

单词 spanked
释义 spank·ed 英spæŋk美spæŋk COCA⁶⁰³⁸⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a slap with the flat of the hand
give a spanking to; subject to a spanking近义词 larrup 打slap侮辱paddle桨flog鞭打whip鞭子whack敲击tan棕褐色speed速度strap皮带strike罢工wallop重击switch转换smack掌击声hit打击scourge灾难thrash打谷

用作及物动词Behave yourself, or I'llspankyou.放规矩点,否则我会揍你的。
Say one more word, and I willspankyou.再多说一个字,那么我就打你屁股。
If I was naughty, they wouldspankme.我如果调皮捣蛋的话,他们就会打我屁股,用作不及物动词The ship isspankingalong.船在平稳前进。用作名词The boy got a soundspanking.那男孩的屁股着实挨了一顿巴掌。
I gave him aspankfor being so rude.他竟如此无礼,我打了他一巴掌。 Conciliatory pony ride after being spanked by bother Jack.
骑在大人身上,哥哥杰克照。 kuenglish

On the other hand, children who were fussier at age 1 were more likely to be spanked and verbally punished.
另一面那些一岁左右的挑剔的孩子,越有可能被打屁股和口头上的斥责。 transcn

The practice has its defenders, and Straus himself admits, with chagrin in his voice, that he spanked his own son.
连斯特劳斯自己都懊恼地承认,他有时候会打孩子屁股。 blog.sina.com.cn

Valentine’s Day traces its roots to an ancient pagan holiday called Lupercalia, in which men stripped naked, grabbed whips, and spanked young women in hopes of increasing their fertility.
情人节的起源可以追溯到一个叫做 Lupercalia的古老的佩甘假日,当时男人脱光衣服,手持鞭子,鞭打年轻女性,希望以此提高她们的生育能力。 yeeyan

We might imagine that Hans and Fritz Faustkeil are told on Monday, “ Don't go near the water, ” and that both go wading and are spanked for it.
假设有两个小孩,汉斯和佛瑞兹,星期一时,大人告诫他们说:“不可以到水边去玩。” blog.sina.com.cn

You ready to get spanked?
准备好出发了吗? engxue.com

A patent search turned up a device used for initiation rites dating back as far as1900 that shocked and spanked its user.
经过搜寻后,我发现早在1900年,就有一项专利装置是藉由电击和打屁股让使用者养成某种习惯。 bioon

Does he get spanked beaten?
你会打他屁股或揍他吗? blog.sina.com.cn

He blubbered like a child who had been spanked.
保育员打了一下那个淘气的孩子的屁股。 hotdic

He says the more they are spanked, the slower their mental development.
他说惩罚的越多,孩子的思想发展就越慢。 unsv

He tied her to a bed, forced her to perform several extreme sexual acts, and then spanked her.
他把她绑在床上,强迫她跟他无所不用其极地干了好几回,还扇了她的屁股。 yeeyan

His article was spanked by the public.

I rest my hot hand, the hand with which I have spanked you, on your bare bottom and just leave it there.
我会让我发热的手休息一下,我打你的那只手会继续的留在你的屁股上。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you don't stop disturbing, your buttocks would be spanked.

In this paper, the samples selected for the time spanked1993 to2008, during the times the greatest impact on the M& A cases should be the non- tratble share reform.
本文样本选取的时间跨度为1993年到2008年,这期间对并购影响最大的事件应该是股权分置改革。 fabiao

Learning theory contends that BDSM represents a form of conditioning; specifically, when a young boy becomes aroused while being spanked over his mother's lap.
“学习理论”主张, BDSM意味这一种形式的训练;特别是,当一个未成熟的男孩在母亲的膝上被打屁股时而开始被唤起了。 yeeyan

Mr. Woodcock: You must like getting spanked Farley I guess it runs in the family.
伍德考克先生:你肯定非常想继承法利家的光荣传统不用说我猜你们家代代如此。 ppqu

My bike spanked down the hill.

She always spanked Jim to sleep, and she never kissed him good-night; on the contrary, she boxed his ears when she was ready to leave him.
她总是用打屁股的办法催吉姆睡觉,从来不吻他来道晚安;相反,起身离开时,还要赏他几个耳光。 joyen

Unforgiving metal bondage keeps her on the cold ground as she is flogged and spanked until her ass is red and then Beverly hungrily sucks Berlin's feet and pussy.
无情的金属束缚使她的冷地面,因为她是鞭打和屁股,直到她的屁股是红色的,然后,贝弗利饥饿吸收柏林的脚和猫。 boxavbbs.com

You ought to be spanked!
你该打屁股! kekenet




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