释义 |
special tax短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺⁷ 基本例句 特种营业税 Some energy-intensive products for export no longer qualify for special tax breaks in an attempt to encourage energy efficiency. 为鼓励提高能源利用率,一些用于出口的资源密集型产品不再享受减免税待遇。 yeeyan The new government imposed a special tax on imported wines. 新政府对进口酒征收特别税。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Then, to the agricultural husbandry tax were added the agricultural special tax, farmland use tax, contract tax and animal slaughter tax. 其后又在农牧业税的基础上发展起了农业特产税、耕地占用税以及契税、屠宰税等。 cnki |