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词汇 SPD
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A coalition of the Social Democratic Party SPD and the Greens looks poised to take control.
看起来,由社会民主党 SPD和绿党所组成的执政联盟已准备好执掌该市政权。 ecocn

And the SPD may yet be tempted to bail out of the coalition rather than go on seeing Ms Merkel gather both credit and strength.
此时,社民党可能更希望退出联盟而不是眼睁睁目睹默克尔提升她的声誉和增强她的实力。 ecocn

In many ways, some in the CDU are muttering, life was easier in the “grand coalition” with the Social Democratic Party SPD that ruled with a big majority until October.
一些基督民主联盟CDU内成员小声抱怨,在十月前和社会民主党 SPD组成的大联盟执政时期,他们的日子好过多了。 ecocn

Its decision in 1982 to abandon an alliance with the SPD in favour of one with the CDU triggered an exodus of left-leaning members.
1982年自民党为了与基民盟结合,结束了与社民党的联盟关系;这个决定使大批左派党人离开。 ecocn

Mr Müller's SPD challenger, Heiko Maas, a stiff, conscientious42-year-old, would prefer to govern just with the Greens but would accept the Left Party as a junior partner if necessary.
挑战米勒的是一位42岁海科•马斯,后者是一位严厉传统的社民党人,倾向于与绿党结盟执政,迫不得已才可能接受左翼党以次级结盟伙伴的身份加入。 ecocn

Pitted against both Mr Schröder and the SPD view is Mr Fischer, who has lent his support to the Nabucco pipeline, which would give the EU an alternative to Russian gas.
与格哈特•施罗德和 SPD观点相异的是约施卡•菲舍尔。他支持纳布科管道项目,这样,欧盟便不必完全依靠进口俄罗斯的天然气了。 ecocn

The notion that the SPD has lurched to the left is“ outrageous nonsense”, says Mr Beck.
贝克表示关于社民党转向左倾路线的想法完全是一派胡言。 ecocn

The party is unlikely to eclipse the SPD by the time of the next federal election in2013, but it could catch up soon after that.
绿党不像能在2013年下届联邦选举的时候战胜社会民主党,但是绿党却能够在那之后迅速的赶上来。 ecocn

The results mean more for the SPD, which hopes to break through the 30% ceiling in national polls.
对于一直希望打破30%国民选票上限的 SPD社会民主党而言,这个结果再好不过。 ecocn

The SPD has little prospect of translating state triumphs to the federal level now, because it rules out a coalition with the Left Party.
社民党由于排除了与左翼党结盟的可能,对于将胜利扩展到全国范围已不抱希望。 ecocn

The SPD chief, Kurt Beck, even says his party will cook up cuts of its own.
SPD领导科特贝克甚至说要设计他们自己的减税方案。 ecocn

With the votes of the SPD and Greens that may be enough to unseat the CDU premier, Peter Müller.
社民党与绿党的选票足以让萨尔基民盟总理彼得•米勒辞去萨尔州长一职。 ecocn

Although the SPD may still want to tweak the Agenda2010 reforms, the basic carrotand- stick principle behind them has not been abandoned, the party insists.
虽然社民党仍然希望对《2010年议程》进行改进,但他们重申不会摒弃蕴含在其中的胡萝卜加大棒原则。 ecocn

And she is hobbled politically because her centre-right Christian Democratic Union CDU is in a“ grand coalition” with the centre-left Social Democratic Party SPD.
并且她正受到自己所在的中右翼的基督教民主联盟基民盟与中左翼的社会民主党社民党组成的“大联盟”的困扰。 ecocn

At the social democrats' SPD congress in Hamburg, ex-chancellor Helmut Schmidt warned Merkel against a “ show of strength” or leadership role for Germany that would simply isolate it.
在汉堡社会民主党 SPD国会上,前财长赫尔穆特施密特警告默克尔,德国“炫耀力量”或者领导角色只会造成孤立。 yeeyan

But if she loses to Ms Maag she will still return to the Bundestag thanks to her number seven ranking on the SPD list.
即使输给了马格,在社民党比例名单上排位第七的她还是能回到联邦议院。 ecocn

But his coalition with the FDP could lose its majority, which could force the CDU to form either a grand coalition with the SPD or a partnership with the Greens.
但他与自民党的联盟有可能失去多数地位,这迫使基民盟要么与社民党组成联盟,要么与绿党合作。 ecocn

But on issues that usually matter more, like jobs, economic policy and education, they rate the Greens below the CDU and even the SPD.
然而在更重要的问题——例如工作、经济政策和教育上,他们认为绿党的能力不如基民盟,甚至是社民党。 ecocn

GERMANY’S grand coalition is supposedly a union of the centre-right Christian Democrats CDU and their left-leaning foes, the Social Democrats SPD.
德国的大联合政府一般认为是中间偏右的基督教民主联盟 CDU和他们的左派对手社会民主党 SPD的联合。 ecocn

If elections were held today, the polls suggest the SPD and the surging Greens would oust it from government see chart.
如果那次选举是在今天举行,数据显示社民党和日渐兴起的绿党将取代它的位置见图表。 ecocn

If the SPD limped on in government, that would not just strengthen the appeal of the Left but be a travesty of voters’ wishes.
如果社民党得以继续在政府中蹒跚而行,就不仅增强了中左联盟的申诉声,还是种对民意的歪曲。 ecocn

If they now start to paralyze the government, or drive it in the direction set by the SPD, she will lose her image as a leader capable of rising above political adversity.
现在如果这些分歧影响了政府的运作或让其朝着社民党主导的方向发展,那么默克尔夫人作为一位能够驾驭政治困境领导人的形象将被抹杀。 ecocn

In Rhineland- Palatinate the SPD’s share of the vote plunged from46% to 36%.
在莱茵兰-普法尔茨州,社民党的得票率从46%跳水至36%。 ecocn

In Rhineland- Palatinate, the CDU actually managed to increase its share of the vote slightly, although not by enough to topple Kurt Beck of the Social Democratic Party SPD.
在莱茵兰-普法尔茨州,基民盟的得票率实际上还稍微有所上涨,尽管仍不足于撼动社会民主党社民党的库特·贝克。 ecocn

In voters’ eyes Mrs Merkel outshone her previous government, a “ grand coalition” with the Social Democratic Party SPD.
在选民的眼中,默克尔本人比她上届与社会民主党社民党组成大联合政府更加耀眼。 yeeyan

In voters’ eyes Mrs Merkel outshone her previous government, a “ grand coalition” with the Social Democratic Party SPD. The SPD was ejected in2009, but voters chose to keep Mrs Merkel on.
在选民眼里,默克尔比起上届政府表现更出众,上届社会民主党 SPD与另两党组成的”大联合政府“在2009年选举中下台,但默克尔仍保住了职位。 ecocn

It does not help that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, an SPD leader and her main political rival, is also the foreign minister.
更糟糕的是,默克尔的主要政敌—社民党领导人施泰因迈尔是该国的外交部长。 ecocn

It is far from being a broad- based Volkspartei like the CDU and SPD, but it is happy in its expanding niche.
它与经验老道的基民盟以及社民党相比尚有很大差距,然而他们在自己扩张的领域中自得其乐。 hxen

Like all parties, the Greens tend to change their tune when they get closer to power, just as they did when they went into coalition with the SPD in the federal government of1998.
与所有党派相同,绿党人离权力越近,越有可能改弦更张,正如1998年与社民党联合组建联邦政府时所采取的措施一样。 ecocn

On such matters, the SPD is more progressive.
但在这些事务上, SPD更具进步性。 ecocn

Rather than join with the Left party and Greens, the SPD decided to open grand- coalition talks with the CDU.
SPD并未与左翼党以及绿党合作,而是选择了与 CDU举行大联盟谈判。 ecocn

She could jettison the FDP in favour of a “ grand coalition” with the opposition Social Democrat Party SPD, like the one she led until last year.
她可以抛弃自民党与反对党社会民主党社民党组成“伟大联盟”,正如她领导至去年的与社民党的联盟。 ecocn

The CDU took more than half a million votes that went to the SPD in 2005, largely because she positioned herself as more pro- equality and pro- state than the liberals.
基民盟斩获2005年社民党所获选票中的五十多万张选票,大部分原因是默克尔将自己定位成一个比自由派人士更追求平等,更支持国家导向经济的领导者。 topsage

The FDP was once part of almost every post- war government, as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD.
二战后,不管是作为基民盟还是社民党的执政小伙伴,自民党几乎每届都参与联盟执政。 topsage

The previous coalition government of the SPD and the Greens cut income- tax rates.
上届 SPD和绿党的联合政府下调了所得税率。 ecocn

The results reassured the CDU: it will probably continue in a “ grand coalition” with the Social Democrats SPD.
选举结果使基民盟再度确定它很有可能将与社会民主党社民党继续实行“大联合”执政。 ecocn

The idea is “ an illusion,” she says, in part because the Greens much prefer to govern with the SPD and even the Left Party.
“这纯粹只是一个幻想”,她说道。其中的部分原因是因为绿党跟社会民主党甚至一些左派政党都配合的很好。 yeeyan

The pitfall is that the SPD tends to be soft in its criticism of Russia over human rights and other issues—look at the behaviour of the present SPD foreign minister, Frank- Walter Steinmeier.
现在的问题是社会主义民主党 SPD在批评俄罗斯人权以及其他事宜方面不够强硬。 看看该党现任外交部长弗兰克-瓦尔特.施泰因迈尔的所作所为便可见一斑。 ecocn

The SPD, in particular, is going through a bad patch.
特别是社会民主党正在经历一个坏季节。 ecocn

They may well agree to allow nuclear plants to continue operating beyond2022, the deadline set by an earlier SPD- Green government.
他们都同意核电站在2022年,也就是之前绿色 SPD政府设定的最后日期,以后继续运作。 ecocn

This could spell trouble within the coalition, since the SPD still wants Turkey inside the union.
由于社民党依然希望土耳其入盟,这将招致联合政府内部的困境。 ecocn

What happens this year and next will be decisive, says Rainer Arnold, an SPD member of the Bundestag.
社会民主党的联邦议会议员莱纳.阿诺德说,今明两年发生的事情将是决定性的。 ecocn

With the crisis easing, voters are paying more attention to the SPD’s solidarity agenda.
但随着经济危机回暖,民众正把更多注意力放在 SPD的团结议程上来。 ecocn

With its preference for“ private over state” and “ freedom before equality”, the FDP's demands will be very different from the SPD's.
自民党更倾向于“私企接管国企”,“在自由基础上追求平等”,其政策要求将与社民党大相径庭。 topsage

The SPD had ruled out governing with the Left Party after this election.
SPD党排除了选举后结束后和左党一起执政的可能性。 ecocn

The SPD leans towards cutting social- security contributions, which would stimulate employment. The party largely backs Mr Steinbrück's goal of eliminating the federal deficit first.
SPD倾向于削减社会保障费用来刺激就业,党内大部分成员支持施泰因布吕克首先减少联邦赤字这一目标。 ecocn




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