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词汇 s&p
释义 s&pEconomist³⁴³⁷
The companies chosen for the S&P500 generally have the largest market value within their industry.

According to an index compiled by Jianping Mei and Michael Moses of New York University, fine art has outperformed the S&P500 in each of the past five years.
根据纽约大学的梅建平和迈克尔•摩西汇编的指数显示,在过去五年里,艺术品的收益超过了标准普尔500任一年的股票收益。 ecocn

Analysts at S&P reckon that the revenues of large states, such as Texas, California and New York, would have to fall by 45% or more for debt service to be jeopardised.
标准普尔分析员认为诸如德州、加州和纽约这样大的州的财政收入估计要下跌45%左右或更多,这损害了市政债券的债务偿还。 ecocn

As Mr Obama embarked on his tour, S&P fired a warning shot to Washington by putting America’s credit outlook on negative watch for the first time.
奥巴马开始他的巡演期时,标准普尔首次把美国的信用前景调到了负面观察级别,这对于华盛顿来说无疑是个警告。 ecocn

Before releasing its report, S&P notified the Treasury Department, which soon discovered that the firm had overstated cumulative deficits by some $2 trillion, inflating the debt by 8% of GDP in2021.
在发布报告之前,标普通知了财政部,财政部立即发现该公司将累积赤字高估了2万亿左右,并预测2021年债务将增加国内生产总值的8%。 yeeyan

Britain, France and Germany all have AAA ratings and lots of debt. But as S&P notes, they have credible medium-term plans to bring it under control.
同样被列为AAA信用评级的英国、法国和德国都负债累累,但标准普尔指出,它们都有可靠的中期计划控制债务。 ecocn

But it resembles one of those Greek myths when the hero's power is accompanied by a curse; in this case, a political system that is not designed for serious deficit- cuttingthe point made by S&P.
但这类似于一个希腊神话——英雄的魔力伴随着诅咒;在这个问题中,一个政权体系并不真的为消减赤字而设这正是标准普尔所指出的。 ecocn

However, if the agencies wanted to plead innocence, this was not the ideal time for S&P to part company with its president, Kathleen Corbet, so that she could“ spend more time with her family”.
无论如何,信评公司要想证明自己的清白。但对于标准普尔来说现在不是个时候让它们的总裁凯瑟琳·科贝特辞职,而使她可以“更多的陪伴家人”。 ecocn

If you were a CEO of an S&P 500 company last year and your pay only went up28%, then sorry, but half your peers did better than you.
如果你是一家标准普尔500 S&P500公司的 CEO,而你去年的工资却只涨了28%,那可真是不值一提,因为在你的同行中,有一半人的加薪幅度都超过了你。 fortunechina

News Corporation is one of ten firms in the S&P500 that particularly worry GMI.
新闻集团是特别让 GMI公司担心的标准普尔500指数中十大公司之一。 ecocn

This is another great reason to invest in an S&P500 index fund: It comprises stocks from virtually every sector.
这是另一个投资的标准普尔500指数基金的理由:它实际上包含了各个方面的股票。 yeeyan

To this extent, it will resemble an exchange traded fundETF, whose value is that of a basket of equities, such as the Dow Jones industrial average, or the S&P500.
从这个意义来说,它将类似于一种上市交易基金,其价值就是一篮子证券的价值,比如道琼斯工业平均指数或标准普尔500指数。 yeeyan




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