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词汇 Sowell
释义 Sowell
The question of who these intellectuals are does not much interest Sowell.
索厄尔对这些知识分子是谁并不感兴趣。 yeeyan

“ Well, the only thing I want to say is, I'm sorry”, said Anthony Sowell during a30- minute unsworn statement.

Sowell, who spent15 years in prison for a rape committed in1989, was known as a local“ scrapper” who would earn money by harvesting metal from rubbish and skips.
因受1989年一桩强奸案的指控已在监狱中监禁15年,在当地以“搜旧物者”的身份生活,它通过从垃圾废物中搜集金属来挣钱。 yeeyan

As the house burns down, Sowell observes that the fire-resistant curtains seem to be holding up.
打个比方,就好像当房子着了火,他的着眼点却在拉起的窗帘可以防火。 yeeyan

As a black conservative, he occupies a visible perch, and has not been shy in advancing tough critiques of busing and affirmative action. Sowell gets noticed.
作为一名保守党成员,他的黑人身份令他备受关注,时常处于风口浪尖;他致力于积极推进社会种族融合以及改善社会不平等,勇于面对各方强硬的批评。 yeeyan

Crowds have gathered outside Sowell's home holding posters of missing relatives and loved ones.
人们聚集在 Sowell房屋的外面,举着失踪亲属和爱人的标语。 yeeyan

In the Conservative Series on American Politics, Sowell has given us the Idiot's Guide to Intellectuals, Big Print Edition.
在美国政坛保守党的这一系列作品中,索厄尔的作品只能称得上是《傻瓜指南之知识分子》。 yeeyan

Is the aggressive foreign policy Sowell cherishes “ working” in Iraq after eight years?
难道这种被索厄尔抱有希望的侵略性外交政策真的在伊拉克发挥了作用? yeeyan

Like many conservatives, Sowell stands tall in the name of the people against the intellectual elite.
索厄尔和保守党的许多人一样,是反对知识分子精英的中坚力量。 yeeyan

Moreover, if they buy Posner in paperback instead of Sowell in hardback, they will save10 bucks.
而且如果他们买波斯纳的平装本而不是索厄尔的精装本,他们还可以节约10块钱。 yeeyan

Moreover, many intellectuals opposed appeasement, a fact about which Sowell seems to know nothing.
而且索厄尔还不知道当时是有许多知识分子反对绥靖政策的。 yeeyan

Never was a leader of a democratic nation more acclaimed than Neville Chamberlain, writes Sowell, when he returned from Munich with an agreement with Hitler.
索厄尔写道,当张伯伦在慕尼黑与希特勒达成一致后回国,他受到民众盛赞,历史上再没有哪个民主国家的领导者获得如此肯定。 yeeyan

Putting aside those bigger issues, Sowell slams Western intellectuals for their misconceptions about society.
抛开这些大问题,索厄尔还抨击西方知识分子对社会存在误解。 yeeyan

The police had originally been looking to question Sowell after a woman accused him of rape and assault.
因为有妇女控告其强奸和侵犯,警方原计划对 Sowell进行讯问。 yeeyan

What does Sowell say about the Iraq war—its motivating ideas and the role of intellectuals in it?
索厄尔对于伊拉克战争的动机和知识分子在其中的作用进行了说明吗? yeeyan




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