

单词 source power
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Further more, the proper loop route is put forward to optimize multi- source power supply network.
对于多电源网络情况,选择合环路径。 cnki

The innovation is the magic weapon for the victory of enterprise and the source power of the society progresses.
创新是企业制胜的法宝,是社会进步的源泉。 cnki

A novel algorithm is presented for fault location in the complex multi- source power distribution system.
提出了一种适用于多电源复杂配电网的故障定位的新算法。 cnki

A novel algorithm is presented for fault location in the multiple fault sections and the multi- source power distribution networks.
通过分析配电网的故障情况,提出一种新型的适用于多电源多故障的简单矩阵算法。 cnki

Britain takes pride in having quite good conditions to source power from its natural renewable resources, especially in wind and marine energy.
英国在发展可再生能源方面具有良好的自然条件,特别在离岸风能及波浪能和潮汐能方面。 www.kjliaowang.com.cn

In the social field, it is the root of bearing oneself, the lubricant of harmonizing personal relations, the source power of upgrading moral level.
在社会生活领域,诚信更是为人立身处世的根本,是和谐人际关系的润滑剂,提高道德修养的动力源。 cnki

Interest relations' contradictory movement is the historical root and the source power of political, economical, social development in human society.
利益关系的矛盾运动是人类社会政治、经济、社会发展的历史根源和原动力。 fabiao

The flow rate is also proportional to the strength of heat source power.

This paper describes a new reactor monitoring instrument which can be used not only to measure the nuclear power but also to provide protection for source power and period.
本文描述一种新型的用于反应堆启动过程中的功率和周期测量及周期和小功率保护装置。 cnki

We are all familiar with flashlights, portable radios and car lighting systems, all of which use batteries as their source power.
我们所熟悉的手电筒,袖珍收音机和汽车照明系统,他们都是用蓄电池作为电源的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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