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spar·ring AHDˈspäriŋ,-pȧr-,-rēŋ 高四G宝COCA³⁷⁹¹⁶BNC³⁰⁶⁵³iWeb²²⁰¹⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.拳击⁵⁴;争论³⁵动词spar的现在分词形式¹¹.原型spar的现在分词 争吵争斗打击
Noun: an argument in which the participants are trying to gain some advantagemaking the motions of attack and defense with the fists and arms; a part of training for a boxersparring partner拳击练习的对手… GRE红宝书spar 拳击,圆材;音:死 + bar 棒子,杆,拿杆子打死→用拳头攻击;spear 矛;spur 刺激,鞭策sparr…者=er-ing动名词⇒n.拳击⁵⁴;争论动词spar的现在分词形式.近义词 spar拳击 Psparring-matchn.示范性拳赛争论
名词100% Have you beensparringwith Helen again?你又一直在与海伦争吵吗? The boxers sparred for a while taking each other's measure.拳击手彼此冲杀了一会儿,试探对方情况。 The two boys weesparringand John tapped George's claret.约翰和乔治在打架,结果约翰把乔治的鼻子打出血了。as in.fighting 同义词 battling,belligerent,boxing,brawling,contending,determined,fencing,hostile,jousting,martial,militantskirmishingtilting,warmongering,wrestlingangry,argumentative,bellicose,combative,contentious,disputatious,disputative,ferocious,hawkish,jingoistic,militaristic,pugnacious,quarrelsome,ready to fight,resolute,scrappy,truculent,unbeatable,under arms,up in arms 反义词 kind,nice,peaceful,peacelovingas in.boxing 同义词 battle,mill,prelim,prizefighting,pugilism,slugfestglove game,the ring boxingnoun punching competition battle,glove game,mill,prelim,prizefighting,pugilism,slugfest,the ring fightingadjective aggressive, warlike angry,argumentative,battling,bellicose,belligerent,boxing,brawling,combative,contending,contentious,determined,disputatious,disputative,fencing,ferocious,hawkish,hostile,jingoistic,jousting,martial,militant,militaristic,pugnacious,quarrelsome,ready to fight,resolute,scrappyskirmishingsparring,tilting,truculent,unbeatable,under arms,up in arms,warmongering,wrestling He may find a useful ally in his old sparring partner, John McCain. 而他曾经的老对手约翰麦凯恩或许是一个很好的合作伙伴。 ecocn Lawyers for Pepsi and Coca- Cola will soon be sparring over claims made in attack ads. 百事可乐与可口可乐不久将要就攻击性广告对簿公堂。 ecocn Ryan and his older brother Reno, a decorated judoka in his own right, share a house there and Ryan was often his brother's sparring partner. 他和哥哥里诺合住一栋房子。 里诺也是一名不错的柔道手,经常充当瑞安的陪练。 hxen The fangs are not teeth, but bony jaw protrusions that are present only in males and are likely used for sparring. 我们看到的獠牙其实不是牙,而是骨状突鄂,仅见于雄鱼,可能用于同性争斗。 yeeyan The sparring between the two Internet entrepreneurs comes as Yahoo’s profit falls and the field of potential suitors continues to grow. 在这两位互联网创始人对垒之际,雅虎盈利下跌,而潜在收购方所在的领域却在不断增长。 forbeschina “ We're all interested in longevity, ” says Harburg, who's studied the health effects of spousal sparring for over30 years. “人们都希望延年益寿,”已经在夫妇争吵对健康的影响议题上研究了30多年的哈勃格说道。 yeeyan As Yulia Mostovaya, the editor of Zerkalo Nedeli, a weekly, explains, by putting Ms Tymoshenko in jail, Mr Yanukovich has both lost a useful sparring partner and united a fractious opposition. 正如《明镜周刊》编辑尤利娅.莫斯托瓦娅所言,把季莫申科女士送进监狱不仅让亚努科维奇先生失去了一位辩论的好搭档,还使得难以对付的反对派也团结了起来。 ecocn But already the leaders of the military campaign are sparring ahead of an election due next year. 但是这场军事行动的领导人们却在争论着即将于明年举行的大选。 ecocn Craig, Obama's sparring partner lined up for Tampa, was a stand- in for President George Bush while John Kerry prepared for the2004 debates. 奥巴马的拍档克雷格正在飞往坦帕,他曾为总统乔治•布什2004年的辩论预演中担任过约翰•克里的角色。 yeeyan Imagine what fun it would be sparring with each other at home! 想想看跟你的恋人在家里练习拳击会多么有趣! kekenet In response, the F.D.A. postponed the testing, and now the two sides are sparring over how much danger the antibiotics pose and the best way to ensure that the drugs do not end up in the milk supply. 作为回应, F.D.A推迟了检测计划,现在双方为抗生素会造成多大的危险,什么才是确保供应的牛奶中没有药物污染的上佳之策各执一词。 yeeyan In New York, for instance, while the sport’s legal status was contested for decades, fights nonetheless took place, often as“exhibitions” or sparring demonstrations. 例如在纽约,尽管拳击的合法地位数十年间都处在争议之中,但拳赛照样举办,不过是以“拳击表演”的名义。 yeeyan In Tae Kwon Do, the extra endurance really gave a boost to my sparring skills as well. 在跆拳道方面,额外的耐力也让我的拳击技术大有长进。 yeeyan It could also be that the Kremlin needs a sparring partner that it can convert into a lightning-rod for people’s anger with the rich and powerful when the time comes. 还有种可能,克里姆林宫需要一个进行友好辩论的对手,时机一到,就把又富有又有实力的对手变成人民愤怒的避雷针。 ecocn Laura and Bernard were, by Wood’s account, a sparring but companionate couple. 按照伍德的描述,劳拉和伯纳德是虽有争吵,但基本是和睦的一对。 yeeyan McCarthy's dialogue is like this: every question sets up a one-two punch, and most of the sparring partners sound alike. 麦卡锡笔下的对白就像是这样:每个问题都只有一问一答,而且问答的双方大部分都口径一致。 yeeyan Mr Netanyahu has been quick to realise that public sparring with a much strengthened American president is no longer sensible. 内塔尼亚胡已经很快的认识到一个强势的美国总统的庇护是不现实的。 ecocn Our allegiance is to ourselves— our friends, our new allies and acquaintances, even our sparring partners. 我们只对自己人效忠——我们的朋友,我们的新伙伴以及熟人,甚至我们的拳击练习的对手。 yeeyan Some Chinese commentators say the verbal sparring is a sign of greater trade friction to come with Washington. 一些中国的评论家认为这次矛盾是一个信号,表明与华盛顿之间的贸易磨擦将会加剧。 yeeyan Their father-son spats, truly some of the film’s best sparring, is what gives it heart. 他们父子之间的争执,可以说是片中最佳的拳台对阵,才是整部电影核心。 i21st Urgency was precisely what was lacking until the final stages, until then the teams were merely politely sparring. 直到最后阶段,两队都只是礼貌性地陪练,紧迫性恰恰是最缺乏的。 yeeyan Sparring between secularists and Islamists, left and right, has marred the emerging debates over the new constitutions that both countries hope to draft by next year. 世俗主义者与伊斯兰主义者以及左派与右派间争执不休,阻碍了对新宪法的讨论,而两国都希望明年能出台新宪法。 ecocn Sparring over line calls in tennis stopped after video replay was allowed in2006. 在录像回放在2006年引入网球后,关于出界球的判罚争议便终止了。 yeeyan |