

单词 so sorry
释义 so sorry səʊˈsɔri 短语⁶⁴⁰
Mr. Rogers, I'm so sorry to be late.
罗杰斯老师,对不起,我迟到了。 http://mysearch.100e.com

“ I'm so sorry, ” he said impulsively; “ but you ARE among friends here, you know.”
“非常抱歉,”他冲动地说。 “可你知道,你现在是在朋友中间了。” kekenet

“ I'm so sorry, ” I say, feeling like a jerk for being a jerk, and also like a jerk for feeling like a jerk.
“对不起,”我说,因为是个傻瓜而感觉像个傻瓜,并且因为感觉像个傻瓜而像个傻瓜。 yeeyan

I know I am missing a marvelous time! I am so sorry for that!
我知道失去了一次极好的机会,对此我深感遗憾! putclub

I was in all evening. The phone rang while I was washing my hair. I couldn't answer it. I'm so sorry.
我整个晚上都在家里。电话响的时候我正在洗头。我无法接听,真对不起。 jukuu

The first thing I want to say is—I’m so sorry your friend is moving!
首先我要说的是,我对你的朋友即将搬走感到遗憾! yeeyan




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