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词汇 southampton
释义 southampton
Brought up in Winchester in Scum country he grew up a Southampton fan and played for his boyhood club as a youngster.
他在一个叫温彻斯特的渣滓乡下长大,在那成为南安普顿的球迷,还成为了该队的青年队队员。 yeeyan

Having graduated from Southampton, he has returned to help develop the new course.
马特从南安普敦大学毕业后,又返回母校帮忙开设这一门新课程。 yeeyan

Sam Parnia, of the University of Southampton, stressed that being able to trace something back to the brain does not mean it is not real.

That was the question which a team of researchers led by Jim Stevenson of the University of Southampton, in Britain, set out to answer.

The Deans had not chosen to be aboard the Titanic, but because of a coal strike they were transferred to the ship and boarded it as third-class passengers at Southampton.
迪安一家原本没有打算乘坐泰坦尼克号,但是因为一次煤矿罢工,他们被转移到了船上,在南安普顿作为三等乘客上船。 yeeyan

The next step, according to Nick Jennings of the University of Southampton, who is one of the project’s leaders, is to examine more closely the interaction between people and agents.
根据是次项目领导者之一,南安普敦大学的尼克·詹宁斯,下一步将校验如何在人类和代理者间建立更为紧密的交互关系。 yeeyan

BAA, which will be left with airports at Heathrow, Southampton, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh or Glasgow, says it is considering asking for a judicial review of the commission's decision.
这样,英国航空管理局还将拥有希思罗、南安普顿、阿伯丁、以及爱丁堡或格拉斯哥机场,该机构表示,他们正在考虑请求对竞争委员会的决定进行司法审查。 ecocn

Dean's family were steerage passengers setting out from the English port of Southampton for a new life in the United States.
迪安的家人是船上的统舱乘客,他们从英国的南安普顿港出发向美国进发寻找新的生活。 yeeyan

Designer Nigel Gee, of Southampton, Hants, has not yet put a figure on how much the floating island might cost to create or what sort of customer would want to buy it.
来自汉普郡南安普顿敦市的设计者奈杰尔•吉尚未估计和预测出透露这样创造这样一个漂浮岛的造价和受众所需要的费用和预期销售目标。 huanqiu

Few realise, though, that there is an800-acre324- hectare Indian reservation virtually on New York City’s doorstep in Southampton, a town in the posh Hamptons.
很少人知道实际上紧贴纽约的南安普敦有一块800英亩324公顷的印第安自留地,一个漂亮的汉普顿城镇。 yeeyan

Google has launched its controversial Street View mapping service in the UK, with web and mobile phone users able to see360- degree views of25 cities from Southampton to Aberdeen.
谷歌在英国推出了一项备受争议的电子街景地图服务,这项服务可以让网络用户和手机用户获得从南安普敦到阿伯丁的25座城市的360度街景图。 yeeyan

He broke my heart, dumping me by letter in cowardly fashion when he moved to a new job in London and I to my first job in television in Southampton.
可他却伤透了我的心,当时他跳槽去伦敦从事一份新工作,而我也在南安普顿找到了我的第一份电视工作,在信件上,他用胆小拙劣的笔触向我坦白。 yeeyan

He sells out concert venues worldwide and was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Music from Southampton Solent University for his contribution to the industry.
他在世界各地的音乐会都畅销不衰,最近更获得南安普顿索伦特大学授予的音乐学荣誉博士学位,以表彰他对音乐行业做出的贡献。 who

In a nondescript building on the Southampton University campus, is a wind tunnel once used to develop the pioneering aircraft which defended Britain during the Second World War.
在南安普敦大学校园里,有一栋毫不起眼的大楼,这里有一个风洞,曾在二战期间用于开发保卫英国的先进战斗机。 yeeyan

My mom told me about a fully equipped bakery for rent in Southampton.
我的母亲告诉我南安普敦有一家设备齐全的烘焙店要出租。 iciba

Nearby foundations are being dug for Southampton University.
而旁边,南安普顿大学的校区正在挖地基。 ecocn

Researchers at the University of Southampton have found that ears have one- of- a- kind features unique to each person, much the way that fingerprints are unique to an individual.
南安普顿大学的研究者发现耳朵对于每个人来说都是其独一无二的一个地方,这有点和每个人的指纹都是特定独一的类似。 yeeyan

The drama began when Nakoolak went hunting with his uncle Jimmy on Southampton Island in the northern part of Hudson Bay.
这场意外始于那库拉克跟他的叔叔到哈德逊湾北部的南安普顿岛上狩猎。 yeeyan

The study was carried out by Glasgow and Southampton universities.
这项研究由格拉斯哥大学和南安普顿大学共同完成。 yeeyan

The study, coordinated by Southampton University's School of Medicine in England, is one of the latest and largest scientific efforts to understand the mystery of near-death experiences.
这个和英格兰南安普敦大学医学院共同合作的研究是最新的也是最大的研究神秘的濒死体验的科学实验。 yeeyan

The universities of Portsmouth, Oxford and Southampton are joining forces with experts from around the country to construct the first major radio telescope to be built in the UK for decades.
这个射电望远镜是英国几十年来建造的第一座大型射电天文望远镜,吸引了来自朴次茅斯大学、牛津大学、南安普顿大学以及英国各地的专家参与其中。 yeeyan

They will be able to take a virtual walking tour of destinations such as London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and from Southampton to Aberdeen, Bristol to Norwich.
他们将可以在以下目的地进行一次虚拟的徒步观光旅行,如伦敦、加的夫、贝尔法斯特和爱丁堡,以及南安普敦、阿伯丁、布里斯托尔和诺里奇。 yeeyan

Two days later, I received an email from a man in Southampton, who had found the bottle and, having read my letter, sent it on its way again.
两天后,我收到一封来自南安普敦的电子邮件,发信的这位先生看到了瓶子并且读了我的信,放我的瓶子继续飘下去了。 yeeyan

We are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home.




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