

单词 sorge
释义 sorge
Betty has always wanted to help her boyfriend Sorge publication of his novel, one day, she found a novel Sorge draft, and sent with a typewriter fight, but was rejected again and again.
贝蒂一直很想帮男友佐尔格出版他的小说,一天,她发现了佐尔格的一部小说稿,并用打字机打好寄出,但一次又一次遭到拒绝。 artintern

Story describes the plumber Sorge and man, is a status quo of the people, and his girlfriend Betty hot temper, but full of charm.
剧情描述管道工人佐尔格性格温和,是个安于现状的人,而女友贝蒂脾气火爆,却充满魅力。 artintern

When Sorge went to the hospital to tell her the news publication of the novel, Betty has been completely crazy.
当佐尔格去医院告诉她小说出版的消息时,贝蒂已经完全发疯了。 artintern




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