

单词 spectral
释义 spec·tral 英ˈspektrəl美ˈspɛktrəlAHDspĕkʹtrəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA¹⁷⁵⁶⁷BNC¹⁸³⁰²iWeb¹²⁵⁴⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

of or relating to a spectrum;

spectral colors

spectral analysis

resembling or characteristic of a phantom;

a ghostly face at the window

a phantasmal presence in the room

spectral emanations

spiritual tappings at a seance

来自 spectrum,光谱,specter,鬼的,幽灵的,-al,形容词后缀。spectral intensity光谱强度,频谱辐射强…spectral absorptance光谱吸收系数,光谱吸…spectral decomposition光谱分析spectral frequency光谱频率,谱频率…spectral shift光谱移动spectral distribution光谱强度分布,光谱分…spectral line光谱线spectral range频谱范围spectral analysis光谱分析spectral reflectivity光谱反射系数…spectral resolution谱分解,光谱分辨率…spectral response光谱响应,光谱灵敏度…spectral radiance光谱辐射spectral density谱线密度spectral transmittance光谱透射率,光谱渗透…spectral region光谱范围,光谱区…spectral reflectance光谱反射率spectral selectivity光谱选择性spectral sensibility光谱感受性
spectr分光镜-al…的⇒adj.幽灵的⁴⁰;光谱的⁶⁰adj.物光谱的⁶⁰;鬼的;妖怪的;鬼怪妖魔般的;谱的;鬼怪的;阴沉的;频谱的;波谱的近义词 phantom幻影ghostly幽灵的shadowy阴暗的ethereal天上的ghostlike可怕的unearthly怪异的spiritual精神的phantasmal幻影的supernatural超自然的apparitional幽灵般的

用作形容词There was no change in his father's position, or in hisspectrallook.他父亲的姿势一点没有更动,阴沉的脸色也依然不变。
At times he seems rather ordinary. At other times ethereal, perhaps evenspectral.有时他好像很正常,有时又难以捉摸,甚至像个幽灵。
Beings without form and intelligences without bodies arespectralghosts guaranteed to mislead.无体生命和无形智能,注定是引人误入歧途的鬼怪幽灵。
I am studyingspectralclassification.我在学习光谱分类。
The visible is the most well-definedspectralregion.可见光是含意最明确的光谱波段。adj.ghostly
同义词 eerie,shadowyapparitional,haunted,illusory,phantasmal,phantom,scary,spiritual,spooky,supernatural
cadaverousadjective pale, corpselike
ashen,bag of bones,blanched,bloodless,consumptive,dead,deathlike,deathly,emaciated,exsanguinous,gaunt,ghastly,ghostly,haggard,pallid,peaked,peaky,sallow,shadowy,sick,skeletal,skeletonlike,skin and bones,thin,wan,wasted
eerieadjective spooky
ghastlyadjective horrifying, dreadful;pale
ghostlyadjective spooky
imaginaryadjective fictitious, invented
abstract,apocryphal,apparitional,assumed,chimerical,deceptive,delusive,dreamed-up,dreamlike,dreamy,fabulous,fancied,fanciful,fantastic,fictional,figmental,fool's paradise,hallucinatory,hypothetical,ideal,illusive,illusory,imaginative,imagined,legendary,made-up,mythological,nonexistent,notional,phantasmal,phantasmic,quixotic,shadowy,spectral,supposed,supposititious,theoretical,trumped-up,unreal,unsubstantial,visionary,whimsical
immaterialadjective not existing in physical form
aerial,airy,apparitional,asomatous,bodiless,celestial,disbodied,discarnate,disembodied,dreamlike,dreamy,ethereal,ghostly,heavenly,impalpable,imponderable,incorporate,incorporeal,insensible,intangible,metaphysical,nonmaterial,nonphysical,psychic,shadowy,spectral,spiritlike,spiritual,subjective,supernatural,unearthly,unembodied,unfleshly,unsubstantial,unworldly,wraithlike And alpha is something that we can measure at distant places in the universe and thereby back in time by looking at these atomic spectral lines.
我们可以在宇宙里遥远的地方测量阿尔法常数,从而通过研究这些原子光谱线回到过去。 yeeyan

For example, imagine the wonder at detecting spectral features that cannot not explained by complex organic chemistry, like laser emissions.
比如,用激光探测光谱特性,这些特性是无法用复杂的有机化学来解释的。 yeeyan

These upgrades, known as SYERS-2A, will enhance the U-2 functionality by adding extra multi- spectral imaging capability to the platform, providing significantly more utility in discerning imagery.
该传感器被称为 SYERS-2A,将通过添加额外的多光谱成像能力增强 U-2侦察机功能,提供更加高水准的清晰图像。 www.etiri.com.cn

A complete MK designation includes both spectral type and luminosity class— for instance, the sun is a G2V.
一个完整的 MK系统代号包含光谱类型和光度型两部分——例如,太阳属于 G2V类恒星。 yeeyan

Comedy shows with laughter were also sometimes mistaken for pornography, as the loud audience cheers and cries share similar spectral characteristics to sexual sounds.
带有小声的那些戏剧表演也经常会被误认为是色情影像,因为观众大声的欢呼喝彩与叫床的波谱特性相近。 yeeyan

Early next year, the IAA labs will be equipped NASA's multi- spectral imaging technology. 30, 000 fragments from almost1, 000 scrolls will be scanned at very high resolution.
明年初,以色列文物局的实验室将会引进美国宇航局的多光谱成像技术,届时1000个卷轴近3万残页将被扫描成高解像度图片。 yeeyan

Farihi and his team looked at146 white dwarfs detected by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that show the spectral signature of calcium pollution.
Farihi及其团队观察了斯隆数字巡天项目探测到的带有特定钙污染光谱标志的146颗白矮星。 yeeyan

Haqq- Misra explained that astronomers are currently capable of detecting spectral changes in light coming from large Jupiter- size planets up to200 light-years away.
哈克-米斯拉解释,目前天文学家能够检测到离地球200光年大型行星木星大小的光谱变化。 yeeyan

In the technology maturation phase, Raytheon's jammer will be developed and tested to ensure spectral precision, power, reactive speed and directivity.
在技术成熟阶段,雷神的干扰机将进行研发测试,以确保频谱精度、功率、反应速度和定向能力。 www.etiri.com.cn

Intelligences without bodies and beings without form are spectral ghosts guaranteed to mislead.
没有肉体的智能和没有形体的生命是千真万确的误导人的幽灵。 yeeyan

It was made with observations from Herschel's Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer and the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver instruments.
它由赫歇尔天文台的光导阵列照相机,分光计和光谱和光度测定器制造出来。 yeeyan

Jill Tarter: Today we’re looking at many stars at once, with hundreds of millions of spectral channels.
吉尔•塔特:如今我们可以通过上百万光谱通道同时观测许多星体。 hxen

Modern devices have a spectral efficiency more than one trillion times greater than Marconi’s original device did112 years agoit broadcast in Morse code over a very wide frequency range.
现代的无线通讯设备的频谱效率比112年前马可尼原始的电报机利用莫尔斯码在很宽的频率内播送高十亿倍。 ecocn

Multi- spectral sensors capture images at specific frequencies across the electromagnetic spectrum.
多光谱传感器可以捕捉在特定频率的电磁波谱图像。 www.etiri.com.cn

Perhaps this spectral body's next gathering should take place in Davos.
也许这个“阴魂不散”的组织将在达沃斯召开下一轮的聚会。 ecocn

Scientists are able to determine the levels of the target molecule in solution by measuring the spectral changes.
通过测量光谱变化,科学家们能够确定目标分子在溶液中的浓度。 yeeyan

Software scouted for variations in the image under each spectral band.
软件会侦测出每张图像在每个光谱波段下不同的变化。 yeeyan

Something strange had happened to the light during the12 billion years it took to cross the universe: its spectral composition, the different colours within the light, had changed.
奇怪的现象发生了,这个光穿过宇宙到达地球,经历了120亿年:其光谱组态,光内部的各种不同颜色,都发生了改变。 yeeyan

The researchers used a statistical model to classify sounds as pornographic or non- pornographic according to their spectral characteristics, and tested it on audio taken from online videos.
研究人员使用一种统计模型根据二者的波谱特性将声音分成两类,即色情影像声音和非色情影像声音,并用互联网上的音频对其进行测试。 yeeyan

The evidence may be circumstantial at first— say, spectral bar codes of interesting molecules like oxygen, ozone, methane and water— and leave room for alternative interpretations.
最初的证据可能是间接的——比如说,类似氧气、臭氧、甲烷和水这类物质有趣的分子的光谱条形密码——为日后可供选择的其他解释留有余地。 yeeyan

The system is easy to construct and simple to use and has a higher spectral resolution than conventional MSPs without increasing the acquisition time.
该系统不仅容易构造、简单易用,而且在不增加采集时间的情况下具有比常规 MSP系统更高的光谱分辨力。 iciba

Their method indicates that the mass of distant AGN black holes as estimated by other spectral methods is two to10 times too high.
他们的研究方法表明,用其他光谱方法测量的遥远活动星系核的黑洞质量大概夸大了2-10倍。 yeeyan

We are looking at other planets and their spectral signatures.
我们正在着眼于其他行星和它们的光谱特征。 yeeyan

Spectral signals of individual atoms— say, the light emitted when a hydrogen atom is ionized— do not show up as discrete, narrow spikes at a specific wavelength.
来自独立原子的光谱信息,比如,当氢原子离子化时发出的光,并不显示为位于特定波长附近的离散窄带。 yeeyan




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