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词汇 sparer
释义 spar·er AHDˈspaar,-per- COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
vt. 节省,节约,舍不得,吝惜

keep from using, spending, etc.

vt. 抽出,让给,分出,匀出,腾出

give up sb/sth that is not being used or is not needed; afford to give

vt. 省去,免除

save sb need or trouble

vt. 饶恕,赦免,不伤害

keep from punishing, harming, attacking, or killing


not in use but kept for use if needed, not needed for use, free


rather thin

C 备件

spare part for a machine, car, etc., especially an extra wheel for a car

an extra component of a machine or other apparatusan extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehiclea score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls
thin and fit;

the spare figure of a marathon runner

a body kept trim by exercise

more than is needed, desired, or required;

trying to lose excess weight

found some extra change lying on the dresser

yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant

skills made redundant by technological advance

sleeping in the spare room

supernumerary ornamentation

it was supererogatory of her to gloat

delete superfluous or unnecessary words

extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts

surplus cheese distributed to the needy

not taken up by scheduled activities;

a free hour between classes

spare time on my hands

kept in reserve especially for emergency use;

a reserve supply of food

a spare tire

spare parts

lacking in amplitude or quantity;

a bare livelihood

a scanty harvest

a spare diet

lacking embellishment or ornamentation;

a plain hair style

unembellished white walls

functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete

refrain from harmingsave or relieve from an experience or action;

I'll spare you from having to apologize formally

give up what is not strictly needed;

he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey

use frugally or carefully

❌ I am very sorry I have spare so much of your time.

✔️ I am very sorry I have taken so much of your time.


It was a horrible accident.—I'll spare you the details.

❌ 这是一起可怕的事故——我将告诉你细节。

✔️ 这是一起可怕的事故——我不会告诉你细节。

Can you spare a few pennies for a cup of coffee?

❌ 你能省下几便士买杯咖啡吗?

✔️ 你能付几便士买杯咖啡吗?


spare, save


spare表示节省、节约,强调舍不得和爱惜的意味; save指省下不花,用于储蓄或积攒。例如:

If there is any food left over, save it for later.要是有食物剩下来,就留着以后吃吧。spare, forgive


spare往往指放过不杀,保全性命; forgive则指“宽恕”,饶过某人的过失,不涉及丧命与否。例如:

We forgave our friends' faults.我们宽恕朋友们的过失。下面两句意思相同:

Can you spare me a few minutes today?

Can you spare a few minutes for me today?我能占用你几分钟时间吗?
spare, emaciated, haggard, lean, thin


spare指人的身材给人以美感的瘦; thin既可指人的身材,也可指人的身体某部位瘦,大多数指因疾病或疲劳而消瘦; emaciated表示的“瘦”主要是由疾病和营养不良造成的; haggard指人的面孔憔悴的,枯槁的,主要是由于忧虑和少眠所致; lean指人天生瘦,是缺少脂肪的意思。例如:

She was a tall, spare girl.她是个瘦高个儿的姑娘。
His face was thin.他的脸瘦。
He was emaciated by long illness.他由于长期生病而瘦弱了。
The haggard faces of the rescued miners showed what they had suffered.被救出的矿工枯槁的面容表明他们遭受了什么样的苦难。
He had the lean fit look of a trained athlete.他具有一个受过训练的运动员的清瘦而健康的面容。直接源自古英语的sparian,意为免受伤害
用作动词 v.
~+名词spare coal节约煤spare no cost不惜成本,不惜代价spare no efforts不遗余力spare no expenses不惜工本spare no pains全力以赴spare sb's blushes不以过奖的话使某人难为情spare sb's feelings不伤害某人的感情,不使某人难过spare sb's life饶某人的命spare the rod娇惯孩子用作形容词 adj.~+名词spare cash余款spare frame瘦长的身材spare meals粗茶淡饭spare parts备用零件spare pencil多余的铅笔spare ticket多余的票
spare for v.+prep.

为…拨出〔抽出,省出〕be willing to give up (money, time or thought to sb/sth)

spare sb/sth for sb/sth/v-ingCan you spare one of them for me?你能匀出一个给我吗?
Can you spare one of your sandwiches for this hungry boy?能把你的三明治让给这饥饿的孩子一个吗?
I can't spare the time for a holiday at present.目前我抽不出时间来度假。
Spare your energy for some other work.你节省点精力做其他工作。
We could barely manage to spare a few men for ploughing.我们只能勉强匀出几个人来耕地。用作形容词adj.go spare

烦恼,难过 become very annoyed or upset

spar-er名人|物⇒adj.备用的¹⁶;多余的³³;闲置的v.抽出¹⁴;饶恕;赦免;节约n.备用品;剩余adj.剩下的;空闲的;额外的;瘦的;少量的;不足的;贫乏的;节约的;俭省的;俭朴的;风格不加渲染的;不加掩饰的;简朴的;他人不需要的v.拔出;出让;让给;节约¹⁰;俭省;吝啬;用不着;略去;省掉;使免遭;免去;解除;剩下;摒绝;放弃;宽容;不伤害n.备用轮胎;备用零件;备用房间;姘妇;地滚球戏的二击全倒;二击全倒得分;由此的得分近义词 savefreelankleanslimextraslightunusedforgiveunwantedset apartset asideemergencyv. reserveshowadj. economical反义词adj. necessary
S+~+ n./pron.Are you sure you can spare these tapes?你能肯定这些磁带你们暂时不用吗?
She spared neither pain nor trouble.她不辞辛劳。
More pancakes, please, and don't spare the syrup.请再来些薄烤饼,多放些糖浆。
She never spares the butter when baking.她烤点心时从不吝惜黄油。
He can't spare any time today.他今天抽不出身。
I'm afraid we have little time to spare these few days.恐怕这几天我们抽不出时间来。
Thank you all very, very much for sparing your valuable time.十分感谢你们能抽出宝贵的时间。
Dr. Smith is too busy with his work to spare any time except on Sunday.史密斯医生忙得除了星期天外都没空。
This medicine can spare you from pain.这种药能够止痛。
He decided to spare the prisoner's life.他决定饶这囚犯一命。
His tongue spares nobody.他那张嘴不饶人。
Point out our faults.Don't spare us.请指出我们的错误,别讲情面。
Spare me,I'll own up.饶了我这条命吧,我坦白。
He spares neither himself nor his employees.他对自己和雇员都很严格。
No time can be spared.一点时间都抽不出来。
The prisoner was spared.囚犯被赦免一死。
We may meet again if we are spared.如果我们不死,还会见面的。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vLet's spare no efforts to carry out the plan.让我们不遗余力地实现这个计划吧。
Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition?你能抽出时间来看看我们的画展吗?
They spared nothing to help us.他们尽全力帮我们。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Can you spare me a ticket?你是否有多余的票让给我一张?
I wish I could spare you the trouble of going there.但愿我不必麻烦你去那里。
Please spare me your opinion, just tell me the facts.请不要讲你的看法,只讲事实好了。
I answered the letter myself in order to spare you the trouble.为了你省事,我自己回了信。
They wanted to spare her the suffering.他们想要分担她的痛苦。
I would give everything if I could spare them unhappiness.如果能让他们不受痛苦,我愿意付出任何代价。
You may spare yourself the trouble.你不必费神。
He might have spared himself the trouble.他本来可以不必自找麻烦。
You might be spared a great deal of trouble.你可以免去许多麻烦。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.I have no spare money.我没有余钱。
He was reading hard and had less spare time他正在苦读,几乎没有空余时间。
In the spare time, he put me in the picture.在休息的时候他把情况告诉了我。
When you have spare time, you'll make a phone call.你有时间就给我打电话。
He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time.他不知如何打发业余时间。
“Have you a spare one?”“No, it's my only copy.”“你有多余的吗?”“不,我只有一本。”
Do you carry a spare wheel in the back of your car?你在车后带了一个备用的轮胎吗?
You always ought to carry some spare money.你应该经常带些钱。
Further to our letter of February 7th, we can now confirm that all the spare parts you requested are available.为了对我们2月7日那封信作进一步的说明,我们现在可以保证你们所要的零件都有现货。
I am accustomed to a spare diet.我习惯于简单的饮食。
Fat people should live on a spare diet.肥胖的人要节制饮食。
She allowed herself only these spare meals a day.她每天只吃点粗茶淡饭。
The workers cursed the spare machines.工人们咒骂那些粗制滥造的机器。
Lincoln was a tall, spare man.林肯是个又高又瘦的人。
His tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.他那修长的身材给人以深刻印象。
S+be+~These pieces of bread are spare,I don't need them.这些面包是多余的,我不需要。
Is this seat spare?这个座位没有人坐吗?S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe study is very spare of furniture.这间书房内家具极少。
He is spare of speech.他少言寡语。
He is spare of shoulders.他的肩不宽。用作名词n.I've got a puncture and my spare is flat too!我的轮胎扎破了,备用的也瘪了!
I'll show you where the spares are kept.我来指给你看放备件的地方。





spare oneself的意思是“偷懒,不努力”,指吝惜花出的力量,对自己不严格要求,常用于否定形式。








Can you spare me a few yuan?第一句的使用比较普遍。


He said he could spare me only ten minutes.他说他抽出给我的只有十分钟”。
Please stay with us. We have a spare room for you.请住下吧,我们有给你的备用房间。用作动词No trouble wassparedto ensure our comfort.为了我们舒适用作名词 But is their increasingly fervent devotion enough to thwart the spread of a sparer and more businesslike style of punctuation, from which apostrophes will be omitted?
不过,他们持续上升的热烈支持是否足以阻止撇号的消失,阻止更节省的,更符合商业习惯的标点的推广呢? yeeyan




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