

单词 barf
释义 barf 英bɑːf美bɑrfAHDbärf ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶¹³⁰⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³⁶⁰⁷⁸
the matter ejected in vomiting
eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;

After drinking too much, the students vomited

He purged continuously

The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

拟声词。Barf out!太糟糕了!加州…barf someone out让某人感到不快(加州…
近义词 教育养育呕出cat猫cast掷spew喷出puke呕吐vomit吐出retch作呕spue 吐出purge整肃chuck抛掷sick有病的bring up提出sick up呕吐upchuck呕吐regorge倒流be sick呕吐throw up呕吐hurl用力投掷vomit up呕吐disgorge吐出honk汽车喇叭声regurgitate反刍vomitus医呕吐物

用作动词I will notbarfunless I'm sick.我只在恶心时呕吐。
She's so butt ugly, she makes mebarf.她长得丑极了,简直让我恶心。
I drank too much beer and had to rush to the bathroom tobarf.我喝的啤酒太多了,不得不跑去卫生间吐了出来。as in.(puke
同义词 gag,heave,hurl,regurgitate,retch,spew,upchuckbe sick,bring up,chunder,cough up,do the technicolor yawn,get sick,spit up,throw up,toss one's cookiesas in.throw up
同义词 be nauseous,be sick,blow grits,blow lunch,bring up,disgorge,drive a truck,gag,heave,hurl,pray to the porcelain god,puke,ralph,regurgitate,retch,spew,spit up,toss one's cookies,upchuck,urp,vomit
pukeverb vomit
be sick,bring up,chunder,cough up,do the technicolor yawn,gag,get sick,heave,hurl,regurgitate,retch,spew,spit up,throw up,toss one's cookies,upchuck
pukingverb vomit
barfing,being sick,bringing up,chundering,coughing up,doing the technicolor yawn,gagging,getting sick,heaving,hurling,regurgitating,retching,spewing,spitting up,throwing up,tossing one's cookies,upchucking
threw upverb regurgitate
built overnight,jerrybuilded,knocked together,patched,put together,ran up,roughcasted,roughhewed,slapped together,threw together
throw upverb regurgitate
barf,be nauseous,be sick,blow grits,blow lunch,bring up,disgorge,drive a truck,gag,heave,hurl,pray to the porcelain god,puke,ralph,regurgitate,retch,spew,spit up,toss one's cookies,upchuck,urp,vomit Brain barf all over the page to give your thoughts mass and range.
这满页的大脑将使你的思想更深厚有序。 yeeyan

He drank too much with his buddies and had to go outside to barf!
他和他的哥们喝得太多了,不得不到外面去吐! kekenet

I would never barf in your urn, Brenda.
我从不会在你的缸子里呕吐。 blog.sina.com.cn

Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn?
朱诺,你在我的瓷缸呕吐过吗? blog.sina.com.cn

This party is the definition of cute overload. I feel a little sick to my tummy. I might barf rainbows.
这个舞会的主题被定义为极致可爱。我感觉胃部有点儿不舒服。我可能会吐出彩虹。 cri

When men are forced to watch kissy-face love stories, they barf in their souls a little.
当男人被迫看那些撅唇亲嘴的爱情故事时总是忍不住有点恶心。 yeeyan

Whether you call it spit-up, puke or barf mulch, there’s simply no denying the fact that every article of clothing you own will eventually start to smell like baby vomit.
不管你管他叫吐出来的东西还是呕吐物什么的,不可否认的是你身上的每件东西都开始闻起来像婴儿呕吐物。 yeeyan




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