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词汇 soreness
释义 soreness 英'sɔ:nis美'sɔ:nis 高COCA³⁴¹³⁷BNC³⁸²⁹⁸iWeb¹⁴²⁷⁹

a pain that is felt as when the area is touched;

the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness

after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on

an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distresssore疼痛的muscular soreness肌肉酸痛
sore-ness名词后缀⇒n.痛苦⁴⁸;悲伤²⁶;愤慨²⁶近义词 ache痛pain痛苦hurt损害rawness生redness发红distress不幸aching疼痛的tenderness温柔irritation刺激agony极度的痛苦discomfort不便之处pang肉体上的剧痛…
同义词 ache,cramp,discomfort,fever,illness,injury,irritation,laceration,sickness,spasm,stitch,strain,tenderness,twingeaffliction,agony,burn,catch,convulsion,crick,distress,gripe,hurt,malady,misery,pang,paroxysm,prick,prickle,smart,smarting,stab,sting,throb,throe,tingle,torment,torture,trouble,wound
反义词 comfort,ease,good health,health,relief,wellness,advantage,aid,benefit,blessing,contentment,happiness,help,joy,peace,pleasurenoun.irritation
同义词 inflammation,irritability,tendernessexcitability,hypersensitivity,oversensitiveness,rawness,susceptibility,susceptibleness,tensenessoversensitivity
achenoun sore feeling;dull pain
angernoun state of being mad, annoyed
acrimony,animosity,annoyance,antagonism,blow up,cat fit,chagrin,choler,conniption,dander,disapprobation,displeasure,distemper,enmity,exasperation,fury,gall,hatred,hissy fit,huff,ill humor,ill temper,impatience,indignation,infuriation,irascibility,ire,irritability,irritation,miff,outrage,passion,peevishness,petulance,pique,rage,rankling,resentment,slow burn,soreness,stew,storm,tantrum,temper,tiff,umbrage,vexation,violence
angersnoun state of being mad, annoyed
acrimony,animosity,annoyance,antagonism,blow up,cat fit,chagrin,choler,conniption,dander,disapprobation,displeasure,distemper,enmity,exasperation,fury,gall,hatred,hissy fit,huff,ill humor,ill temper,impatience,indignation,infuriation,irascibility,ire,irritability,irritation,mad,miff,outrage,passion,peevishness,petulance,pique,rage,rankling,resentment,slow burn,soreness,stew,storm,tantrum,temper,tiff,umbrage,vexation,violence
discomfortnoun irritation, pain
frictionnoun rubbing
abrasion,agitation,attrition,chafing,erosion,filing,fretting,grating,grinding,irritation,massage,rasping,resistance,scraping,soreness,traction,trituration,wearing away
hurtnoun injury;damage
ache,black and blue,blow,boo-boo,bruise,chop,detriment,disadvantage,disaster,discomfort,disservice,distress,down,gash,harm,ill,ill-treatment,loss,mark,mischief,misfortune,nick,ouch,outrage,pain,pang,persecution,prejudice,ruin,scratch,sore,soreness,suffering,wound,wrong About 94 percent of reactions reported to the government are classified as “ not serious,” with soreness at the injection site the most common.
报告给政府的所有反应中94%被认为是“不严重的”,以在注射点有疼痛感最为常见。 yeeyan

But over the years I've developed chronic soreness in my knees and lower back, which I attribute at least in part to running— it can't all be from spending my days sitting in an office chair.
近几年来我发现我的膝盖和腰部开始有慢性疼痛,我想这多多少少和跑步有点关系,因为这总不会是我整天在办公室里坐着而造成的吧。 yeeyan

Going for a sports massage is a good way to treat soreness that often develops as a result of muscle cramps.
当肌肉有刺痛感时尝试运动按摩是个很好的选择,因为这种刺痛感往往是肌肉痉挛的前兆。 yeeyan

A common complaint among long-distance runners, runner's knee feels like a soreness around and sometimes behind the kneecap.
长跑者中一个常见的抱怨,跑步者的膝盖感觉周围酸痛,有时在膝盖骨后面。 runbible

After a hard workout, a cup or two of coffee has been shown to reduce muscle sorenessin women, anyway more effectively than naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen.
辛勤劳作之后一杯或两杯的咖啡能减轻肌肉酸痛,效果会比萘普生,阿司匹林和布洛芬更有效地。 yeeyan

Although mild muscle soreness is normal, sharp pain and sore or swollen joints are signs that you've overdone it.
虽然轻微的肌肉酸痛很正常,但剧烈的疼痛、酸痛或肿胀的关节则是你运动过量的迹象。 yeeyan

Another indicator of overexertion is muscle soreness that doesn't go away after a couple days.
运动过度的另一个指标是肌肉酸痛持续数天不消失。 yeeyan

But I initially assumed the soreness was just part of the sport, so I continued to run for a few days more.
最初我认为疼痛是运动的一部分,所以就继续几天的训练。 yeeyan

Common side effects from these drugs include muscle pain and soreness.
这些药物常见的副作用包括肌肉疼痛和酸痛。 yeeyan

Cooling down may help reduce muscle injury, stiffness and soreness, but the research is uncertain.
降温活动可能有助于减少肌肉损伤,僵硬和疼痛,但是研究还不是很确定的。 yeeyan

I can get out on the court and I can run and run without pain or soreness. It's a good first step. We'll see.
我能上场比赛,能没有任何疼痛地不断跑动,这就是一个好的开始。至于其他方面的情况,将来见分晓。 yeeyan

Ice baths are an efficient way to reduce inflammation and soreness because you'll ice your entire body at once, rather than just small areas.
冷水浴是减轻炎症和疼痛的有效方法,因为冷水浴能让你整个身体立刻凉下来,而不仅仅是小范围的。 yeeyan

If you eat soon after your workout, you can minimize muscle stiffness and soreness.
如果在训练不久之后进食,就可以减缓肌肉僵硬和疼痛。 yeeyan

If you have to crane or bend your neck too much to look at your computer screen, it will likely cause soreness and pain.
如果你在看着电脑屏幕时得经常伸长脖子或弯着脖子,那脖子就很可能会有疼痛感。 putclub

If you eat soon after your workout, you can minimize muscle stiffness and soreness, and help reduce your fatigue.
如果锻炼之后很快就进食,你就能把肌肉的酸疼和紧绷减小到最低,还有助于减弱你的疲劳。 yeeyan

It’s all about getting rid of lactic acid in your muscles which cause soreness and other unpleasant feelings.
这是因为通过降低运动强度能减少肌肉中导致酸痛和其他不适感觉的乳酸的缘故。 yeeyan

Many professional runners use ice baths to reduce soreness after runs.
许多专业跑步者会洗冰浴以减轻跑步后的酸痛。 yeeyan

Many professional runners use ice baths to reduce soreness after runs. If you can't tolerate an ice bath, use ice packs on sore areas.
许多专业跑步者会洗冰浴以减轻跑步后的酸痛。如果你不能忍受冰浴,在酸痛处敷上冰袋。 yeeyan

Ongoing soreness in Bryant’s knee and ankle coupled with the team’s heavy reliance in him played a role in the Lakers’ championship run coming to an end in 2011.
科比的膝盖和脚踝的持续疼痛,和球队对他的严重依赖,导致湖人队的三连冠梦想在2011年宣告结束。 yeeyan

Others complain about post-run muscle soreness, especially after a long run or tough speed workout.
其他人抱怨肌肉疼痛,尤其是在经过长时间跑步或者高强度训练后。 yeeyan

Regular stretching will also lead to reduced muscle soreness after running and better performance.
定期的拉伸运动会减轻跑步和一些有难度运动后人的肌肉酸痛。 yeeyan

Soaking in a tub filled with water and ice will help reduce inflammation of tissues and joints, relieve soreness, and speed up your recovery.
浸泡在放满了水和冰的浴缸中,组织和关节炎症的病发率大大减少,肌肉疼痛感得到缓解,身体得以迅速的恢复。 yeeyan

Some long- distance runners use it in training runs and races to help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.
一些长跑运动员在训练和比赛中使用它来减少肌肉疼痛和疲劳。 yeeyan

Some distance runners use ice baths to reduce post- run soreness, especially after long runs.
一些长跑者洗冷水浴来缓解跑后肌肉疼痛,特别是长跑后。 yeeyan

Stretching helps to flush out any lactic acid that has built up during your walk, which will allay any delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS.
拉伸可以帮助人体排出步行过程中产生的乳酸,这将缓和延迟性肌肉酸痛 DOMS。 yeeyan

Will I notice the same pattern of initial soreness?
是不是在一开始会有些肌肉酸痛? yeeyan

With all this growing and developing going on, girls will notice an increase in body fat and occasional soreness under the nipples as the breasts start to enlarge— and that's normal.
随着成长的进行,女孩们将会注意到身体脂肪的增加,而且随着乳房的增加,乳头偶尔会有疼痛感。 ——那都是正常的。 yeeyan




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