

单词 souvenirs
释义 souvenirs 英suːvə'niəz美suːvə'niəz 高ICOCA²⁰³⁵⁹BNC¹⁷²⁴⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 souvenir:
something of sentimental valuea reminder of past eventsas in.memorabilia
同义词 collectiblesannals,archives,keepsakes,relics,remembrances,reminders,tokens,trophies
memorabilianoun mementos
memorabiliasnoun mementos
annals,archives,collectibles,keepsakes,relics,remembrances,reminders,souvenirs,tokens,trophies And this time, we made souvenirs for the British Royal wedding.
如今,我们为英国皇室婚礼制作纪念品。 hxen

Avoid all products and souvenirs made from animals, including all fur, ivory, shells, seahorses, teeth, rhino horn and turtle shell products.
拒绝一切用动物做成的产品和纪念品,包括皮草,象牙,贝壳,海马,动物牙齿制品,犀牛角和龟壳制品。 yeeyan

Have you ever been to Mexico City and haggled with the locals over souvenirs?
你有没有到墨西哥城与当地人讨价还价过旅游纪念品? yeeyan

I won’t mortgage my liberty and my life for the sake of souvenirs.
我不会为了一些纪念品,而用我的自由以及生活来作抵押。 yeeyan

If prices of souvenirs and food seem far above the local community standard, tell the guide you would like to go elsewhere.
如果纪念品的价格高出市场平均价格很多,告诉导游你想去别的地方转转。 yeeyan

It seems likely that, eventually, only books that have value as souvenirs, gifts or artefacts will remain bound in paper.
这样看来,发展到最后,只有那些作为纪念品,礼物或是工艺品的书籍才会以纸的形式存在。 ecocn

More than a hundred vendors sold everything from earthquake souvenirs to food.
一百多个商贩兜售着从地震纪念品到食物的几乎所有东西。 yeeyan

Moreover, I think it will be a fashion to buy souvenirs about him.
她说道,“况且我认为购买关于他的纪念品将会成为一种潮流。” i21st

Muggings, carjackings and kidnappings await, so you are advised not to stop the car for souvenirs.
抢劫、车匪路霸和绑架也会等着你,所以千万不要停下车来买什么纪念品。 yeeyan

Once you emerge, the square feels like a tourist zone; the Chinese are there mostly to buy and sell cheap souvenirs.
现在你再去,天安门就像一个旅游胜地,中国人大部分在那买廉价的旅游纪念品。 yeeyan

She spent the morning buying souvenirs.
她上午去买纪念品了. kekenet

Slowly but surely the Wall would be dismantled, as people made off with their very special souvenirs.
这些墙慢慢地但肯定会被拆除,因为人们要拆下它作为特别的纪念品。 yeeyan

So when people in the UK buy their royal wedding souvenirs they will find that many have a made-in- China stamp.
所以,当英国人购买皇室婚礼纪念品时,他们会发现许多物品上都会印有“中国制造”字样。 yeeyan

Some soldiers apparently kept body parts of their victims, including a skull, as souvenirs.
有些士兵显然把受害者的部分遗体包括一个头骨当成了纪念品。 yeeyan

There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs.
有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。 xuegoo

They gave us souvenirs, and some newspapers wrote stories about us, resulting in pleasant meetings with others who came out to hear us play.
他们给我们纪念品和一些报道过我们故事的报纸,这些让我们认识了更多来听我们演奏的人。 yeeyan

They will be either used at the wedding or given to wedding guests as souvenirs.
这些瓷器将在婚礼上使用,或者作为纪念品送给婚礼来宾。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Under the supervision of professional artisans and trainers, people with disabilities made their own artwork and souvenirs for sale in souvenir shops throughout Armenia and at charity events.
在专业工艺人员和培训师的监督指导下,残疾人自己制作工艺品及纪念品,并在亚美尼亚各纪念品商店及慈善活动中出售。 un

Use sentimental items like pictures and souvenirs to put together a memorable present for a friend or family member.
把让人容易动情的图片和纪念品放到一起,为朋友或家人做一个有纪念意义的礼物。 yeeyan

When your time with us is over, and you return to your homes, you will take with you not only souvenirs and pictures, but also your experience of the real Africa.
当你离开这里的时候,你回答自己的国家,你带回去的不仅是纪念品、照片,还有你对非洲这个国家的真正体验。 yeeyan

With some areas experiencing increases in diseases like HIV and syphilis, today’s one-night stands have added risks, and you don't want to be bringing home any unwanted souvenirs.
随着一些地区疾病如艾滋病、梅毒发病率的不断提高,如今的一夜情已经增加的风险。 当然,你肯定也不想带回家任何本不想要的“纪念品”。 yeeyan

You can buy different souvenirs at these houses.
在这些房子里可以买到不同的纪念品。 yeeyan




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