

单词 somersaults
释义 som·er·sault·s 英'sʌməsɔːlt美'sʌmərsɔːlt COCA⁵⁷²²⁶BNC⁵⁰²⁹⁸
an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head either forward or backward and return
do a somersaultturn a somersault折跟头forward somersault向前翻腾under somersault杠下空翻backward somersault后空翻screw somersault空翻转体一周…armstand somersault臂立翻腾flying somersault空心筋斗side somersault侧空翻forward double somersault向前翻腾两周…armstand double somersault臂立翻腾两周…inward somersault向内翻腾Arab somersault阿拉伯空翻,直体前空…double somersault翻双筋斗
近义词 flip掷tumble暴跌turn over滚动somerset翻筋斗flip over翻过来summerset翻筋斗flip-flop夹趾拖鞋summersault翻筋斗forward roll前滚翻somersaulting动词somersault…cartwheel体操动作侧身翻跟头…

用作名词He turned asomersault.他翻了个筋头。
A gymnast on the trampoline was turningsomersaults.有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻.用作动词The childsomersaultedacross the gymnasium.那孩子翻著跟头从体育馆这头翻到那头。as in.acrobatics
同义词 balancing,feats,gymnastics,stunts,tumblingas in.tumbling
同义词 gymnastics
acrobaticsnoun athletic floor exercises
tumblingnoun acrobatics
gymnastics,somersaults I had scored, I was doing my somersaults, but everyone was still.
取而代之的是我觉得能踢球是十分重要的。 www.inter1908.net

The Lurmen healer Wag Too somersaults in order to traverse distances quickly, rolling around in a ball at fast speeds.
为了长途跋涉更快,勒明医生瓦格·图蜷缩成一个球,高速翻滚前进。 starwarsfans.cn

To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.
表演杂技如翻筋斗,翻滚或旋转。 kuenglish

“ I guess it’s not as maybe morbid or morose as it normally is, ” said Stacy Cooke, watching her daughter, Caitlin,4, turning somersaults with her cousins on the strips of lawn.
“我想他们看起来不像平时那样闷闷不乐,”斯泰西•库克,看着自己4岁的女儿凯特琳,和表兄妹在草坪上翻着跟头,说道。 yeeyan

A heart doesn't need to do somersaults.
一颗心,并不需要做翻跟头。 blog.sina.com.cn

He's going to go his seventh dive, the forward one and a half somersaults with half twist.
他准备做他的第七个动作,向前翻腾一周半转体半周。 hotdic

Moreover there are several multipliers score, as a bonus for collisions in the air, somersaults or stunts in the air for long.
此外还有几个乘数评分,当傻瓜机器人在空气中翻筋斗或特技在空中碰撞会等到更多奖金。 sjxyx

Mrs Palin’s arrival on the national stage is inspiring some startling political somersaults.
帕林女士的闪亮登场确是掀起了些许政治波澜。 ecocn

Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and Walter, not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors, his prowess at handstands, cart wheels and backward somersaults.
佩吉卖弄了她的舞步,而沃尔特在讨好观众方面也不甘示弱,就拿出了倒立、横翻。 iciba

Recent research suggests an optimistic state comes from a series of active inner processes, psychological somersaults.
最近的研究表明乐观的状态来自于一系列的积极内心活动,心理转变。 blog.sina.com.cn

She likes to do somersaults.
她喜欢翻筋斗玩。 xiadoc

The acrobat rushed out from behind the curtain by turning somersaults.
杂技演员翻着筋斗从幕后冲了出来。 tdict

Their awkward, flailing flips and mid- air somersaults shall bring a reaping as terrible to endure as it is hilarious to see.
他们笨手拙脚的扑闪翻腾及腾空跟头所带来的喜剧效果同样也会使人倍受煎熬。 yeeyan

There were dizzy bees bow-tied fruit flies turning somersaults and humming in the air.
那里有令人头晕的蜜蜂和打着领结的果蝇翻跟头,在空中嗡嗡鸣唱。 blog.sina.com.cn

They also practised turning somersaults.
他们还练习翻筋斗。 hotdic

They run, jump, fall down, turn somersaults, and roll over. They ride donkeys backwards.
他们跑,跳,摔倒,翻跟斗和侧翻。他们倒着骑驴。 blog.sina.com.cn

What is exclamatory is that he kept on until the end. At last, he completed 7400 somersaults and the distance was16 kilometers.
令人惊叹的是他一直坚持到底,最后翻了7400个跟头,行程长达16公里。 hotdic

Winnie came hurrying outside, tripped over Wilbur, turned three somersaults, and fell into a rose bush.
温妮以一贯的速度冲到门外,不料绊倒在威波儿的身上,翻了三个跟头,一头栽进了玫瑰花丛中。 sdchild




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