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Spar·tan 英ˈspɑ:tən美ˈspɑrtn ★☆☆☆☆高GSCOCA²⁴¹¹⁹BNC¹⁸²³⁹iWeb¹³¹³³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺⁶ 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 a.斯巴达的;斯巴达式的;刚强的;勇敢的;好战的;严峻的;简朴的;艰苦的 n.斯巴达人;勇士;坚韧不拔的人;n.斯巴达人³⁰刚勇之人adj.斯巴达的¹⁹斯巴达人的¹¹斯巴达式的¹⁹斯巴达文化的⁷纪律性强的⁷复数spartans名词Spartanism;副词Spartanly名词Spartanism 俭朴节俭
Noun: a resident of Sparta Adjective: of or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its peopleresolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity;spartan courage unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment;a parent severe to the pitch of hostility a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien a strict disciplinarian a Spartan upbringing practicing great self-denial;Be systematically ascetic…do…something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it a desert nomad's austere life a spartan diet a spartan existence 古代希腊人中的斯巴达人生活清苦,崇尚武艺。整个斯巴达社会等于是个管理严格的大军营。斯巴达的婴儿呱呱落地时,就抱到长老哪里接受检查,如果长老认为他不健康,他就被抛到荒山野外的弃婴场去。母亲用烈酒给婴儿洗澡,如果他抽风或失去知觉,这就证明他体质不坚强,任他死去,因为他不可能成长为良好的战士。男孩子7岁前,由双亲抚养。父母从小就注意培养他们不爱哭、不挑食、不吵闹、不怕黑暗、不怕孤独的习惯。7岁后的男孩,被编入团队过集体的军事生活。他们要求对首领绝对服从,要求增强勇气、体力和残忍性,他们练习跑步、掷铁饼、拳击、击剑和殴斗等。为了训练孩子的服从性和忍耐性,他们每年在节日敬神时都要被皮鞭鞭打一次。他们跪在神殿前,火辣辣的皮鞭如雨点般落下,但不许求饶,不许喊叫。男孩到12岁,编入少年队。他们的生活更严酷了,光头赤脚,无论冬夏只穿一件外衣,平时食物很少,但鼓励他们到外面偷食物吃。 由于斯巴达的这种严格的军事化训练和清苦的生活方式,就从斯巴达的名称Sparta中产生了形容词spartan,表示“清苦的、质朴的”。 spartan:'spɑːtən adj.斯巴达式的,斯巴达的,清苦的,质朴的n.斯巴达人GRE红宝书源于古希腊军事重镇Sparta斯巴达, 他们以简朴、守纪和语言简练闻名. 音:斯巴达,意大利的斯巴达克思率起义军反抗罗马,他坚毅而艰苦;Sparta 斯巴达古希腊军事重镇 居民坚毅简朴自律勇敢 来自Sparta斯巴达 ,希腊城邦,以简朴刻苦的态度处世Spartan-来自⇒a.斯巴达的;斯巴达式的;刚强的;勇敢的;好战的;严峻的;简朴的;艰苦的 n.斯巴达人;勇士;坚韧不拔的人;n.斯巴达人³⁰;刚勇之人adj.斯巴达的¹⁹;斯巴达人的¹¹;斯巴达式的¹⁹;斯巴达文化的⁷;纪律性强的⁷来自Spartan斯巴达,希腊城邦,该地区的人以简朴刻苦的态度处世GRE难词记忆spartan→partisan n.党人→生活简朴的党人近义词 bare赤裸的basic基本的plain清楚的severe严厉的frugal节俭的simple简单的meager贫乏的austere简朴的ascetic禁欲的ascetical苦行的
形容词64%,名词36% 用作名词Only one among us keeps his Spartan reserve.我们之中只有一人仍保持着斯巴达人的缄默。用作形容词Only one among us keeps his Spartan reserve.我们之中只有一人仍保持着斯巴达人的缄默。 He realised the danger of envy, and preferred a Spartan form of existence, putting all the emphasis on inconspicuous but very ready and very hard cash.他知道遭人嫉妒是危险的,所以情愿采取斯巴达式的生活,而把全副精力用在钱财上。 Some people can slurp cabbage soup for a week and lose only a few ounces, while others on the samespartanregimen lose 10 pounds.有些人喝了一星期的甘蓝菜汤,只瘦了几十公克,有些人却靠著同样的斯巴达式饮食法瘦了五公斤。adj.economical 同义词 brave,hardy,plain,simpleaustere,bare-bones,courageous,disciplined,doughty,frugal,laconic,rigorous,undaunted 反义词 complex,complicated,decorated,difficult,embellished,intricate,ornate,unclearluxurious,opulent asceticadjective self-denying abstaining,abstemious,abstinent,austere,disciplined,puritanical,strict austereadjective grim, barren bald,bare,bare-bones,bleak,clean,dour,plain,primitive,rustic,severe,simple,spare,spartan,stark,subdued,unadorned,unembellished,vanilla bare-bonesadjective basic ascetic,austere,economical,no-frills,plain,spartan,unadorned,unembellished courageousadjective brave, bold Trojan,adventuresome,adventurous,assured,audacious,cool,daredevil,daring,dauntless,doughty,fearless,fiery,fire-eating,gallant,game,gritty,gutsy,hardy,heroic,high-spirited,impavid,indomitable,intrepid,lionhearted,nervy,plucky,red-blooded,resolute,spartan,stalwart,stand tall,stouthearted,strong,tenacious,tough,unafraid,undaunted,valiant,valorous,venturesome,venturous frugaladjective economical abstemious,canny,careful,chary,conserving,discreet,meager,meticulous,mingy,parsimonious,penny-pinching,penny-wise,preserving,provident,prudent,saving,scrimping,sparing,spartan,stingy,thrifty,tight,tightwad,unwasteful,wary minimalistadjective no more than required austere,basic,conservative,essential,minimal,minimum,moderate,spare,spartan,stark,unadulterated An ancient soldier of the Pharaoh, perhaps, or a mighty Spartan, or a lithe Shaolin monk. 他可能是穿越时空的法老卫士、骁勇善战的斯巴达勇士、亦或静若处子动若游龙的少林和尚。 yeeyan In the meantime he worked, taking no recreation except when he went to see Ruth, and living like a Spartan. 这时他干起了工作,过着斯巴达式的苦行生活,除了去看露丝从不消遣。 ebigear The old WASPs were notoriously cheap, sent their children to Spartan boarding schools, and insisted on financial sobriety. 原来的西方安格鲁·撒克逊清教徒们以吝啬出名,他们把孩子送到斯巴达的寄宿学校,坚持节俭。 yeeyan The Spartan simulator will not be the first time Alenia and Concurrent have teamed. 斯巴达模拟器将不会是阿莱尼亚与 Concurrent的第一次合作。 www.etiri.com.cn What we know is that living conditions in the first few years were harsh, improving after their trials to spartan. 据我们所知,在最初几年里,他们的生活条件恶劣。到审判之后,条件有所改善,但仍非常简陋。 yeeyan After the draining primary, he said, the Sestak campaign had been“ Spartan” and“ unorthodox”. 在令人精疲力尽的预选过后,这位人士表示,谢斯塔克的竞选活动一直以来都是“斯巴达式的”和“不正规的”。 ecocn And remember, unlike a certain scruffy nerf- herder, this Spartan always shoots first. 记住,不像某些肮脏的属性被 nerf的牧人,这个 Spartan总是先发炮的。 yeeyan At Anmin School about half of the pupils live in a cramped, spartan dormitory building in a muddy yard at the back of the barrack-like complex. 在安明中学,有大约一半的学生住在狭窄简陋的宿舍里,宿舍建在泥泞的院子里位于军营式的建筑后。 ecocn Bin Laden wears a dark wool cap, slightly rocking in his seat in the spartan surroundings. 本·拉登戴着一顶深色羊毛帽,在他斯巴达式的环境中轻轻摇着摇椅。 yeeyan Bungie won't be making the next Spartan saga in the Halo universe, but the company's made it so that whoever does will have a tough act to follow. Bungie将不会制作光晕世界的下一个斯巴达传奇,但公司已把该游戏其做到了后来者难望其项背的程度。 yeeyan But the Russian supply lines were intact and they were able to enjoy quarters which, though spartan, were not hemmed in by the enemy. 但是俄国人的补给线是完整的,尽管艰苦,但他们仍然可以在没有敌人包围的情况下,安心的呆在营房里。 yeeyan But no matter how Spartan an attitude I’ve always taken toward my stuff, I know it’s not realistic to move to New York without so much as a toothbrush. Is it? 但是,尽管我对行李抱有的态度是越简洁越好,我也知道如果一把牙刷都不带就迁往纽约的想法并不现实,是吧? yeeyan Clean and Spartan describe Subaru’s treatment of the Forester’s interior. 斯巴鲁森林人的人的空间可以用整洁和简朴来描述。 blog.sina.com.cn Enjolras, as the reader knows, had something of the Spartan and of the Puritan in his composition. 我们知道,安灼拉象个斯巴达人和清教徒。 ebigear Enjolras, who was grave, dominated it, in the attitude of a young Spartan sacrificing his naked sword to the sombre genius, Epidotas. 安灼拉严肃地坐镇街垒,他的姿势正如一个年轻的斯巴达人,他立誓要把光秃秃的剑奉献给忧郁的天才埃比陀达斯。 ebigear His neck and his ankles were thin, and he was pale in the manner of someone who is either very sick or very spartan. 他的脖子和脚踝很瘦,皮肤有种苍白的感觉,就像是个病人或过得非常简朴的人。 yeeyan I remember meeting some of them and reflecting on their Spartan lifestyles at their forward operating base. 我想起了在前线营运基地慰问他们时的情景,并反思他们斯巴达式的生活译注:充满压力的生活。 yeeyan In one of the units of Being, Space and Place, for example, pupils take on the role of an ancient Spartan who has to assess Athenian strengths and recommend a course of action. 比如,在“存在,空间和位置”课程里学生们扮演一个古代斯巴达人,来评估雅典人的实力,从而提出一系列的行动建议。 ecocn It has distinguished itself from rivals, partly by imposing a spartan design ethos and limiting how users can change the appearance of their profile pages. 而使它从竞争对手中脱颖而出的原因部分在于其简朴的设计理念以及限制用户更换个人主页界面外观的功能。 putclub Kerry had minor roles as an actor in the David Mamet films“State and Main” and “ Spartan.” 凯里在大卫·马麦电影导演的《欲望小镇》以及《斯巴达人》中担任过配角。 yeeyan The military provided accommodations but most homeowners would prefer a less spartan atmosphere. 军队建造了住宿处,但发射井现在的主人们可能不会喜欢那种斯巴达的气氛。 yeeyan The HTML code to produce this widget is surprisingly spartan. 用于生产这个小部件的 HTML代码出奇地简单。 ibm What customer is willing to pay the price of a luxury sedan for a spartan vehicle whose operating radius barely extends beyond the range of commuter trains? 用买辆豪华轿车的钱买朴素汽车,顾客愿意买行程半径刚超出市郊往返列车范围的车吗? yeeyan When they got back and had to wait in line, as they often did, the only thing they had to look at in the spartan revenue offices was a picture of the governor smiling down on them. 等他们赶回到税务署之后,像往常那样,还要排一会儿队,在这期间,在这个简朴的税务署里,他们不知不觉地把目光投到墙上的州长照片上,照片中的州长俯视着他们,脸上带着微笑。 yeeyan You don’t have to go all Spartan and give up coffee forever for the rest of your life. 你不必要过上斯巴达式的简朴生活,在你的余生完全放弃咖啡。 yeeyan |