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词汇 Spartans
释义 Spartans
And all will know that three hundred Spartans gave their last breath to defend it!

Go! Show the Spartans what we can do.

The ghostly Spartans nodded, and gave him the thumbs-up “ can-do” signal.
幽灵斯巴达们点头,给他一个翘拇指的“可以动手”的信号。 tianya

The Spartans huddled together, presenting the smallest target surface, their energy shields flaring as the crystal rounds detonated.
斯巴达们挤作一团,呈现出最小的目标面,当晶体弹爆炸的时候,他们的能量护盾爆发出一片闪光。 tianya

The Spartans withdrew their garrison from the Athenian Acropolis, and democracy was restored.
斯巴达人从雅典卫城撤回驻军,民主得以恢复。 yeeyan

Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight we dine in Hell!

As examples, there are the Spartans and the Romans.
作为例子,则是斯巴达人和罗马人。 yeeyan

He turned back to the Spartans.
他转向斯巴达们。 tianya

In fact, child soldiers have been around for millennia. The Spartans of ancient Greece, for example, relied heavily on boys as young as seven.
事实上,儿童兵已经存在了上千年,比如古希腊斯巴达人,7岁的男孩就要承担此重任。 yeeyan

In the open terrain though, without artillery or armor or air support, even Spartans would be cut down.
因为在开放的地形里,没有炮兵没有装甲没有空中支援,即使是斯巴达也会被干掉。 tianya

Nabis, Prince of the Spartans, withstood a siege by all of Greece and by one of Rome’s most victorious armies, and he defended his native city and his own state against them.
纳比斯,斯巴达的国王,顶住了一次由所有希腊城邦和罗马常胜军团发起的围城战,他保卫了自己的城邦和他自己的政权。 yeeyan

Spartan King Leonidas: We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself.

The Hunters fired, outlining both Spartans in the blinding green radiation for a split second.
猎人兄弟开火了,两个斯巴达的身影瞬间消失在眩目的绿色射线中。 tianya

The mighty Spartans— in lore, if not historical fact— marched with their battle standards, so to speak, unfurled and aflutter in the Aegean breeze.
那些强壮的斯巴达人----在传说中,如果不是那么追究历史的话----拿着军旗行进着,可以说,旗帜在爱琴海的微风中飘扬。 dict

They wished to hold Greece in almost the same manner as the Spartans held it, making it free and leaving it under its own laws, and they did not succeed.
他们希望用和斯巴达人一样的方式来统治希腊,让它保持自由并生活在自己的法律之下,而他们并没有成功。 yeeyan

Tom and Lucy nodded, and with help from Olivia and Mark, they gathered the fallen Spartans.
汤姆和露西点头,在奥利维亚和马克的帮助下,他们聚集了倒下的斯巴达。 tianya

When the boy was born… like all Spartans he was inspected. If he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would've been discarded.
当男孩被生下,像所有的斯巴达人一样他将受到检查,如果他瘦小、柔弱、多病、畸形,他将被遗弃。 cri

Yet I've never met an adversary that could offer me what we Spartans call a beautiful death.
我还没有遇上一个敌手能够给我一个我们斯巴达人叫做壮丽的死亡。 mynit

You were going to use it for the Spartans.
您准备为斯巴达们使用它。 tianya




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