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SorenCOCA⁵⁹⁹⁴⁶BNC⁴⁹⁵³⁵ 基本例句 苏林¹⁰⁰ The main theoretical ideas of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and Swiss theologian Karl Barth for the thesis are also presented in this part. 在本部分也陈述了论文的理论基础,其中主要简述了丹麦基督教存在主义者克尔恺郭尔和瑞士神学家巴特的一些思想。 cnki “It’s very clear that there is a strong hereditary component in the course of enuresis, ” said Dr. Soren Rittig, a professor of pediatric nephrology at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. “显然,尿床主要归结于遗传因素,”丹麦奥胡斯大学医院的小儿肾脏学教授 Soren Rittig博士如是说。 yeeyan “The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly. This upset it and it attacked Soren,” added the witness。 目击者补充说:“搏斗时斗鸡曾几次试图离场,但都被 Soren撵回去,最后被惹急了,便向 Soren展开了攻击”。 edu.sina.com.cn Because so many of the babies were preemies, and all seem to have been interred at about the same time, Soren suspected a malaria epidemic. 由于挖掘到如此多的早产儿,而且所有这些早产儿似乎是在同一时间内被埋葬的,因而索伦怀疑那时疟疾正大流行。 chinafanyi.com However, as the Danish existentialist Soren Kierkegaard acutely observed, the end result of this is often a life that is empty, not full. 然而,如丹麦存在主义者索伦•克尔恺郭尔 Soren Kierkegaard敏锐的评论:这样做的最终结果,常常是导致一个空虚、而非圆满的人生。 blog.sina.com.cn The authorities have allowed Soren to keep his ferrets the way he has. 有关当局已允许 Soren以现有方式饲养其雪貂。 tianya Soren began breeding only the gentlest males and females which drastically lessened the nipping problem that was seen. Soren开始只繁育性格最温和的雌性和雄性雪貂,从而大大减少了之前所出现的撕咬问题。 tianya Soren Espersen, a member of parliament for the Danish People’s Party, is blunter: “ Greenlanders have been brainwashed by unprecedented propaganda.” 丹麦人民党议员 Soren Espersen则更为直言不讳:格陵兰人完全是被空前的游说冲昏了头脑。 ecocn Soren Kierkegaard,The Great Leap of Faith, the nineteenth century philosopher. 索伦克尔凯戈尔《信仰的飞越》,19世纪的哲学家。 open.163.com |