

单词 Sowton
释义 SowtonBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
MrSowtonand Mr Burnaby, and a few of the other more elderly ladies and gentlemen, began at length to think it time to return home.最终索顿先生、伯纳比先生和其他几个年长的先生太太们觉得该是回家的时候了。
“Fortunately, we haven't eaten up all the good things, Harry,” exclaimed MrSowton, dragging the midshipman, nothing loth, to the well-spread cloth.“幸运的是我们还没有把所有的好东西都吃光,哈里。”
He was discovered by BenSowton, who is boss of the featured world-class brand Bargrooves and Seamless Recordings.As am ambassador of Bargooves, he continues to be busy with his DJ career.他被拥有着世界级电音厂牌Bargrooves and Seamless Recordings的老板BenSowton发掘.;作为Bargrooves的代言使者,他继续繁忙着他的DJ 事业。
and MrSowtonand Billy Burnaby acting, as they said, as whippers-in, began shouting and screeching at the top of their voices.自封为这次聚餐活动的指挥官,索顿先生和伯纳比先生大声地呼喊着,招呼人们准备出发。




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