

单词 spectrums
释义 spec·trum·s 英'spektrəm美'spektrəm COCA¹⁰⁴⁰⁶²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
C 光谱

the set of bands of coloured light into which a beam of white light may be separated

C 波谱a range of any of various kinds of waves3 C 范围,系列

full or wide range or sequence

an ordered array of the components of an emission or wavea broad range of related objects or values or qualities or ideas or activitiesbroad-spectrum用途广泛的,广谱的…normal spectrum常态谱系,匀排光谱,…electromagnetic spectrum电磁光谱energy spectrum能谱spectrum analyzer质谱分析仪,频谱分析…electron spectrum电子光谱discontinuous spectrum不连续频谱,不连续谱…absorption spectrum吸收光谱,吸收频谱…spectrum level光谱能级,谱级…response spectrum感应波谱characteristic spectrum特征光谱band spectrum带光谱,带谱…emission spectrum放射光谱,放射谱…continuous spectrum物连续光谱…turbulence spectrum湍流谱action spectrum光谱fluorescence spectrum荧光光谱line spectrum线状光谱radio spectrum射频频谱noise spectrum噪声谱,噪声频谱…
spectrum-s复数⇒n.系列;幅度³;范围¹⁹;光谱⁶⁹;科频谱n.波谱;频谱;无射频频谱;电电磁波谱;心余像;声谱;各层次;物谱;能谱;质谱;残像;图谱近义词 band乐队range范围field田地scale刻度variety多样continuum连续gamut音乐全音阶…
用作名词n.This is a kind of atomic spectrum.这是一种原子光谱。
The radio spectrum has been opened up for the use of mobil phones.电磁波谱被发展应用在移动电话领域。
There's a wide spectrum of opinions on this question.对于这个问题的看法众说纷纭。
用作名词There's a widespectrumof opinions on this problem.对这个问题的说法众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
There are tense competition in the wholespectrumof the industry.整个工业领域竞争很激烈。
The press has published a widespectrumof books.这个出版社出版了一系列范围广泛的书籍。
In thespectrum, distinct colours shade into each other.在光谱中,截然不同的颜色相互融合起来。
Red and violet are at opposite ends of thespectrum.红色和紫色位于光谱相对的两端。 As a matter of the experiences in our experiments and spectral analysis, a method of partial natural frequency recognition from acceleration spectrums for the experiments in random road is presented.
总结了测试实验中一些经验和体会,并提出从随机道路试验中得到的加速度均方根自谱中识别汽车偏频的方法。 cnki

The gamma ray spectrums provide the PIPA equipment with baseline data for analysis.
伽马射线光谱向 PIPA设备提供最基本的分析数据。 china-cam

The target displacement of each mode in pushover analysis can be obtained with inelastic spectrums.
对应每阶振型下推覆分析的目标位移采用弹塑性反应谱来计算。 dictall

And if you arewere looking at the spectrums of some other stars, the colors would be the same. But the spectrumspectral lines would break it up at different places, making different patterns.
如果你去观察其他恒星的光谱,你会发现光谱的颜色是相同的,但光谱线断开的位置却是不同的,形成的不同的模式。 xiaoma

But the spectrums obtained by Spitzer show no water at all.
但是“斯必择”获得的光谱显示根本没有水。 bj.astronomy.com.cn

It is helpful in improving the experiment for hydrogen spectrums, enriching the experimental content and raising teaching efficiency.
软件的使用有助于完善氢光谱实验环节,充实实验内容,提高教学效率。 cnki

Simulation results demonstrate: the chaotic modulation signals generated from the four kinds of chaotic sources can all reduce the peak level of the input current and the output voltage spectrums.
仿真结果表明:四种混沌源调制生成的混沌开关调制信号,均能够降低电源的输入电流及输出电压的频谱峰值。 cnki

So let's actually let you try another example of solving a problem that has to do with one of the spectrums.

The research has shown that position and height of power spectrums have connection to the size of holes.
阐述了功率谱的谱峰位置和谱峰高度与木材空洞大小之间的关系。 cnki

The simulation is also able to display signal transport waveforms, power spectrums and system noise influences by the simulation of whole system.
通过从发端经信道到收端整个系统的特性仿真,可以显示信号传输波形、频谱及系统噪声影响等。 cnki

Then by use of computer simulated photon correlation spectrums, a detailed comparison is done among these inverting arithmetic.
然后利用计算机模拟产生的光子相关谱对这几种算法的性能进行了详细的对比研究。 dictall

They then searched these areas for galaxies that appeared to have two different spectrums, suggesting that what looked like a single object actually had another one sitting behind it.
之后他们又在这些区域内寻找可能有两种不同光谱的星系,并推测看似单一的双光谱物体其实是有另一个物体在它身后。 ecocn

Third, the dissertation gives some development ideas and models of ecotourism products, builds Yancheng coastal and marine wetland ecotourism products spectrums.
再次,提出了社区参与生态旅游产品开发的理念和模式,建立了盐城海滨湿地生态旅游产品谱系; cnki

This paper discusses the integral representation of a class of self- adjoint operators. By applying such representation, it is proved that the spectrums of such operators are discrete.
本文研究一类自伴算子的积分形式,利用这种形式证明这类自伴算子的谱集是离散的,然后推出几个性质。 cnki

This has attracted people to online games from vast geographic and socioeconomic spectrums.
这个特性将来自各个地方、具有不同社会背景的人们吸引到在线游戏中。 ibm

Under multi- scale wavelet transform the spectrums of valid sin- signal and noise are obviously different.
正弦信号和噪声信号在多尺度小波变换下其小波谱高频部分具有明显不同表现。 cnki

Use stochastic simulation, create the plainness sequence of the stable stochastic road surface for the target road spectrums with programming, and use logistic test to verify.
采用随机模拟方法,通过编程产生目标路谱的平稳随机路面不平度序列,并通过数理检验进行验证。 cnki




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