

单词 specialists
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名词 specialist:
an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learningpractices one branch of medicine用作名词Invite famous sportsspecialistsand scholars.聘请著名的体育专家和学者。
We need to form a committee ofspecialists.我们必须成立一个专家委员会。
Liem said the finding is important news forspecialistswho monitor patients during surgery.列姆认为这一发现对负责在手术过程中监控患者状况的专科医生来说十分重要。noun.person who is an expert in a field
同义词 authority,consultant,doctor,guru,professional,scholar,technicianace,adept,connoisseur,devotee,pro,pundit,sage,savant,veteran,virtuosoattending physician,old hand,old pro
反义词 amateur,ignoramus,rookiegeneral practitioner The beauty of these flowers was appreciated since ages, by specialists and common people alike.
这些漂亮的花朵数百年来都被花卉专家和普通人们赞赏称颂。 yeeyan

“ Red Plenty” has bullet- proofed itself against specialists by its breadth of field and seriousness of purpose.
“红色富饶”因其所涉及的广度和严肃性在专家面前有了防弹衣般的保护。 ecocn

Agilent and Novartis like to turn specialists into general managers.
安捷伦和诺华喜欢将专家转变为总经理。 ecocn

And like any group of people, these specialists disagree on the future direction of this work.
和任何人多的地方一样,这些专家也对此项工作的未来方向持有不同意见。 ibm

As all the specialists in passion teach us, there is no eternal love but what is thwarted.
正如所有的爱情专家教导我们的那样,没有永恒的爱情而只有被阻断的爱。 yeeyan

Best practices that have been gathered by portal architects and specialists over dozens of projects that you can apply to your effort.
门户架构师和专家通过几十个项目收集了大量的最佳实践,您可以将它们应用到自己的工作中。 ibm

Even now, specialists are thinking about the next version of HTML, solving every known issue in the current version.
即便现在,专家仍然在考虑 HTML的下一版本,解决当前版本中已知的所有问题。 ibm

If business managers were to have confidence in the outcome, they would want to keep their specialists on their own teams, not surrender them to a centralized authority.
如果业务经理对成果有信心,他们会想将他们的专家保留在他们自己的团队中,而不是将专家交付给一个集中权威。 ibm

Integration Specialists require capabilities to configure and orchestrate components in the development of integration solutions.
集成专家需要在集成解决方案的开发中配置和编排组件的能力。 ibm

It is said by the specialists that the Japanese yen would nosedive further.

Not all specialists will be convinced, though.
然而,并非所有专家都会相信他们。 yeeyan

One last job could give him back his life, but instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse; their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.
只有一种方法能让他回归正常的生活。而柯柏和他的专家团队要做的并不是强取豪夺,却是正相反——他们的任务是种下一个意念,而不是去偷一个。 yeeyan

So let me get this straight: You want a referral to three specialists, an MRI, the medication you saw on TV, and an extra hour for this visit.
那请恕我直言:你想要一个给这三位专家推荐,一次核磁共振检查,还有你在电视上看到的治疗和一个小时的访问。 yeeyan

So they consult lawyers and I.T. risk specialists to consider their options.
因此他们咨询律师和 I.T.的分险专家考虑他们的选择。 yeeyan

Some common tuning parameters are outlined in this article to help customers and I/ T specialists understand which configuration attributes could affect the overall performance of the system.
本文还对一些常见的调优参数进行了概述,有助于客户和 I/ T专家了解哪些配置属性能够影响系统的总体性能。 ibm

They hired curriculum consultants and specialists and experts.
他们雇用课程顾问、专家和学者。 yeeyan

This article is geared towards the novice user, but can be used by IT architects and specialists already familiar with this architecture.
本文适合初学者用户,但是对于已经熟悉这种架构的 IT架构师和专家也有一定的用处。 ibm

We’re specialists.
我们是专家。 yeeyan

We will pay all the specialists for their services rendered to us.
我方将支付所有专家为我方提供的服务费用。 hjenglish

You should communicate with a team of business analysts and IT specialists on various performance issues.
您应当同业务分析师及 IT专家小组对于各种性能问题进行交流。 ibm

Your desktop users or document specialists occasionally update instances on your servers, and you serve up the files just as you would any others.
您的桌面用户或文档专家偶尔会更新您服务器上的实例,而您就象提供任何其它文件一样提供这些文件。 ibm

Your server and applications specialists should be able to give sound advice based on the data you collected.
您的服务器和应用程序专家应该能够基于您收集的数据提供合理的建议。 ibm




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