释义 |
Sonthi 基本例句 颂提¹⁰⁰ Sonthideclared a civil war sometime ago.It’s just all so mind-numbing and meaningless.就算我们不能直接改变世界,我们可以从 关心 与 了解 开始。 The Bangkok Post said coup leader GeneralSonthiBoonyaratglinhadurged the troops to smile to help the image of the countrysnewmilitary leadership.曼谷邮报》报道说,泰国军队领袖颂提。布雅拉特卡林要求士兵们保持微笑,以提升新掌权军政府的形象。 The Bangkok Post said coup leader GeneralSonthiBoonyaratglin had urged the troops to smile to help the image of the country‘ s new military leadership.曼谷邮报》报道说,泰国军队领袖颂提·雅拉特卡林要求士兵们保持微笑,以提升新掌权军政府的形象。 |