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词汇 source code
释义 source code ˈsɔːskəʊd ●○○○○高短语⁵⁵¹⁴

program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution用作名词HIS can't be the source of THAT.这个不可能是那个的原始码!
Authors who wish to be able to enforce license terms against users of theirsource codeor compiled programs may find this interesting.对于希望用户能遵守授权条文的原始码或程式作者应该会觉得这一篇文章很实用。
Source code of the Demo is appended to help interested readers.智能蚂蚁算法演示软件的源程序附于全文的最后,以期能帮助感兴趣的读者更容易地了解算法的具体实现。
Bps the MELP pronunciation arranges the decoding source program.语音编解码源程序。 The debugger shows a list of all the running threads, an area where you can examine variables, and another area where you can step through source code.
调试器显示所有正在运行的线程列表,您可以在这里检查变量,这里也是可以逐步执行源代码的另一个位置。 ibm

The Download section of this article contains the source code.
本文的 “下载”一节给出了这个例子的源代码。 ibm

The phrase“ source-code static analysis tool” is a general term for a tool that extracts information from the source code itself without executing the program.
词组“源代码静态分析工具”是一个通用的词汇,它表示用于在未执行程序的情况下从源代码提取信息的工具。 ibm

Additionally, you can drop procedures and functions or view the cataloged source code for them for further editing.
此外,您可以删除过程和函数,或查看它们的编目源代码,以进一步进行编辑。 ibm

As with the earlier mediation handler, the source code for this one can also be downloaded, and contains trace and debug statements.
与前面的中介处理程序一样,此处理程序的源代码也可以下载,其中也包含跟踪和调试语句。 ibm

As I noted in the code review section, one of the best means of understanding an application and its potential for exploitation is inspection of its source code.
正如我在代码审查一节中所强调的,理解应用程序及其潜在的被利用的可能的最佳办法,就是检查它的源代码。 ibm

As part of the process of adapting to new tools, you will either have to integrate with your existing source code management software or select a new one.
作为配合新工具过程的一部分,您必须与您现有的源代码管理软件结合起来,或者选择一个新的软件。 ibm

But you can override this behavior in the source code.
不过您可以在源代码中覆盖这一行为。 ibm

Debugging a problem involves locating the source of the problem using a debugger or any other tool and using the source code to track the root cause of the problem.
调试一个问题涉及到:使用调试器或任何其它工具找到问题的根源以及使用源代码来跟踪导致问题的根源。 ibm

Each article will dive deep into a particular illustrative aspect of one or both of these concepts, with lots of detail and source code.
每篇文章将深入探究这些概念中的一个或两个概念的特别说明,其中包含大量详细信息和源代码。 ibm

For example, if you simply parse all of the source files for a program, you can ensure that the source code adheres to a predefined coding standard.
举例来说,如果您简单地对所有源文件执行语法分析程序,那么您就可以确保源代码遵守预定义的编码标准。 ibm

However, you do not get the source code with this version.
不过,客户不能获得此版本对应的源代码。 ibm

In some cases, deployed artifacts can be source code as well.
在一些案例中,部署的工件还可以是源代码。 ibm

Listing16 shows the source code for both.
清单16展示了这两个函数的源代码。 ibm

There has been some analysis of source code versus byte code analysis and which provides the better results, but that discussion is beyond the scope of this article.
已经存在一些源代码分析与字节代码分析以及哪种分析提供更好结果的比较,但是该讨论超出了本文的范围。 ibm

Therefore, if the unique source of information on the system is not in the mere source code, how can we rebuild its architecture?
因此,如果关于系统的信息的唯一来源不在起码的源代码中,那么我们如何能够重新构建其架构? ibm

These files generally require a particular internal directory structure, one that usually does not match the directory structure of your source code and build environment.

This software is sold or published without their source code.
这种软件出售或发布时并没有附带源代码。 ibm

Those tools do not have the source code.
这些工具不知道源代码是什么样子的。 cnblogs

Thus, it does not traverse the complete source code, unless you specify that action.
因此,它不会反对完成源代码,除非您明确规定这个行为。 ibm

We can get the source code for all our applications.
我们可以得到所有应用程序的源代码。 yeeyan

Word processor styles are like declarations of a variable in source code: They allow you to save effort by doing work once instead of repeating it each time that you need it.
文字处理器的风格就像是源代码中变量的说明,他们允许你把一次工作的努力保存下来而不需要每次需要的时候都重新做一遍。 yeeyan

You can get the source code of this tool from the Download section below.
可以从下面的 “下载”一节获得这个工具的源代码。 ibm

You'll find the source code of this component in the companion code.
你可以在本文所附的代码中找到这个组件的源代码。 cnblogs




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