

单词 south-central
释义 south-centralCOCA³¹⁹⁵⁹BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb²⁹⁹⁰⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

situated in the southern part of a centrally located area in some geographical region;

south-central London

being in or of a region of the United States including the states of the lower Mississippi valley and east of the Rio Grande A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 37, 446.
杰克逊美国密西根州中南部城市,位于兰兴市以南的格兰德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,446。 iciba

Al- Shabab took control of south-central Somalia a few years ago.
几年前,青年党控制了索马里中南部。 ebigear

How robust they will prove in the winter storms that typically whip south-central Chile is unclear.
这种房子在中南部的智力能不能抵御中南部典型的冬季风还不清楚。 ecocn

In the Tanezrouft Basin of south-central Algeria, vegetation is sparse and sand is plentiful.
阿尔及利亚中南部的塔纳兹鲁夫特盆地遍是沙土,植被匮乏。 yeeyan

More than800 people were confirmed dead and hundreds more were missing after an enormous earthquake, followed by a tsunami, struck south-central Chile.
智利发生大地震,造成800多人死亡,数百人失踪。地震发生在智利中南部,并引发了海啸。 ecocn

That began in April1944, when Captain as she now was Wake and another SOE agent were parachuted into the Auvergne in south-central France.
1944年4月,维克上尉那时她已经成为上尉了和另一个特工空降到法国中南部的奥维涅。 ecocn

A city of south-central North Dakota across the Missouri River from Bismarck. It is a distribution and manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population, 15, 177.
曼丹美国北达科他州中南部的一座城市,与俾斯麦隔密西西比河相望。它是位于农业区的一个货物集散地和加工制造中心。人口15,177。 iciba

A town of south-central England northeast of Oxford. It was designated as a new town in 1967 to alleviate overcrowding in London.
米林基那斯英格兰中南部一城镇,位于牛津东北。为缓解伦敦的拥挤状况1967年被划为一新城镇。 putclub

Another gang is based in the south-central Somali town of Haraardheere.
另一个在索马里中南部的哈拉迪里镇。 kekenet

Hop aboard a speedboat from Nha Trang, on the south-central coast of Vietnam, to reach this sanctuary.
跳下来自芽庄的快艇,在越南的中南部海岸上感受这片天堂。 yeeyan

Nearly all the growth has come from large, mechanised farms in the south-central region— hundreds of miles away from the Amazon rainforest.
所有的成长几乎都来自于中南部地区机械化的大型农场—距离亚马逊河雨林数百英里远。 ecocn

One of the new entrants that worries the studios can be seen in a shopping mall in Crenshaw, at the smart end of south-central Los Angeles.
一个新近让制片厂忧虑的东西出现在洛杉矶中南部克伦肖的购物中心里。 ecocn

The result is a gentle wave of consolidation:87 of the438 mills in south-central Brazil changed hands last year, UNICA says.
最终产生小规模合并现象:巴西甘蔗行业学会称,仅去年巴西中南部438家工厂有87家易主。 ecocn




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