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词汇 Soviet
释义 so·vi·et 英ˈsəʊviːˌet美ˈsoviˌɛt英'səʊviət美'soʊviet ★★★☆☆高四六4iWeb⁵⁰¹⁴Economist¹¹⁴⁶
an elected governmental council in a communist country especially one that is a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
of or relating to or characteristic of the former Soviet Union or its people;

Soviet leaders

来自俄语名词sovet苏维埃,意思是“委员会”、“议会”。Soviet苏联的Soviet Russia苏联Soviet Union苏联
近义词 red红色的
Sovietsn.布尔什维克苏联人; Sovietologistn.研究苏维埃制度的专家苏联问题专家

用作形容词Zhukov was a marshal of the formerSovietUnion.朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。
I look up and see theSovietflag on the moon.我抬头看见苏联的国旗在月球上飘扬。
TheSovietbase would not soon collapse.苏维埃的基础不会马上崩溃的。
TheSovietwere adopted by the Bolsheviks, as the basic organizing unit of society.布尔什维克采用了苏维埃的形式,使之成为社会的基础组织。用作名词TheSovietbase would not soon collapse.苏维埃的基础不会马上崩溃的。
For someSovietintellectuals this poses a problem.对于有些苏维埃知识分子来说,这造成了一个问题。 About half of all Soviet reactors employgraphite rather than water.
苏联的反应堆中,一半使用了石墨,而不是水。 yeeyan

As he fell, I saw enough of him to remember the look on his face and recognize his rifle as an old Soviet model.
他倒下去的过程我完完整整的看见了,至今我还记得他脸上的表情,也认出他手上拿的是老式的苏联步枪。 yeeyan

What did this tell us about the Soviet system and the people who ran it?
关于苏联的这种体制以及他们的领导人,这种表演告诉我们什么? yeeyan

All of this discredited the negative views promulgated by the Soviet media.
所有这些都反驳了苏联媒体对西方所做的负面宣传。 yeeyan

At very first glance, there are similarities between Moscow and Kiev, where Soviet monuments share the skyline with the signs of rapid, if uneven, economic growth.
看第一眼,莫斯科和基辅之间有相似的地方,苏维埃的遗迹与快速的、如果是不均匀的经济发展共享地平线。 ecocn

But his critics say he risks turning into a parody of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev who ruled the USSR from1964 until his death in 1982.
但是他的批评者认为普京是在拙劣地模仿从1964年直到1982年去世一直统治前苏联的领导人勃列日涅夫。 worlduc

He hoped that after peace the British Government would not prohibit the publication of the Soviet Constitution.
列宁希望实现和平之后,英国政府不会禁止《苏维埃宪法》的发行。 yeeyan

He argues that Brussels is the new Moscow, the European Union a successor to the Soviet Union.
他认为,布鲁塞尔就是新的莫斯科,而欧洲联盟亦是苏维埃联盟的继承者。 yeeyan

He believed he would never return to Russia after his exile, but in1994 was welcomed back to the post- Soviet state.
他相信他在流亡之后再也无法返回俄罗斯,但是在1994年他却被欢迎返回那个后苏联国家。 ecocn

He belongs to what was once the Soviet intelligentsia, and is more interested in business than rockets.
他属于曾经的苏维埃知识分子团体,而且他在商业方面比火箭更有兴趣。 ecocn

Her work for others, slap in the face of Soviet bureaucracy and the KGB, piled up from that moment.
从那时起,她为别人做的事越来越多,这无异于一记记击在苏联官僚和克格勃脸上的耳光。 ecocn

His destiny would change with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late 1979.
他的命运随着苏联在1979年末入侵阿富汗而改变。 yeeyan

I had therefore reduced all my curiosity to three questions, to which the authoritative answers could be given only by Lenin himself, the head of the Government of the Soviet Republic.
因此,我不得不将自己所有的好奇心减少为三个问题。这三个问题的官方答案只能由列宁自己来解答,因为他是苏维埃共和国政府的领袖。 yeeyan

If there is one consolation for the West, it's that while the SVR's obsession with the West is a holdover from Soviet times, so, evidently, are some of its techniques.
如果对西方来说有什么安慰的话,那就是 SVR对西方的“迷恋”是一脉相承自苏联时代的,所以,它所使用的技巧方法就相当明晰了。 yeeyan

In Russia, Lenin at one stage exhorted Soviet workers to “try out every scientific and progressive suggestion of the Taylor system”.
而在苏俄,列宁在演讲台上呼吁苏联工人“实践每一个泰勒系统里的既科学又先进的建议。” ecocn

Instead of a common Soviet enemy, the allies must confront common threats; and instead of defending their borders from invasion, they must go far beyond them.
没有了苏联这个共同的敌人,该联盟必须面对其他普遍威胁;不单是守卫边疆防止入侵,他们还将走得更远。 ecocn

It is less corrupt than most former Soviet republics and one of the easiest places in the world to do business, according to the World Bank.
根据世界银行的报告,它的腐败比绝大多数前苏联共和国都要少,同也是世界上做生意最方便的地方之一。 ecocn

My major was Russian and Soviet studies.
我的专业是俄语和苏联研究。 ebigear

On the picture below you may see a sales area of an ordinary Soviet“ supermarket”.
在下面这幅图片中,你可以看到一个普通“苏联超市”的售货区。 yeeyan

They believed this would produce a better life for all, a goal they shared with much of the international avant-garde and, they thought, with the Soviet government.
他们认为这样能提高所有人的生活—一个和世界上大多数前卫艺术家以及他们认为苏维埃政府共同分享的目标。 ecocn

Though he yearned for the defeat of the fascist invaders, he makes German soldiers out to be not monsters, but like their Soviet counterparts— humans consigned to an inhuman mincing machine.
虽然他渴望打败法西斯侵略者,但在他的笔下德国士兵不是怪物,而是象苏联士兵一样的人,被训练成了残忍的杀人机器。 ecocn

To mark the introduction of the new Soviet constitution in 1977, the authorities adopted them.
为了庆祝1977年开始实行的新的苏联宪法,当局采用了这套歌词。 ecocn

Today we are again trying not to be Soviet, but the new generation is different.
而今天,我们又一次努力不做苏联人。但是这新的一代是不同的。 ecocn

Yes, it's unfair that so much of our future is determined by what we did in high school, as if we were some Soviet Olympic team.
我们的未来会怎样,是由我们在高中时的所做所为决定了的,就好像我们是苏联的奥运代表队一样。是的,这并不公平。 yeeyan




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