

单词 sorely
释义 sore·ly 英ˈsɔːliː, ˈsəʊr-美ˈsɔrli, ˈsor-AHDsôrʹlē, sōrʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²²³³⁵BNC²⁰³⁵⁹iWeb¹⁶¹³⁵Economist¹³⁸⁵⁴

to a great degree;

I missed him sorely

we were sorely taxed to keep up with them

in or as if in pain;

she moved painfully forward

sorely wounded

sore,疼痛的,痛苦的,-ly,副词后缀。sore-ly像⇒adv.非常地²⁵;痛苦地⁵⁰;极度地²⁵近义词 greatly很really实在truly真实地very much很deeply深深地painfully痛苦地profoundly深深地

用作副词Their skills weresorelyneeded.他们的技术是非常需要的
I wassorelyvexed.我受到痛苦的折磨。
We aresorelyin need of support.我们极需支援。adv.extremely
同义词 acutely,badly,greatly,sadly,severely,woefullypainfullydistressfully,grievously,heartbrokenly,veryadv.badly
同义词 greatly,woefullypainfullyextremely,grievously
hardadverb with resentment
harderadverb with resentment
painfullyadverb with pain
achingly,in pain,in suffering,sorely,with difficulty
seriouslyadverb dangerously, critically
severelyadverb harshly
acutely,badly,critically,dangerously,extremely,firmly,gravely,hard,hardly,intensely,markedly,painfully,rigorously,roughly,seriously,sharply,sorely,sternly,strictly,with an iron hand He was a fine man, an excellent justice, and a sorely needed moderate voice on the Rehnquist Court.
哈里是个不错的人,也是位非常优秀的法官,是伦奎斯特法院中迫切需要的一位温和派法官。 yeeyan

On the contrary, they are sorely needed.
相反,现在正非常需要这些措施。 ecocn

The new transport lines promised for the World Cup and the Olympics are sorely needed. The white elephants of the Pan American games will find a new use.
为世界杯足球赛而兴建的新交通线,对于奥运会而言也是非常必要的,泛美运动会留下的闲置场地亦找到了新用途。 ecocn

The use of logic and logical inferences is sorely lacking in most architectural practice.
在大部分的架构实践中,都非常缺乏对逻辑和逻辑推理的使用。 ibm

Above all, the country's reputation as a hub of stability and moderation in a volatile region has been sorely damaged.
最重要的是,这个国家曾经被视作是动荡地区中稳定和温和的中心,但这一声誉已经严重受损。 ecocn

Blogging success will not come easy and if you think it will, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
写博成功不会来得那么容易,如果你认为很容易,你将会有强烈的失落感。 yeeyan

But in India, extra infrastructure is sorely needed.
但是在印度,是非常非常需要多余的基础设施的。 ecocn

But it sorely needs more cash.
但是它急需更多的现金。 ecocn

But this form of capitalism has been sorely tested by the crisis.
但这一形式的资本主义已受到危机沉痛的检验。 blog.sina.com.cn

But with the country split down the middle, a pluralist parliament could promote the understanding and dialogue that Venezuela sorely needs.
但是,由于国家从中分裂,多元化的议会会促进委内瑞拉急切需要的理解和对话。 ecocn

China, he said, sorely lacks that.
他说,中国极端地缺乏这个。 yeeyan

Chris was an inspiration to me personally and to so many of his friends and colleagues. He will be sorely missed.
克里斯对我个人和他的许多朋友及同事都是一种激励,我们会非常想念他。 yeeyan

Considered by many to be just a“ toy” programming language, IDEs and debuggers were sorely lacking.
很多人都将其视为一种“玩具”编程语言, IDE和调试器都非常缺乏。 ibm

Contrary to Mr Bashir's assertions, foreigners— and a lot more of them— are sorely needed to help dampen the conflict in the west and maintain the peace in the south.
与巴希尔的言论相反,要想缓和西部的冲突,维持南部的和平,苏丹非常需要大量外国人士的帮助。 ecocn

Despite Iraq’s long history as an oil producer, the country still sorely needs foreign help to explore and get the stuff out.
尽管伊拉克长久以来一直是石油生产国,但仍然非常需要外援钻探开采石油。 ecocn

Dubai sorely lacked such oversight in the run-up to the crash.
在走向破产的道路上,迪拜非常缺乏这样的监管。 yeeyan

Finally, my time estimation ability was sorely lacking, so I often got in over my head and worked overtime for the first few months.
最后,我的时间评估能力非常差,头几个月我经常脑子一团糊,只有加班才能完成工作。 yeeyan

If the hard men in the regime thought that the protests would evaporate, they have been sorely disappointed.
如果这些政府的顽固人物认为抗议活动会自己云消雾散,那他们会非常地失望。 ecocn

It is sorely needed.
这是非常必要的。 ecocn

It seems odd that in a country where soccer is so beloved that youth development, a critical part of the growth of any sport, is so sorely lacking.
在一个足球如此被人喜爱的国家,在任何运动中都是至关重要的部分的青少年发展却是严重匮乏,这看起来很奇怪。 xianguo.com

One obvious area of scrutiny will be the quality and composition of bank boards, which were found sorely wanting in many cases.
一个明显需要审查的地方在于银行董事会的质量和构成,在很多银行中,这些董事会水平非常低。 yeeyan

Some of it might go to Japan; all of it will go to areas where it’s sorely needed.
这些钱的一部分可能去了日本,不过我相信他们全部会被用在最需要的地方。 yeeyan

You will be sorely missed.
我们将非常怀念你。 who




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