

单词 sonogram
释义 son·o·gram 英ˈsɒnəˌgræm, ˌsəʊnə-美ˈsɑnəˌgræm, ˌsonə-AHDsŏnʹə-grăm', sō'nə- 高COCA⁴³³⁴⁴BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb³⁴⁸³³

an image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography reflections of high-frequency sound waves; used to observe fetal growth or to study bodily organs钱博士son声音+o连接字母+gram图画→记录声音的图画⇒声波图,声谱记录
son声音+o连接字母+gram图画→记录声音的图画⇒声波图,声谱记录。近义词 echogram音响测深图表超声波回声…
Regionof interesting( ROI:for displaying all of the echo intensity spectrum enclosed in the selected area of a diseased region on sonogram.
感兴趣区 ROI:显示选定病变区域中取样范围内全部回声强度的谱。 cnki

Therefore, we can identify the joint sounds according to the energy, frequency, amplitude and occurring time of the vibration on the joint sound sonogram.
根据关节音的声谱图特征,从关节音振动能量、频率、振幅、发生时间等方面对关节音进行鉴别,可能有助于判断颞下颌关节的功能状况。 dictall

Getting close to Allah, spend a lot of time. Check the condition of my heart, like a sonogram.
努力接近真主,投入许多时间。检查自己心灵,就像超声波的图片。 noorislam

He turns to go, but the sound of the sonogram catches his ear. He returns and stares at it.
他转身要走,但听到超声波传出的声音,他又转过身来看着。 blog.sina.com.cn

Her heartbeat is now strong enough to register on a sonogram.
她的心跳现在强劲到可以在声波图上显示出来了。 yeeyan

It wasn't until two weeks before my due date that I finally requested the results of a first-trimester sonogram and genetics test be sent to my midwife.
直到预产期前两周我才最终要求把超音波和遗传学鉴定结果送到我的助产士那里去。 yeeyan

Objective To study the diagnostic value of two dimensional sonogram thread ball sign to testis torsion.
目的:探讨二维声像“线团征”对睾丸扭转的诊断价值。 cnki

Objective To study the sonogram's characteristics of parotid Sjgren syndrome and probe the value of ultrasound diagnosis for this disease.
目的研究腮腺舍格伦综合征的声像图特点,探讨超声对此病的诊断价值。 cnki

Regulating B-color sonogram form is employable to promote the displaying rate of viscera and to raise accuracy of diagnosis.
调整彩阶编码方式,可加强实质性脏器病灶区的显示,提高诊断准确性。 cnki

Results:The sonogram of neonatal intracranial diseases had its own characteristics and could he used as an effective diagnostic method.
结果:新生儿各种颅内病变的二维声像图有其特征,二维超声可作为新生儿颅内病变的一种诊断方法。 cnki

Some disease group showed distinct features in their spectrogram, correlogram and sonogram.
部分喉疾病组的频谱或相关曲线,以及声图具有较为特征性表现。 cnki

The sonogram in benign hyperplastic vocal fold lesions showed irregularity, breakage or lack of harmonic waves and formants, and increase of noise.
结果声带良性增生性病变者语图表现谐波及共振峰不规则、断裂甚至缺失,噪声成分增加。 cnki

The echoes form a picture of body tissues called a sonogram.
这种反射会形成一个人体组织的图像,称为声像。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then it was time for the sonogram.
然后就是超声波扫描时间了。 yeeyan

While you may not be able to hear the heartbeat through a sonogram or Doppler for a few weeks yet, when you finally do, the rapid staccato beats will be concrete evidence of the life inside you.
在几周内,你可能还不能够通过声波图或者多普勒超声听到婴儿的心跳,但当你最终听到时,那快速的断断续续的节奏巩固你身体里有个小生命的证据。 yeeyan

Within hours the sonogram had provided good news and we had selected a more experienced doctor.
几个小时后,声波检测给了我们好消息,我们找了个更有经验的医生。 yeeyan

WuDunn says part of the gap could be attributed to infanticide by families who were determined to have a male child under China's one-child policy and in part to the development of the sonogram.
无邓恩,造成这个人口缺口的一部分原因是,中国的独生子女政策。想生男孩的家庭通过 B超观察孕妇的婴儿,进而打掉女婴。 yeeyan




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