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词汇 Sparta
释义 Spar·ta 英ˈspɑːtə美ˈspɑrtəAHDspärʹtə 

an ancient Greek city famous for military prowess; the dominant city of the Peloponnesus prior to the 4th century BC古希腊城邦,Laconia 王国首府,人民以崇尚简朴,勇猛好战,说话简洁,国家实行军事化 管理著称。名字可能来自希腊语 sparte,绳子,草绳,来自 PIE*sper,编织,词源同 spiral.据说 斯巴达人投草为界,并以此为城。实际上,斯巴达也是既没有城墙,也没有像样的街道。参 照百度百科及电影《斯巴达 300 勇士》。Spartana.斯巴达的斯巴达式的刚强的勇敢的好战的严峻的简朴的艰苦的n.斯巴达人勇士坚韧不拔的人

用作名词We heardSpartawas on the warpath.我们听说斯巴达在出征路途上。
And whenSpartaburns, you shall bathe in gold.当斯巴达被火烧的时候,你们讲沐浴在黄金里。 Because the Athenians were so badly outnumbered they sent him to bring help from Sparta.
事情的原委是这样的:雅典人觉得他们的军队寡不敌众,所以派人去斯巴达搬救兵。 yeeyan

I’m counting on a more democratic, Athenian-style of thinking at home to balance Sparta.
我指望在家里实现一个更加民主,雅典式的思考环境,以平衡学校的斯巴达风格。 yeeyan

I’m counting on a more democratic, Athenian-style of thinking at home to balance Sparta.
我希望有一种更民主,雅典式的自由思想风气能平衡斯巴达式的教育。 yeeyan

It is likely that he served in the cavalry in various campaigns against Sparta.
他可能曾经多次在对抗斯巴达人的战役中作为骑兵服役。 yeeyan

The new porcelain range includes a porcelain version of the best selling Cambridge and Sparta mug whilst also offering some eye catching shapes such as the Lancaster.
新的瓷器范围包括了最畅销的剑桥和斯巴达杯,同时也提供一些醒目的流行的款形如兰开斯特瓷版。 yeeyan

The Peloponnesian conflict of the fifth century against Sparta and her allies was criticised by many contemporaries as being“ without just cause”.
五世纪伯罗奔尼撒反对斯巴达及其联盟的运动被当时的许多人批判,称其为“缺乏正义”。 dict

Thucydides famously attributed the Peloponnesian War to the rise in power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta.
将伯罗奔尼撒战争归因于雅典的崛起及其崛起在斯巴达引起的恐慌是修昔底德的著名论断。 yeeyan

As in democratic Athens of430BC before defeat by Sparta we are seeing the collapse of the hapless democratic model which leads eventually to appalling policy making followed by disintegration.
正如在公元前430的民主雅典被斯巴达击败之前,我们目睹了民主模式的不幸倒塌,以及崩溃后一系列骇人听闻的政策的制定。 yeeyan

ECONOMISTS turn over the hows and whys of the Depression in much the same way as statesmen once reflected on the decline of Rome or the eclipse of Athens by Sparta.
经济家们思考大萧条发展形式和原因的方法与政治家分析古罗马之衰落和雅典被斯巴达推翻时使用的方式大体是一样的。 ecocn

Ever since Thucydides observed that the shift in power from Sparta to Athens was the fundamental cause of the Peloponnesian War, scholars have watched such moments with apprehension.
自从修昔底德指出权力从斯巴达转移到雅典的根本原因是伯罗奔尼撒战争,学者们看到这样的时刻不无忧虑。 yeeyan

Ever since Sparta led the Peloponnesian League against Athens, they say, declining powers have failed to give way fast enough to satisfy rising powers.
他们说,自从斯巴达带领伯罗奔尼撒联盟抗击雅典人开始,衰落的强权无法让位得足够快来满足崛起的强权。 yeeyan

From ancient Sparta and Athens to Britain and Germany a century ago, hegemony and upstarts have tended to collide, rather than cooperate.
从远古的斯巴达与雅典,到一个世纪以前的英国与德国,霸主与新星之间倾向于对抗而非合作。 tesoon

He opened the 'Pharmacy' road for the battle group to use and24 hours later found and disarmed31 IEDs on route' Sparta'.

He went to Sparta, where, as Aphrodite had told him, the most beautiful woman of the time, Helen, lived.
他来到斯巴达,因为阿芙罗狄蒂曾经告诉他,当时最美的女子——海伦就住在那儿。 ebigear

Helen of Troy, the daughter of King Tyndareus of Sparta, would become the cause of the epic Trojan War that lasted more than ten years.
斯巴达国王廷达瑞俄斯的女儿特洛伊的海伦就成了这场持续了十年之久的大规模战争的导火索。 joyen

His book The End of Sparta will appear in2011.
他执笔的《斯巴达的末日》一书将于2011年出版。 yeeyan

It has followed us since Sparta.
它从斯巴达就开始跟着我们了。 iciba

Kristen Nagy, an18-year-old from Sparta, N. J., sends and receives500 text messages a day.
克莉丝汀纳吉 Kristen Nagy,来自新泽西州斯巴达小镇的18岁女孩,平均每天要收发500条左右的短信。 yeeyan

Menelaus forgave her and brought her back to Sparta.
曼纽拉斯原谅了她并把她带回斯巴达。 kekenet

Our army will stay in Sparta.
我们的军队会留在斯巴达。 iciba

Our education system is like ancient Sparta.
我们的教育系统就像是古代斯巴达人那样。 yeeyan

Paris came to Sparta, and when he saw Helen, he indeed fell in love with her.
帕里斯出使斯巴达时,看到海伦后便一见钟情。 joyen

Plato was in his early twenties when Athens was defeated by Sparta, and when the second oligarch dictatorship was established.
当雅典被斯巴达击败,第二次寡头独裁统治建立的时候,柏拉图年仅二十几岁。 yeeyan

She was the daughter of Zeus and was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta, by her stepfather.
她是宙斯的女儿,她的继父把她嫁给了斯巴达国王梅纳雷阿斯。 kekenet

They fled Sparta to the city of Troy.
他们逃到斯巴达到了特洛伊城。 youeredu

Within his own lifetime, Aristotle would see Athens, Sparta, and the other great cities of Greece swallowed up by the great Macedonian Empire to the north.




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