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spe·cies 英ˈspiːʃiːz, -siːz美ˈspiʃiz, -sizAHDspēʹshēz, -sēz ★★★☆☆高四六研IMST牛6八GCOCA¹²⁴²BNC⁸⁷⁴iWeb¹⁵⁸⁰Economist¹⁹⁶⁸ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.种类¹⁰⁰;单复同物种复数species名词复数species 动物园地理生物
n.名词 C 物种,种a division of animals or plants below a genus, which are alike in all important ways C 种类,类型a type; sort Noun: biology taxonomic group whose members can interbreeda specific kind of something;a species of molecule a species of villainy kind,sort,type,class,classification,category,species,variety这些名词均有“种、类、类型”之意。 kind指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。 sort普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。 type指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。 class正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。 classification指根据已经确定的类型对某一事物作鉴别和归类。 category书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。 species书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。 variety强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。 来源于拉丁语名词species, -ei, f外貌,风格。 词根词缀: -spec-种 + -ies 用作名词 n. 形容词+~strange species奇特的种类endangered species濒临灭绝的物种 钱博士spec看+ies抽象名词后缀→看到的样子,外观⇒根据外观划分的物种,种类 词根spec-看,观察来自拉丁语,过去分词形式和反复形式为spect-。它和希腊词根scop-看,观察以及日耳曼单词spy侦察最终都源自原始印欧语词根*spek-观察,仔细看。非常记忆sp视频〖拼音〗+e衣〖编码〗+ci雌〖拼音〗+es饿死〖拼音〗⇒视频里穿衣服的雌鸟饿死后这个物种就灭绝了spec看+ies抽象名词后缀→看到的样子,外观⇒根据外观划分的物种,种类。联想记忆科学家从一些生物种类species中选取好的制成标本specimen联想记忆科学家从一些生物物种species中选取好的制成标本specimen近义词 group群type类型sort种类form形式class等级order顺序kind亲切的variety多样feather羽毛category种类description描述genus生物学属classification分类 用作名词n.The species is/are valuable.这一物种很珍贵。 There are several species of zebra.斑马有好几种。 He felt a species of uneasiness.他有一种不安的感觉。 He's a rarespecies.他是一个很优秀的人。 It is a fault of thespecies.这是这号人的通病。Psubspeciesn.亚种
species的单复数同形,用作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。species有时还可指人,既有褒义,又有贬义。 名词100% 用作名词He is wearing a strangespeciesof hat.他戴着一种奇怪的帽子。 There are more than 1,000 alienspeciesin China.中国的外来物种有1000多种。 The giant panda has become an endangeredspecies.大熊猫已成了一种濒临灭绝的动物。 There has been a sharp decline in the number ofspecies.物种数量骤然下降。noun.class, variety 同义词 breed,category,collection,description,division,group,kind,likes,lot,nature,number,order,sort,stripe,type 反义词 whole brandnoun type, kind cast,character,class,description,grade,make,quality,sort,variety breednoun kind, class brand,character,extraction,family,feather,genus,ilk,likes,line,lineage,lot,nature,number,pedigree,progeny,race,sort,species,stamp,stock,strain,stripe,type,variety castenoun social class cultural level,degree,estate,grade,lineage,order,position,race,rank,social order,species,sphere,standing,station,status,stratum classnoun kind, sort, category branch,brand,breed,cast,caste,character,classification,collection,color,degree,denomination,department,description,designation,distinction,division,domain,estate,family,feather,frame,genre,genus,grade,grain,grouping,hierarchy,humor,ilk,kidney,league,make,mold,name,nature,order,origin,property,province,quality,range,rank,rate,school,sect,section,selection,set,source,species,sphere,standing,status,stripe,style,suit,temperament,value,variety classesnoun kind, sort, category ancestries,births,bourgeoisies,breeds,calibers,castes,circles,clans,cliques,clubs,companies,conditions,connections,coteries,cultural levels,degrees,derivations,descents,estates,extractions,families,genealogies,grades,hierarchies,influences,intelligentsia,leagues,lineages,moieties,nobilities,origins,pecking orders,pedigrees,pigeonholes,places,positions,prestige,qualities,sects,social ranks,sources,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,stocks,strains,strata,the right stuffs,tiers,titles descriptionnoun class, kind brand,breed,category,character,classification,feather,genre,genus,ilk,kidney,nature,order,sort,species,stripe,type,variety And no other species does anything at all like it. 没有其他的物种会像蚂蚁那么做。 yeeyan The Origin of Species; 物种起源《新英汉大辞典》 They have been the subjects of intense research for over half a century, not least because of the role they have played in our survival as a species. 不仅仅是因为六大情绪在我们作为一个幸存下来的物种中所扮演的角色,对六大情绪的深入研究已经超过了半个世纪。 yeeyan All this suggests that the formation of both languages and species is an active process. 这一切都证明语言和物种的形成都是一个活跃的进程。 ecocn But thinking of my husband as an exotic species gave me the distance I needed to consider our differences more objectively. 但是,将丈夫作为外来物种给了我空间,我需要这种空间来客观地考虑我们之间的差异。 ebigear But it was on the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador that Darwin found creatures that made him wonder about how species develop and change. 但,正是在厄瓜多尔海岸之外的加拉帕哥斯群岛,达尔文发现了一些生物,这使他想到了物种是如何发展和变化的。 yeeyan But we have to accept that some species are stronger than others. 但是,我们必须承认,某些物种确实强于其它物种。 yeeyan Darwin stated that the species originate by descent. 达尔文阐明了物种的起源。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Future research, he says, should look at the behavior and ecology of these worms to understand what caused the new species to arise. 他说,未来的研究应该看看这些蠕虫的行为与生态学,以了解新物种的出现是由什么造成的。 yeeyan Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords. 希望本身就是一种幸福,也许还是这个世界提供给我们的最大幸福。 ebigear I believe they were a subspecies of human but not a different species. 我相信他们是人类的一个亚种,而不是什么不同的物种。 yeeyan If these species are not defined by interfertility, which obviously they are not, are they real, or just the convenient conventions of taxonomists? 如果这些物种并不是互交可孕的,显然它们不是的,那么它们真的或仅仅是分类学者们便利的惯例吗? ecocn If we are serious about coexisting with other species, we have to concede them territory. 如果我们确实希望与其它物种共存,我们必须给予他们领土。 yeeyan If we want to survive as a species, we have to expand into the solar system and likely beyond. 如果我们希望作为一个物种生存下去,就必须扩张到太阳系之中或超越太阳系。 yeeyan In the dry season, it could be attacked by another species of ant. 在干燥的季节里,它可能会遭到另一个种类的蚂蚁攻击。 yeeyan Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat. 许多物种由于我们破坏了它们的自然环境,现在正面临灭绝的危险。《新英汉大辞典》 One person goes on to the next round of the species, and the other goes to the grave a loser for all eternity. 其结果就是,二者之中有一个晋级到物种的下一轮,另一个则永远躺进了失败者的坟墓。 yeeyan Or did our species do away with them? 或者是我们的种群消灭了他们? yeeyan Since all instinctive behaviors have an evolutionary advantage or they would not have been retained for millions of years, chances are that this one too has helped us survive as a species. 由于所有的本能行为都有进化优势,否则就不会被留传下来了达百万年之久,很可能吃些脏东西也能帮助我们作为一个物种生存下来。 yeeyan Since any species that could visit us would be far beyond our own technological level, meeting them could be bad news. 因为能够访问我们的任何物种,其技术水平都远远地超过我们,遇到他们可能是个坏消息。 yeeyan So the mystery is starting to clear around how diverse species with an array of features evolve. 所以围绕着拥有一系列特性的不同物种是怎么进化的谜团开始变得清晰。 yeeyan That genus of plants differentiates into three species. 那个属种的植物衍生出三个变种。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The researchers say that one day these cells could be turned into sperm and egg cells to bring the species back from the brink. 研究人员认为,有一天这些细胞可以转变为精子和卵细胞,从而可以将这个物种从灭绝边缘解救出来。 yeeyan The female of the species is very aggressive. 这个物种中雌性是非常好斗的。 hjenglish Then they counted the species above it. 之后他们计算了铱层上的物种。 yeeyan They also converted one species of bacterium into another through a “ genome transplant”. 他们还通过“基因移植”,把一个物种的细菌转变为另一种。 iciba |