

单词 soonest
释义 soon·est 英suːn美suːn 高COCA⁷⁸⁹³⁰BNC⁴⁷³¹⁰iWeb³⁴⁸²⁵

before long, within a short time


early, quickly


readily, willingly

in the near future;

the doctor will soon be here

the book will appear shortly

she will arrive presently

we should have news before long


❌ How long is he coming?

✔️ How soon is he coming?

当表示“在某事发生之前将有多长时间”时,要用how soon,不可用how long。


❌ When she heard the knock, she opened the door soon.

✔️ When she heard the knock, she opened the door immediately.



❌ Lunch was ready soon before he came back.

✔️ Lunch was ready shortly before he came back.

表示“在…前不久”,可说shortly before…,不可说soon before。


❌ He said he'd sooner die than to betray his friend.

✔️ He said he'd sooner die than betray his friend.

would sooner…than…表示“宁愿…而不愿…”, would sooner和than后面都可接不带to的动词不定式。


❌ He will phone me as soon as he will arrive.

✔️ He will phone me as soon as he arrives.


❌ I will write again as soon as I shall be free.

✔️ I will write again as soon as I am free.

as soon as引导的状语从句中的谓语动词,只能用现在时来表示将来的时间。

soon, at once

这两个词组的区别是:soon表示“不久”“很快”,强调时间很短; at once表示“马上”“立刻”,强调动作随即发生。例如:

He soon became active in the class.他在班上很快就变得活跃起来。
When I heard the knock,I opened the door of the room at once.我听到敲门声马上就把房门打开了。as soon as, no sooner…than, hardly…when


1.as soon as可转化为no sooner…than或hardly…when结构。例如:

As soon as I heard the knock I opened the door.

No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door.

Hardly had I heard the knock when I opened the door.当我听到敲门声,我马上就开门了。

2.as soon as通常用于一般时态, no hardly…than和hardly…when通常用于过去完成时。例如:

As soon as you finish your job, let me know.你一完成工作就告诉我一声。
No sooner had the doctor arrived than he began treating the sick.医生一到马上就抢救病人。
I had hardly started when it began to rain.我刚动身就下起雨来了。soon, fast, quickly


soon强调的是预期的时刻不久就会到来, fast和quickly强调的是动作进行的速度快。例如:

Their population is growing fast.他们的人口增长得很快。
Come quickly, he's drowning!快来,他溺水了。soon, early, quick, shortly

这组词的共同意思是“不久”“即刻”“快”。其区别在于:early常指时间比原来或通常早些; quick含有匆忙、仓促之意; soon指在某一特定时间过现在之后不久,多用于将来时或过去时,通常放在句末或主要动词之前; shortly与soon同义,但比soon更郑重,常用于新闻报道等。例如:

You have to think quick with the mind and act quick with the body.你必须脑子转得快,行动也得快。
I came early, and had to wait for others, but soon after five o'clock they appeared.我来得早,得等其他人,可是刚过5点他们就都来了。
Shortly after that, the police arrived.那事情发生不久警察就到了。how soon, how long

这两个短语的区别是:how soon的意思是“多久”,当我们就陈述句中的“过多少时间就能…”这一部分提问时,只能用how soon不能用how long; how long的意思是“多长”,当我们就陈述的“一段时间的长短”提问时,要用how long,不能用how soon。试比较:

“How soon will he be here?”“In two hours.” “再过多久他就在这里了?”“两个小时。” “How long will he be here?”“For two hours.” “他要在这里呆多长时间?”“两个小时。”

immediately,instantly,presently,directly,shortly,soon,at once,right away








at once口语中常用,语气强烈,指时间紧迫,一刻也不能耽误。

right away主要用于美国英语,语气稍弱于at once,强调动作迅速。

用作副词 adv.
副词+~as soon宁愿as soon as一…就…how soon到什么时候no sooner than一…就…quite soon很快rather soon很早so soon这样早too soon太早very soon马上~+介词soon after之后不久
用作副词adv.as soon as

一…就… when…at once

as soon as possible

尽早,尽快 as quickly as possible

at the soonest

最快 with a shortest time

no sooner…than

一…就 when…at once

sooner or later

迟早 certainly, although one cannot be sure when

the sooner the better

越快越好 as quickly as possible

近义词 shortlybefore longin a little while反义词 late迟的
We shall soon start.我们不久就出发。
The teacher soon reduced the noisy class to order.任课老师很快地把闹哄哄的班级整顿好,恢复了正常的课堂秩序。
It was only a petty problem and they soon solved it.那只是个小问题,他们很快就解决了。
His suffering will soon be over.他的苦难就要结束了。
It will soon be Christmas.转眼就是圣诞节了。
The more help, the sooner done.人手越多做事越快。
Retail meat prices are likely to be higher soon.肉类零售价格可能很快要上涨。
We reached the station an hour too soon.我们早到车站一小时。
I'd confidently predicted they'd win, but I spoke too soon—they were beaten in the final race.我曾经信心十足地预言他们会赢,但我讲得太早了,他们在决赛时被打败了。
The fire brigade arrived at last, not a moment too soon.消防队终于来了,几乎误了事。
You spoke too soon.你言之过早。
How soon can you be ready?你什么时候能准备好?
I have to go home very soon.我很快就得回家了。
He'll be here very soon.他很快就到。
They didn't arrive as soon as we had expected.他们到得不像我们期待的那么早。
I would just as soon stay at home.我宁愿呆在家里。
I would just as soon stay as go with him.与其跟他一起去,我倒愿意留下来。
I would as soon not go.我宁可不走。
I would as soon do it now as later.与其以后做,我宁愿现在做。
I would as soon you didn't tell me about that.我宁愿你不曾告诉我这种事。
Yang Jingyu would sooner die than surrender.杨靖宇宁死不屈。
He received a mortal wound soon after the battle began.战斗开始后不久,他就受到了致命的重伤。
He arrived soon after six.6点刚过他就到了。


soon还可作“宁可”“宁愿”解,通常与would等连用,构成would just, as soon…as, would sooner…than的句型。

soon可放置于句末,有时也可放在句首,也常置于动词短语的第一个助动词后面,如果没有助动词,就置于实义动词前。但如果动词是be,则位于be的后面。如加quite, very或too修饰, soon则须置于句末。

no sooner…than…意思是“一…就”,特别用于书面语中,表示一件事情紧接着另一件事情发生, no sooner通常位于第一个从句的主要动词前面,第二个从句than开始。在故事中,有时用倒装语序,将no sooner放于句首,后面紧跟主语。

soon前可有very, pretty, quite, rather等修饰。

用作副词I'll be backsoon.我马上回来。
She will be here sooner than you expect.她很快就到,比你预料的要早。
He left assoonas he heard the news.他一听到这事儿就走了。
The detectivesoonraveled out the truth.那名侦探很快就于真相大白。
She will be here sooner than you expect.她很快就到,比你预料的要早。
Howsooncan you be ready?你要多长时间才能准备好?adv.in the near future
同义词 directly,early,instantly,promptly,quickly,rapidly,shortly,speedilypresentlyanon,any minute now,before long,betimes,by and by,coming down the pike,ere long,expeditiously,fast,fleetly,forthwith,hastily,in a little while,in a minute,in a second,in a short time,in due time,in short order,in time,lickety-split,on time,posthaste,pronto,quick,short
反义词 late,laterdistant,far,never Our aims are to bring to our clients with newest products, highest quality, soonest shipment and best service.
最新的产品、最优的质量、最快的交期、最好的服务是我们的一贯宗旨。 qdjinsheng

The soonest fans can expect to see Wayne in action again is likely to be against Blackburn Rovers on Sunday, perhaps as a substitute.
球迷可能最快也只能在周日对阵布莱克本的比赛中再次看到鲁尼的身影,并且可能是替补出阵。 mufans.org

“ We are trying our best to address all complaints that we are receiving and the soonest, the better from our point of view, ” he said.
我们在尽最大努力处理我们正在不断收到的投诉,我们认为越快越好。 ebigear

“It would take more than weeks, and even months,” said Dingmann, “You're probably talking a month at the absolute soonest.”
Domgmann说:“这个过程也许需要超过几个礼拜,甚至数月,最快也需要一个月。” ecocn

Awaiting to hear from you soonest take care of your self and have a lovely day Yours in love Sarah.
等待听到你最快照顾你的自我照顾和有一个可爱的一天你的爱莎拉。 niangmei

Awaiting your soonest reply in this regard.
在这方面等待您最快的答复。 google

CowieStation students or members are now free to put any computer related questions in this forum section, all teachers will try to answer your difficulties the soonest.
科卫总站希望所有的学生们可以随时在此发问有关电脑的问题,相关老师将会尽快回答你们的疑问。 http://itcourses.cowiestation.com

Dassault and Bombardier are taking orders for two to three years out, and Boeing says the soonest a new plane can be delivered is2012.
达索和庞巴迪正在接受的订单排到了两三年之后了,而波音表示,新飞机最快能在2012年交货。 ecocn

Dress a scarecrow in your last shift, you standing shiftless by, who would not soonest salute the scarecrow?
你给稻草人穿上你最后一件衣服,你自己不穿衣服站在旁边,哪一个经过的人不马上就向稻草人致敬呢? bokee

Licai completed his job the soonest among all the workers.
在所有的工人当中,利财最早完成他的工作。 english312

The next soonest class.

Those that did so soonest tended to suffer least during the Depression.
那些最快选择放弃的国家,在大萧条中遭受的磨难通常也最少。 ecocn

Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.
最快也得明天下午。 blog.sina.com.cn

Unless your L/C advice faxed us the soonest possible, our contract will be terminated.
除非你方尽快把信用证传真给我方,否则合同将中止。 nexoncn

We will send you the samples in soonest possible.
我们会以最快的方式将样品送达你处。 yyxy

What is the soonest you can deliver?
你们最快什么时候可以交货? freekaoyan

You might want to, but any travel you do will have to take place over the weekends, or at the soonest, during the last week of August.
或许你会这么考虑,但是你想要的任何旅行都不得不放在周末,要么最快也得放到八月最后个星期。 douban




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