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词汇 space
释义 space 英speɪs美spesAHDspās ★★★★☆小中高四六研IT牛4COCA⁵⁹⁴BNC⁷²³iWeb³⁹⁰Economist⁸⁸¹

U 空间,距离

sth measurable in length, width, or depth, distance, area, or volume that can be used or filled by a physical object, room

U 范围,处所,场所空位,空地

a quantity or bit of this for an often stated purpose, land not built on

U 宇宙空间,太空; 天空

what is outside the Earth's air, where the stars and planets are; that which surrounds all objects and doesn't continue outwards in all directions

C 间隔,空白处

an area or distance left between written or printed words, lines, etc.

C 一段时间,期间

a period of time

vt. 把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间

place apart ; arrange with spaces between

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located;

they tested his ability to locate objects in space

the boundless regions of the infinite

an empty area usually bounded in some way between things;

the architect left space in front of the building

they stopped at an open space in the jungle

the space between his teeth

an area reserved for some particular purpose;

the laboratory's floor space

any location outside the Earth's atmosphere;

the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether

the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth

a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing;

he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet

the interval between two times;

the distance from birth to death

it all happened in the space of 10 minutes

a blank area;

write your name in the space provided

one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff;

the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E

printing a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences
place at intervals;

Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates

space, heaven, sky, universe

这组词都有“天”的意思,它们之间的区别是:heaven指与earth地或hell地狱相对的“天国,天堂”,也可以指“天空”,常用复数形式heavens; sky意思是“天空”,指广阔的天空或某一地区的“上空,云端”,在文学语言中,有时也用复数形式skies; space作“空间,太空”讲,是普通用语,强调空间概念; universe的意思是“宇宙,全世界,天地万物”,强调物质概念。例如:

There were no clouds in the sky.天上没有云。
Which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies.为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。
The earth moves through space.地球在太空运行。
Tess was conscious of neither time nor space.苔丝既没有意识到时间又没有意识到空间。
Our world is but small part of the universe.我们的地球只不过是宇宙的一小部分。
They thought the earth was the centre of the universe.他们认为地球是宇宙的中心。
space, align, range


space是及物动词,表示“把某事物按一定距离排开”; align只讲把某事物排成一行对齐,有时也可用于抽象意义; range一词着重强调排成行和有一定次序。例如:

The troops aligned.部队排成一行。
The general ranged his men along the river bank.将军令其士兵沿河岸排队。room,place,space


room有两层含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二表示人或物体所占的“空间或场所”、处事的“余地”等意思,是不可数名词,可用little,much,no,plenty等词修饰。可构成make room for给…让出地方;take up room占地方;leave room for留出空间给…等短语。

place指人们从事各种活动的“地方,场所,位置”,是可数名词,常用的短语有take one’s place就坐,入席;in place在适当的位置。







来自拉丁语spatium,空间,区域,一段时间,可能来自原始印欧语*spe,展开,拉长,词源同span, spoon。后引申诸相关词义。拼写比较vice, vitiate。space-age太空时代的,非常先进的space,太空,age,时代。引申比喻义先进的。 span来自古英语span,拃,张开大拇指和小拇指的距离。来自动词spannan,张开,展开,绑定,连接。来自原始日耳曼语*spannan,张开,拉开。来自原始印欧语*spen,张开,拉开,悬挂,词源同pendulum, depend。引申诸相关词义。 spoon来自中古英语spone,勺,匙,木片。来自古英语spon,木片,削片。来自原始日耳曼语*spenuz,木片,削片。来自原始印欧语*spe,长木条,词源同spade。 vice来自拉丁语vitium,缺陷,过错,污点,字母c, t音变,词源同vicious, vitiate。引申词义罪行。 vitiate来自拉丁语vitium,错误,缺陷,污点,词源同vice, vicious。即中伤,找茬,伤害等。 space来自拉丁语spatium,空间,区域,一段时间,可能来自原始印欧语*spe,展开,拉长,词源同span, spoon。后引申诸相关词义。拼写比较vice, vitiate。space-age太空时代的,非常先进的space,太空,age,时代。引申比喻义先进的。 age来自原始印欧语*aiw,生命力,词源同longevity,长寿。 space来自拉丁语spatium,空间,区域,一段时间,可能来自原始印欧语*spe,展开,拉长,词源同span, spoon。后引申诸相关词义。拼写比较vice, vitiate。space-age太空时代的,非常先进的space,太空,age,时代。引申比喻义先进的。 age来自原始印欧语*aiw,生命力,词源同longevity,长寿。
用作名词 n.
动词+~afford space提供场地block up a space堵塞场地clear a space清扫场地disappear into space消失在空中extend a space扩大场地fill in a space填充空白处lack of space缺少面积〔篇幅〕leave space for给…留出余地〔空白,场地〕limit a space限制场地move through space在太空运行occupy space占据空间provide space提供场地save space节省空间〔篇幅〕take up space占用空间〔篇幅〕形容词+~empty space空地,空间enough space足够的空间〔余地〕interplanetary space太空,上层空间much space很大的余地〔篇幅〕narrow space狭窄的空间open space空旷的场地outer space外层空间wide space空旷场所名词+~air space太空floor space楼层面积newspaper space报纸版面office space办公用地介词+~after a space片刻后in space在太空中in the space of a moment一瞬间~+介词space between…之间的空间space between the houses房子间的距离space for为…而留出的空间space for a bed铺一张床的空间space of ten miles十英里的距离space of this article本文的篇幅space of three days三日间用作动词 v.~+副词space evenly均匀地隔开space apart与…相隔space out留间隔,把…拉开距离
用作名词n.breathing space

起码的活动空间 space at least can be breathingThe train was so crowded that there was hardly breathing space.火车上挤得简直喘不过气来。

for a space

一段时间 a period of time

from space to space

每隔一定的距离 have area or distance at every sth

space apart v.+adv.

与…相隔 place apart

space sth ⇔ apartSpace the desk two meters apart so that the pupils can't cheat.把桌子按两米的间隔摆开以防学生作弊。
The posts are to be spaced ten feet apart.各柱子间要相隔10英尺远。
space out v.+adv.

留间隔,把…拉开距离 arrange with spaces between

space sth ⇔ outIn designing the houses,space out them from 10 to 12 yards apart.在设计房子时,两座房子之间要留出10至12码的间隔。
They have to space out payments over five years.他们必须在五年内分期付款。
We spaced our family out over three years.我们生育子女的时间是在三年之内均匀相隔。
The pictures in the gallery were well spaced out.画廊中各幅画的间隔安排得很好。故事记忆西游记有一段 Preface序言刻在无花果的 Surface表面说天空好大的 Space空间猴王翻筋斗好 Grace优美誓把玉皇大帝 Replace取伐被捉后关进了 Fireplace壁炉非常记忆sp视频〖拼音〗+a苹果〖编码〗+ce厕〖拼音〗⇒视频里有苹果的厕所空间很大backspacing反绕…⇒n.空间⁷⁶近义词 roomrangen. arealocationouterspacev. align反义词 time时间
用作名词n.The philosopher speculated about time and space.这位哲学家在思索时间和空间问题。
Tess was conscious of neither time nor space.苔丝既没有意识到时间,又没有意识到空间。
There is massive space in that huge vessel.那艘大船容量很大。
The tug eased into the narrow docking space.拖船小心地驶入狭窄的码头停泊处。
The box won't wedge into such a narrow space.那盒子塞不进那么窄的地方。
Since space is limited,I shall touch on the language laboratory only very briefly.由于篇幅所限,有关这个语言实验室,我只能简略地提一提。
I shall devote some space to describing my own experiences.我将花一些篇幅描述自己的经历。
In the space of ten miles the road rises 1000 feet.在10英里的距离中,路面上升了1000英尺。
Where the book had been there was just an empty space.原放书的地方正好有个空位。
Please save a space for me in the queue.请在排的队中给我留一个位子。
I couldn't find a parking space.我未能找到空地停车。
Many blank spaces are still left in the suburbs.郊区仍留有许多空地。
They are going to build offices in the open space next to our factory.他们要在我们工厂旁边的空地上盖办公楼。
There isn't enough space in this room for three beds.这个房间没有足够的空间放三张床。
The earth moves through space.地球在太空运行。
Three American astronauts climbed into aspaceship and an immense rocket shot them into space.三名美国宇航员进入飞船,一枚巨大的火箭把他们送入了太空。
Cosmic rays travel great distances through space.宇宙射线在太空旅行很长距离。
Physical sciences deal with the knowledge of the world and space.自然科学是有关世界和宇宙的知识。
I don't think he saw me, he was just staring into space.我想他并没有看见我,他只是凝视着天空。
Put as much space as possible between the lines.尽量拉开各行间的距离。
Please leave a space between the lines for the necessary corrections.请在行间留出点距离,便于做必要的修改。
Leave a space after that word.在该词之后留下间隔。
She has a wide space between her teeth.她有个大牙缝。
Leave a space between words.单词与单词之间要留一空格。
Write your name in the blank space.把你的名字写在空白处。
Press the “space” to start the game!按空格键进入游戏。
Let us rest a space.让我们休息一会儿。
Can you finish eating in the space of an hour?一个小时的空余时间,你能吃完吗?
He has not seen his brother for the space of ten years.他已有十年没有见过他兄弟了。
There's been a 100% increase in sales within the space of only two years.销售量仅在两年内就增加了100%。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Space your words evenly when you write.写字的时候,字与字之间要均匀地分开。
Space the chairs so that there is room for people to walk between them.把椅子间隔摆放,以便人们从中走过。
The letter was wellspaced.信中的间隔距离处理得很整齐。Pdarkspace暗区Pspacelike类空Pspacebar空格键Pworkspace工作区Phalf-space半空格Pspace-timea.时空Pafter-space空白行Pheadspace顶部空间Plymph-space淋巴隙Pspace-group空间群Pspace-sharing分区Pspacesuitn.太空衣Pairspacen.空域空间Pgeospacen.地球空间Pmonospaced单空格的Pspacewardad.向太空Pspaceshipn.宇宙飞船Pspacewalkn.太空行走Pastrospacen.星际空间Pdouble-spacev.隔行打Pspacecraftn.航天飞船Pspacewomann.女宇航员Psubspace子空间子空间Pgopherspacegopher空间Pouter-space外层空间法Pspace-lattice空间点阵Pcyberspace空间网控空间Phyperspace超空间多维空间Pspace-oriented面向空间的Pspace-savinga.节省篇幅的Pspacemann.航天专家宇航员Pspaceflightn.外层空间飞行Pbackspacevi.退后一格n.退格Paerospacen.航天空间航天技术Pspaced-outa.精神恍惚的昏沉沉的Pspacern.空格杆逆电流器定位格架每空两行打字Pspacelessa.无穷的不占地位的无限的单行打字单行印刷Pspaceportn.火箭、导弹和卫星的试验发射中心Pinterspacen.空间中间空隙vt.使留空隙占据…之间








用作名词There is plenty ofspaceto move about.这里有很大的活动空间。
I only have a small workingspace.我只有一间很小的办公室。
A missile was projected intospace.导弹被发射升空。
It's easier for small car to find a parkingspace.小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。
The children were given little personalspaceor privacy.孩子们的空闲时间很少,私人空间也非常小。
Write your name and address in thespacesbelow.把你的名字和地址写在下面的空格里。
It was an amazing achievement in such a shortspaceof time.这么短的时间内取得这样的成就,真是了不起。用作动词I decided tospaceout payments over five years .我打算在5年内分期付款。
Say that again please, Ispacedfor a minute.请再说一遍,我刚刚走了一会儿神。
I completelyspacedthat math assignment!我完全忘了数学作业。, scope
同义词 area,arena,capacity,distance,field,location,slot,spot,territory,zoneamplitude,blank,breadth,compass,expanse,expansion,extension,extent,gap,headroom,headway,infinity,interval,lacuna,leeway,margin,omission,play,range,reach,spaciousness,sphere,spread,stretch,tract,turf,volumeelbowroom
反义词 extreme,limitation,stagnationnoun.time interval
同义词 timebit,duration,period,season,span,spell,stretch,term,while
ambitnoun extent
aperturenoun hole
areanoun extent, scope of a surface
areasnoun extent, scope of a surface
atmospherenoun general feeling or mood
air,ambience,aura,background,character,climate,color,environment,feel,feeling,flavor,impression,local color,medium,mood,place,property,quality,scene,semblance,sense,space,spirit,surroundings,taste,tone
bitnoun short period of time
instant,jiffy,little while,minute,moment,second,space,spell,stretch,tick,while What happens when we go to space?
当我们进入太空时,会发生什么? yeeyan

All these create an inviting space for me to work at any time of the day.
对我来说,在一天中的任何时候,所有这些都营造了一个温馨的工作空间。 yeeyan

Are you in space or something?
你是在太空或是某些东西? putclub

But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.
但是如果我们想继续生存下去超过一百年,我们将来就应该去太空。 yeeyan

But we have neither the space problem nor the control.
但我们既没有空间问题,也没有控制权。 icxo




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