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词汇 soundest
释义 sound·est 英saʊnd美saʊnd COCA⁹⁴³¹²BNC⁶⁶¹⁵⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
C 声音,响声

what is or may be heard; sth that causes a sensation in the ear

S 印象,感觉,含义

an idea produced by sth read or heard

U 播音,录音

things broadcast or played from a recording machine for listening to rather than for seeing


in good condition, without disease or damage


showing good sense or good judgment


thorough, complete

vt. & vi. 发出声音; 响

give out sound

vt. 发出…的信号

give the signal for

vt. 探测

measure the depth of water by letting down a weight fastened on the end of a line

vt. 试探,探询

try to learn sb's views, sentiments

the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause;

the sound of rain on the roof

the beautiful sound of music

the subjective sensation of hearing something;

he strained to hear the faint sounds

mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium;

falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them

the sudden occurrence of an audible event;

the sound awakened them

the audible part of a transmitted signal;

they always raise the audio for commercials

phonetics an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some languagea narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of watera large ocean inlet or deep bay;

the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast

financially secure and safe;

sound investments

a sound economy

exercising or showing good judgment;

healthy scepticism

a healthy fear of rattlesnakes

the healthy attitude of French laws

healthy relations between labor and management

an intelligent solution

a sound approach to the problem

sound advice

no sound explanation for his decision

in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay;

a sound timber

the wall is sound

a sound foundation

in excellent physical condition;

good teeth

I still have one good leg

a sound mind in a sound body

logically valid;

a sound argument

having legal efficacy or force;

a sound title to the property

free from moral defect;

a man of sound character

of sleep deep and complete;

a heavy sleep

fell into a profound sleep

a sound sleeper

deep wakeless sleep


a sound thrashing

appear in a certain way;

This sounds interesting

make a certain noise or sound;

She went `Mmmmm'

The gun went `bang'

give off a certain sound or sounds;

This record sounds scratchy

announce by means of a sound;

sound the alarm

utter with vibrating vocal chordscause to sound;

sound the bell

sound a certain note

measure the depth of a body of water with a sounding line

❌ I turned the volume knob of the radio right up but there was still no sounds.

✔️ I turned the volume knob of the radio right up but there was still no sound.



❌ I hummed a sound.

✔️ I hummed a song.

✔️ I hummed a tune.

当表示“哼歌曲”,一般说hum a tune或hum a song,不说hum a sound。


❌ This was sounding the alarm for us.

✔️ This sounded the alarm for us.


❌ That is sounding nice.

✔️ That sounds nice.



❌ His story sounds incredibly.

✔️ His story sounds incredible.


❌ He sounds to be furious.

✔️ He sounds like furious.

✔️ He sounds furious.



❌ I will sound Marlin in the question of holidays.

✔️ I will sound Marlin on〔upon,about〕 the question of holidays.

表示“就〔拿〕…问题〔主意、想法等〕去试探某人的看法和意见”应该说sound sb on〔upon,about〕 sth,不可以说sound sb in sth

sound, voice


sound含义广泛,可以指任何听得到的声音; voice主要指人的声音,包括说话、唱歌或笑声,有时也指鸟的叫声,但很少指动物的叫声,有时可用于比喻。例如:

I wish my house were out of sound of street noises.但愿我的房子离得远些,听不到街上的嘈杂声就好了。
It was the sound of a girl's voice.是一个女孩子说话的声音。
It is the voice of truth.这是真理之声。sound, clamour, din, noise



The young men were making such a noise in the restaurant that the police came and ejected them.那些年轻人在餐馆又吵又闹,因此警察来把他们赶走了。


The sounds failed away.声音渐渐消失了。
The sound of music drifted up to us.音乐声向我们悠悠飘来。
Turning the knob of a radio one can fade the volume of sound in or out.旋转收音机的旋钮,你就能使音量渐渐增大或减弱。
The room echoed with the sound of music.音乐声在房间中回响。


The din of the machines gave me a headache.机器噪声使我头痛。
They were unable to sleep because of the din coming from the bar.酒吧里传来的喧闹声吵得他们不能入睡。


They used to make a clamour about trifles.他们过去常常为小事大吵大闹。
The clamour of voices from the living room seemed louder than ever.从起居室传来的吵闹声似乎比任何时候都大。
sound, hale, healthy, robust, well


sound强调表现无任何身体或精神缺陷; hale指老年人继续保持壮年时期的体质; healthy表示身体或精神充满活力的,没有任何疾病或病态迹象; robust指肌肉发达,结实,声音洪亮,耐久力强等方面所表现的活力; well仅表示没有病。例如:

His father, though an old man, was still hale.他父亲虽已是老年人了,但仍很健壮。
Rose has a family with four healthy, active boys.罗斯的家有四个健康活泼的男孩。
Mr. Wang was looking robust and full of health and vigor.王先生看样子很强壮,充满健康活力。
He stayed well amidst disease and poverty.在贫穷和疾病的环境中他保持着良好的状态。

That sounds like a great idea.

That sounds a great idea.听起来是个好主意。noise,sound,voice





用作名词 n.
动词+~carry sounds传播声音catch the sound of听到…的声音deepen sound使声音变得低沉give forth sound发出声音hear sound听到声音make sound发出声音produce sound产生声音raise a sound提高声音transmit a sound传音turn down the sound调低声音turn up the sound调高声音形容词+~artificial sound不自然的声音charming sound迷人的声音deep sound低沉的声音dull sound沉闷的声音ear-deafening sound震耳欲聋的声音ear-splitting sound刺耳的声音faint sound微弱的声音familiar sound熟悉的声音loud sound响亮的声音musical sound乐音natural sound自然的声音sharp sound尖音soft sound柔和的声音tinkling sound叮当声voiced sound浊音voiceless sound清音名词+~traffic sounds交通噪音介词+~out of sound of sb's voice在听不到某人声音的地方to a sound随着声音to the sound of music和着乐曲声within sound of sb's voice在听得到某人声音的地方~+介词sound of footsteps脚步声sound of music音乐之声sound of the letter这封信的语气sound of voices人声用作形容词 adj.~+名词sound advice很有道理的建议sound argument符合逻辑的论点sound constitution健全的体魄sound construction牢固的建筑物sound economy稳定的经济sound football player有能力的足球运动员sound foundation牢固的基础sound fruit新鲜的水果sound judgment慎重的审判sound mind and body健全的身心sound opinion正确的意见sound timber完好的木材sound tooth好牙齿sound unity牢固团结用作动词 v.~+副词sound admirably发出羡慕的声音sound faintly发出微弱的声音sound fortunately幸运地发出声音sound impressively发出给人深刻印象的声音sound loudly发出响亮的声音sound luckily幸运地发出声音sound melancholy发出悲哀的声音sound nicely发出美妙的声音sound perfectly发出完美的声音sound queerly发出奇怪的声音sound remarkably发出奇特的声音sound satisfactorily发出满意的声音sound silly听起来荒唐sound splendidly发出响亮的声音sound sweetly发出甜美的声音sound wholesomely健康地发出声音sound out试探~+介词sound for为…试探sound on关于…试探
sound in v.+prep.

表示出…的样子 performHe always sounds in folly.他总是表现出一副愚蠢的样子。

sound like v.+prep.

听起来像 just listen to (sth like sth)

sound like sthWhat he said sounded like a fairy-tale.他说的听上去简直像一篇童话。
It sounds like thunder.这声音好似惊雷。
That sounds like a good arrangement.这样的安排听起来不错。
sound off v.+adv.

明确而大胆地说出 express an opinion freely and forcefully, especially to brag or complain loudly

sound offThe bugler sounded off.军号吹响了。
Ask the musician to sound off, and then we can start.让乐师奏起来,然后我们就可出发了。
The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.士兵们喊数时不得出错。sound offI could hear father sounding off to his class on his favourite subject again.我听见父亲又在班上对学生们滔滔不绝地谈起他所喜欢的话题。sound off about sthHas he been sounding off about his golf game again?他是不是又在呱啦呱啦地说他的高尔夫球比赛?
John's always sounding off about the extremely poor quality of the beer at our local pub.约翰总是抱怨本地酒吧的啤酒质量极其低劣。
sound out v.+adv.

试探意见,探听口气 try (especially cautiously or in a reserved manner to learn sb's views, sentiments, etc.)

sound sb ⇔ outHe will sound them out for us.他会为我们试探一下他们的看法的。
We'll have to sound out the opposition before we decide what action to take.在我们采取行动以前,我们得探探反对派的口气。
He sounded out the other members of the club about the proposal.他探询过俱乐部其余成员对这一建议的看法。
Let's sound him out on the proposal.让我们探听一下他对这个建议有什么看法。
I will sound out the manager on the question of holidays.我将就假日问题试探经理的意见。近义词 dinsafenoisesecureclamourclattercorrectresoundn. blarereasonablev. echouproaradj. healthy反义词 weakdamageddefectiveadj. poor
用作名词n.Sound travels slower than light.声音比光走得慢。
The room is proof against sound.这房间是隔音的。
His remarks had a worried sound.他说话的声音有些胆怯。
The piece of bamboo makes a musical sound这块竹片能发出悦耳的声音。
There was a persistent sound of running water, although he had turned all the taps off.尽管他已关上了所有的水龙头,但仍有持续不断的流水声。
I love the sound of rain on the roof.我喜欢雨点落在屋顶上的声音。
The door was open, sounds came from the kitchen.门开着,从厨房传出各种声音。
Strange sounds came from the next room.有种奇怪的声音从隔壁的房间里传过来。
We heard strange sounds in the distance.我们听见远处有怪声。
What made these sounds?那些声音是怎么造成的?
When she woke, her ear caught the sound of knocking.她醒来时听见敲门的声音。
He didn't like the sound of her telegram.他不喜欢她电报中用的语气。
Judging from the sound of it,I'd say the matter was serious.从言外之意听来,我想这件事很严重。
The news has a sinister sound.这消息听起来像是凶兆。
From the sound of it,I'd say the matter was serious.这件事听起来似乎很严肃。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.A sound mind is in a sound body.有健康的身体,才有健全的心理。
The doctor says I have a sound constitution.医生说我很健康。
The doctor certified that she was of sound mind.医生的诊断表明她的心智健全。
We hope that the goods will arrive at your end in sound condition.我们希望货物完好无损地到达你那里。
That's very sound advice, you should take it.那是非常明智的忠告,你应当接受。
You can depend on him to make a sound choice.你可以依靠他作出正确的选择。
She's a very sound woman to have on the committee.委员会中需要有她这样一位很有见地的委员。
He gave employees a sound training.他给所有的雇员进行良好的训练。
S+be+~His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本健康。
The house was surprisingly sound.这房子完好无损,令人感到意外。
As far as we ourselves are concerned, we are safe and sound.至于我们自身,则安然无恙。
His theory is perfectly sound.他的理论完全正确。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe bell sounded.门铃响了。
Teacher Wang's words sounded clearly in his ears.王老师的话清楚地在他耳边回响。
Just then footsteps sounded in the yard.正在这时,院子里响起了一阵脚步声。
S+~+ n.She sounded a modest woman.她的话使人感到她是一个谦逊的人。
It sounds a bad news to me.就我听来,这是个坏消息。
It sounds a very bad poem to me.就我听来,这是首很差的诗。S+~+ adj.The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来很有趣。
The idea sounds marvellous.这主意听起来妙极了。
Your plan sounds good.你的想法听起来很好。
Your suggestion sounds sensible.你的建议听上去有道理。
That sounds very reasonable.听起来很有道理。It ~s/ed as if as though …It sounded as if they were contemplating a change in their plan.听起来他们仿佛是在考虑改变他们的计划。
It sounds as though there is a knock at the door.听起来好像有人在敲门。











sound也可用作系动词,意思是“听起来”,其后接名词、形容词或as if〔as though〕引导的从句作表语。



Your idea sounds great.你的主意听起来不错。


The car is sounding a bit rough these days.这辆车的声音最近听起来有点粗糙。

sound可统指“声音”,a sound表示“一个声音”,其复数形式sounds则表示“多个声音”;

sound asleep 熟睡的里习惯用 sound,不用soundly;

词组out of sound of表示“听不到”,within sound of表示“听得到”,一般在它们前面都不加“the”。My house is out of sound of street noises.我家听不到街上的噪音。

Her house is within sound of the waves breaking on the shore.她家可以听到海浪拍击海岸的声音。
用作名词The man was gone: his footsteps made nosound.那人走了,他的脚步没有发出一点声音。
I caught a curioussoundin the neighboring room.我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
He plays an original jazz-gospelsound.他演奏了一曲自己独创的爵士福音。
The bell gave forth a peasant, lingeringsound.钟奏起了悠扬悦耳的曲调。
They had a wonderful time by thesoundof it.听起来他们好像过得很愉快。
From thesoundof things you were lucky to find him.看起来你能找到他真是幸运。用作动词Yousounda little down in dumps.你听起来好象情绪有点低落。
As fun as that maysound, it may be uncomfortable for some of us.这个感觉很好玩,不过可能有些人觉得不舒服。
Together we had done our best tosoundthe alarm.我们曾一同竭尽全力发出过警报。
You don'tsoundthe “b” in the word “comb”.在“comb”这个单词里,字母“b”不发音。用作形容词There are possible risks, but nonetheless, we feel it's asoundinvestment.有可能存在危险,但是我们仍然感到这是可靠的投资。
His argument is basicallysound.他的论点基本上是合理的。
The system is both practical and ecologicallysound.这个系统不但切合实际,从生态学观点来看也是合理的。
He has asoundgrasp of the issues.他对这些问题掌握得很全面。
The doctors made a thorough examination on Mary and found her prettysound.医生们对玛丽作了彻底的检查,发现她健康情况良好。
They have got home safe andsound.他们已平安到家。
With heavy rain falling all night, she had asoundsleep.尽管大雨下了一夜,她还是睡得很香。用作副词He sleptsoundin his mother's cradle song.他在母亲唱的摇篮曲中酣然入睡。 On October29th the fund announced the creation of a new short-term liquidity facility for the soundest emerging markets.
10月29号基金组织宣布,为了稳定新兴市场,成立了一个新的短期流动资金机制。 ecocn

The result will be that RBS's core capital ratio hits a whopping 12.4%, about double the level at JPMorgan Chase, America's soundest big bank.
如若一切顺利, RBS的核心资本充足率将会高达12.4%,是美国最坚挺的大型银行——摩根大亨水平的两倍之多。 ecocn

The roof was the soundest part, though a good deal warped and made brittle by the sun.

Canada, at least, has the benefit of one of the world's soundest banking systems.
加拿大,至少还可以从它全球最好的银行糸统之一中获益。 yeeyan

In recent months the bank’s share price has also outperformed that of HSBC, which is the soundest of the four see chart.
近几个月,巴克莱银行股价的表现也强于四所银行中状况最好的汇丰银行 HSBC见上表。 ecocn

Played only once, betrayal of the other is the soundest choice.
如果只玩一次,背叛对手是最合理的选择。 yeeyan

Various kinds of organizations that implements the information war are the soundest too;
其组织实施信息战的各种机构也是最健全的; cnki




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