释义 |
soraya 基本例句 苏拉娅 boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders. 努尔的弟弟纳赛尔爱好狂欢作乐,他给好读书却近视的堂妹苏拉娅买了一付眼镜,以此向他的长辈们挑战 ecocn Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, a long- term party aide, and Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Madrid's mayor, look set to be cabinet stars. 长任党助理莎拉雅•萨恩斯•德•圣玛丽亚和马德里市长阿尔贝托• 鲁伊兹‧加尔亚东即将成为内阁明星。 ecocn Nabilah's gentle love for her grandmother tempers her petulance; boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders. 纳比尔哈对祖母温柔的爱缓和了她的任性,努尔的弟弟纳赛尔整日醉醺醺的,他不顾长辈们的反对,执意给好读书却近视的堂妹苏拉娅买了一付眼镜。 ecocn Researcher Soraya Mehdizadeh from York University in Canada asked100 students, 50 male and 50 female, aged between18 and25 about their Facebook habits. 加拿大约克大学的研究员索拉雅•麦蒂扎德对100名年龄在18至25岁之间的学生使用Facebook的习惯进行了调查,男女人数各半。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Still, there is also a feeling of relief, Soraya noted, considering how far they have come within such a short period of time. 但也有一种安慰感, Soraya注意到,考虑到他们在这么短的时间内所取得的所有成就。 worldbank Working directly with the victims of the disaster was a central part of Soraya’s work during the initial phase of Aceh’s reconstruction in Feb.2005. 在2005年2月的亚奇重建初始阶段中, Soraya的工作主要是直接与灾民合作。 worldbank Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría of the PP solemnly announced the new cross- party agreement on what she called“ one of the main structural reforms needed by the Spanish economy”. PP党的莎拉雅•萨恩斯•德•圣玛丽亚 Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría庄重的宣布了这项跨党协议,她称之为“西班牙经济必须的主要结构改革之一”。 ecocn Soraya is tall and slim, with long black hair and dark, liquid eyes. 苏拉亚身材高挑纤长,有着长长的乌发和水汪汪的黑眼睛。 www.1x1y.com.cn Soraya says she is not afraid. Soraya说但是他并不害怕。 yeeyan |