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词汇 sp
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A service pack SP contains groups of Program Temporary Fixes PTFs for highly pervasive issues.
服务包 SP包含几组针对非常普遍的问题的程序临时补丁Program Temporary Fixes, PTF。 ibm

According to Michael C. Kennedy, his Microsoft contacts say the fix will be included in. NET2.0 SP2. The release date for this is unknown.
据 Michael C. Kennedy所说,他所联系到的微软员工称这个问题会在. NET2.0 SP2中解决,不过其发布日期还不确定。 infoq

An email notification indicating whether a new SP has been released will be sent.
将发送一封电子邮件通知,以说明新的 SP是否已发布。 ibm

Another team is responsible for developing the SOA- SP, perhaps multiple teams each developing a few services.
另一个团队负责开发 SOA- SP,或许存在多个负责此项任务的团队,而每个团队负责开发若干服务。 ibm

For the test scenario, “ stock broker” was an IBM T42 laptop, with 2GB RAM, using Windows XP SP2.
对于测试场景,“股票经纪公司”是一台 IBM T42笔记本, RAM为2GB,使用 Windows XP SP2操作系统。 ibm

For benchmarking it though I decided to run it on my Windows7 SP1 system so that the forthcoming Internet Explorer9 could get its innings in.
不过我还是决定在我的 Windows7 SP1系统上做基准程序测试,以便让即将发布的 IE9能够加入比赛。 yeeyan

From previous studies, it's known that SP causes inflammation and is used by the brain's neurons to help send white blood cells to injured areas of the body.
根据之前的研究, SP被认为会引起发炎,也会被脑部的神经组织用来帮助运输白细胞到身体受伤的部位。 yeeyan

How do I create and schedule a task that would check weekly for a new SP release for example, every Thursday at 3:00 AM?
我应该如何创建和实现每个星期检查新的 SP发布的计划任务例如,每个星期四的凌晨 3:00? ibm

If SP isn't the most blasphemous creation in the history of all mankind, I'd say it's fairly close.
如果南方公园不是人类史上最亵渎神明的作品,我敢说它也非常接近了。 yeeyan

In the template of service request description, SP will specify the conditional input requirements.
在服务请求描述模板中, SP将指定条件型输入要求。 ibm

In other experiments, they discovered that“knocking” out the gene that produces SP in transgenic mice lowered their chances of acquiring the condition.
在其他的实验里,他们发现在转基因白鼠中,剔除那些制造“ SP”物质的基因会降低他们得到那种疾病的概率。 yeeyan

Instead, we recommend that you install the latest TL or SP, since these are tested as a unit and they go through a longer test cycle.
相反,我们建议您安装最新的 TL或 SP,因为将它们作为一个单元进行了测试,并且经历了较长的测试周期。 ibm

Like most volcanoes in this field, SP Crater is a basalt cinder cone.
同本地震带上大多数火山一样,机动式火山口是玄武岩火山灰锥。 yeeyan

Resistance to SP has also developed in parts of the country, primarily in the east.
在刚果金的有些地区主要是在西部地区也出现了对 SP的抗药性。 worldbank

Running a non- thread- safe SP or UDF in a multi-threaded process could cause unpredictable problems.
在一个多线程的进程中运行一个非线程安全的 SP或 UDF会导致不可预测的问题。 ibm

Similarly, for infants living in high- transmission areas of Africa,3 doses of intermittent preventive treatment with SP is recommended delivered alongside routine vaccinations.
同样,对非洲高传播地区的儿童,建议除在常规疫苗接种外,进行3剂磺胺多辛—乙胺嘧啶间歇性预防治疗。 who

The appliance, therefore acts as an STS for a SP, and it creates a security token for the exchange between the authenticated initiator and the application.
因此,这个设备充当一个 SP的 STS,它为经过验证的发起者和应用程序之间的交流创建一个安全令牌。 ibm

The Java class which will be invoked when this Java SP is called, will have code to invoke the Web service.
调用此 Java SP时将调用的 Java类中将包含调用 Web服务的代码。 ibm

This feature allows the service processor SP to isolate faults and log events that take place right up to the point of the actual failure.
这个特性让服务处理器 SP能够隔离错误,并在日志中记录在实际故障点之前发生的事件。 ibm

When the SP receives the service request, it will process the request XML document to identify the requested service then process the corresponding requests and reply to the requester.
SP接收到服务请求时,它将处理请求 XML文档,以标识所请求的服务,然后处理相应的请求并返回给请求程序。 ibm

When lava erupts from these structures, it frequently flows out of breaches on the side, and that appears to be the case at SP Crater.
当火山岩浆从这种地质结构中喷出,持续不断的熔岩从山体的一侧流下来,便形成了机动式火山口。 yeeyan

While a post- SP1 beta is planned, developers have to choose one or the other in the mean time.
然而一个 post- SP1测试版正在计划之中,开发者不得不在此期间选择其他的工具。 infoq

SP Crater is a cinder cone, a conical structure made up of volcanic fragments, often glassy rocks containing bubbles of trapped gas.
机动式火山口是指火山碎片形成的火山灰锥,这种锥状结构通常由含有气泡的、透明光亮岩体组成。 yeeyan




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