释义 |
soybean product 基本例句 豆制品 Soymilk is asoybean productrich in nutrients.However, during heating treatment of soymilk the conversion between isoflavone isomers may decrease its biological activity.豆浆为营养价值高的大豆制品之一,但制程中因加热步骤易造成异黄酮素含量减少及异构物间的转化,而降低生理活性。 Using small and medium-sized test units, we inquire into the practicality and economy of pre-treatina the yellow hogwash yielded during the production of the soybean products.采用小型和中型试验装置利用酵母菌对豆制品生产中产生的黄泔水进行预处理,对其实用性和经济性进行了探讨。 |