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词汇 specializations
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A split row with a blank cell: The new specializations are in addition to the more general element, which remains available in the specialized type.
带有空白单元格的分隔行:新的专门化增加到更一般的元素之上,该元素仍然可以在专门化类型中使用。 ibm

I attended Global TESOL College in2005, where I received my Advanced TESOL Diploma as well as my Teaching Practicum and Tutoring specializations.
2005年在全球 TESOL学院学习,取得了TESOL高级资格和教学实习,辅导专业资格。

Join us as we explore seven MBA specializations that could help you climb the corporate ladder.
我们将为你探究有助于爬上职业阶梯的7个 MBA专业。 yeeyan

The majority of the high-tech professionals of overseas Chinese scholars are found in the United States, and their study areas cover almost all disciplines and specializations.
海外华人华侨高科技专业人士主要集中在美国等发达国家,这些华裔高级人才涵盖了所有专业和学科。 cnki

An element with multiple occurrences can be replaced with a list of specializations of that element, and so on.
可以用某个元素的一组专门化来替代多次出现的该元素,等等。 ibm

Boost defines only select partial specializations of these templates.
Boost只定义了这些模板的选定局部特殊化。 ibm

Each base content element has an element entity to identify itself and its specializations.
每个基本内容元素都有一个元素实体来标识其自身及其专门化。 ibm

Each domain provides a separate domain specialization entity to list the specializations that it provides for a base element.
每个域都提供一个单独的域专门化实体来列出了它为基本元素提供的专门化。 ibm

Extend DITA map specializations to include course-level and unit-level mapping.
扩展 DITA映射特化以包括课程级和单元级的映射。 ibm

Further specializations of histone variants have evolved in some lineages to perform additional tasks.
更加专门化的组蛋白变体在一些谱系中进化到执行额外的功能。 chinapubmed

It has a built-in specialization mechanism, which includes the capability to restrict allowable specializations.
它具有内置的专门化机制,包括限制许可的专门化的能力。 ibm

Management specializations, such as government contracting, community development, and new product development.
管理专门化,如政府合同、社区开发或新产品开发。 qnr

Special now requires three specializations of d to be present, and does not allow c.
Special现在要求出现 d的三种专门化,不允许出现 c。 ibm

Specialization also provides support for multi-level or hierarchical specializations, which allow more general topic types to serve as the common denominator for different specialized types.
专门化还支持多层次或是有层次结构的专门化,这就允许对于较常规的主题类型可以充当不同具体类型的共同点。 ibm

Spines are specializations on nerve cells that form the synapses that are critically important to the process of learning.
棘状突起是指神经细胞特有的结构,可以形成在学习过程中起着重要作用的突触。 dxy

This is especially important when you use specializations.
在使用定制的模式时,这尤其重要。 ibm

This practice lets other domains merge their specializations into the current domain.
这一做法可让其它域将它们的专门化合并进当前域中。 ibm

Thus, topics written against one of the supplied DTDs can use all of the predefined domain specializations.
这样,针对某个提供的 DTD 来编写的主题可以使用所有预定义的域专门化。 ibm

What they do: Attorneys can choose to concentrate on a variety of specializations, which include tax law, criminal law, civil law, bankruptcy, environmental law and more.
工作内容:律师们可以选择专注于某一特定领域,这包括:税法、刑法、民法、破产、环境法等等。 yeeyan

You can handle such requirements by creating new specializations of existing content elements and providing a domain to reuse the new content elements within topic structures.
可以通过创建现有内容元素的新的专门化并提供一个域以在主题结构内重用该新内容元素来处理这类需求。 ibm




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