire a leading Western auctioneer, but that could be some way off.
艺术市场观察家猜测,中国人有一天会收购一家主要的西方拍卖商,不过这还有一段路要走。 yeeyan

Guo, who some Internet users speculate got her title because she is the mistress or relative of a top Red Cross official.
一些网民推测,郭美美得到总经理头衔是因为她是中国红十字会某高官的情妇或亲戚。 yeeyan

He has bought himself time by refusing to speculate publicly on the cause of the blast.
通过拒绝公开推测此次爆炸的原因,他为自己争取到了时间。 ecocn

Hedge fund managers, investment bankers and others can use credit default swaps to speculate on whether a company might be seen as a riskier borrower in the future.
对冲基金经理,投资银行家和其他人可以使用信贷违约掉期来推测一家公司是否会被看成是一个未来风险较高的借款人。 yeeyan

I wish to begin by examining some basic parameters of Taiwan’s society, economy, and polity. I will then speculate on what Taiwan might look like in around fifteen years if present trends continue.
首先,我希望我们一起来了解一下台湾社会、经济和政治的基本情况,在这些情况不变的前提下,我可以来推测一下台湾在未来十五年中的发展。 yeeyan

Investment funds speculate on futures markets and help push up the price of commodities, including food commodities.
将投资的资金用在投机期货市场,促使包括粮食商品在内的商品价格上涨。 fao

Mr Brennan did not want to speculate who the intended target might be or the intent.
布伦南先生并不想猜测袭击的目标是谁或者袭击的目的是什么。 ecocn

Of course the dilemma was purely hypothetical; since he wasn't a blackguard Polish nobleman, it was absurd to speculate what his wife's rights would be if he WERE.
当然,这种两难的推测纯属假设;既然他不是个恶棍般的波兰贵族,现在假设他是,再来推断他妻子将有什么权力,这未免荒唐。 kekenet

Others, including those who speculate on potential traffic of a specific domain name, say they help people find information related to what they're looking for.
而其他的,包括那些对特定域名的潜在流量投机的人,则说他们为用户找到了与他们所想要的东西的相关信息。 yeeyan

Researchers speculate, for example, that black men are less likely than black women to become obese, in part because within the black community they would face a higher stigma.
例如,据研究人员推测,与黑人女性相比,黑人男性肥胖的可能性更小,部分原因是由于他们在黑人社区中可能面临更大的耻辱。 yeeyan

Some economists have gone so far as to speculate that the physiocrats would have been overjoyed at a policy of farm- price supports.
一些经济学家走的更远,甚至推测说,重农主义者会对扶持农产品价格的政策欢欣雀跃。 yeeyan

Some theories in particle physics speculate that it might, although these dimensions would be curled up in loops so small, they could probably be probed only in high-energy particle collisions.
粒子物理学的一些理论推测说有可能,尽管这些维度蜷缩在极小的闭路里,只有利用高能粒子碰撞才能探测得到。 yeeyan

The foetal development of boys may also be more sensitive to this kind of chemical assault, the authors speculate, which could explain why boys are more likely to have behavioural problems than girls.
该报告的作者推测,男孩在胎儿发育阶段可能对此类化学袭击反应更为敏感,这就可以解释为什么男孩比女孩更有可能出现行为问题。 yeeyan

These swaps are used to speculate on the likelihood of a borrower repaying its debt.
这些互换是用来对借款人偿还贷款的可能性作投机用的。 ecocn

They provided an early indicator of trouble at investment banks, although they became distorted as more and more firms scrambled to hedge or speculate.
虽然它们被越来越多公司用于对冲或投机因而产生歪曲,但但仍可提供投资银行遇到麻烦的早期征兆。 yeeyan

We don't have to speculate because the President tells us himself in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father.
不必猜测,因为这位总统在自传中已经告诉了我们——《来自父亲的梦想》。 yeeyan

Whether this was genuine concern for a real social problem or was born of a more atavistic notion that there is something inherently, biologically wrong with mixing races, we can only speculate.
无论这是真正关心现实的社会问题,还是出于更返祖的观念——固有的、从生物学角度来说混血是错误的观念,我们只能推测。 yeeyan

While I suss that out, feel free to speculate in the comments section.
当我想明白时,去推测结论部分就感觉到很轻松。 hjenglish

You can prototype and speculate all you want, but that’s at best indirect influence on what the rest of a company is doing.
你可以对你所想要的创建原型和推测,但是那最多也只能是对于公司其他人所做工作产生间接地影响。 infoq




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