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词汇 Barca
释义 bar·ca 英ˈbɑːkə美ˈbɑrkəAHDbärʹkə COCA¹⁰⁴⁴³³
A statement on Barca's website read: “ Uefa has rejected the complaint filed by Real Madrid.”
巴萨官网声明说:“欧足联已经驳回了皇马的指控。” yeeyan

But Rosell said Barca can still afford Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas.
但是,罗塞尔说,巴萨仍然买的起阿森纳中场大将法布雷加斯。 yeeyan

More so than in2009, Barca and United are now the two best soccer teams in the world, and people want to see them play.
不仅仅在2009年,巴萨和曼联至今都是世界上最优秀的两支球队,人们也希望看到他们之间的对决。 yeeyan

The Barca B team is fourth in the second division in Spain.
巴萨 B队目前在西班牙乙级联赛里排第四。 yeeyan

“ You have to remember that City is a new club among the elite. In fact, this is the first time we've played in the Champions League, ” Vieira told Barca TV.
“你要知道曼城才刚刚成为顶尖俱乐部的一员,事实上,我们只是首次参加欧冠的比赛”——维埃拉对巴萨电视台说道。 yeeyan

But Manchester United skipper Nemanja Vidic has cautioned his side against focusing too much on the23-year- old Argentine at the expense of the other stellar attacking talents in Barca's line-up.
不过曼联队长维迪奇提醒队友们,不要被梅西——这个23岁的阿根廷小崽子——亮瞎了你们的双眼,巴萨队中还有很多天赋异禀星光熠熠的选手。 yeeyan

But now I play for Barca and want to win for me and this club.
但是现在我效力巴萨,我会为我自己和俱乐部而战斗。 yeeyan

Earlier in the tournament Barca topped Group F, which also feature Inter Milan.
此前小组赛中,巴萨以 F组头名出线,力压同组的国际米兰。 yeeyan

For all the titles and trophies won by Barca in the course of a glorious few years for the club, Mascherano insists his team-mates are still hungry for more.
尽管巴萨王朝在过去的几年里已经拿到了所有可以得到的冠军头衔,但是马斯切拉诺坚信他的队友们远没有满足。 yeeyan

Guardiola, though proud of Barca's system, has a more prosaic view.
尽管为巴萨的体系感到骄傲,瓜迪奥拉的观点却很平凡。 yeeyan

He failed in his first bid for the presidency in1995, but won the2000 elections on a promise to sign Luis Figo from Barca.
他在1995年的第一次竞选球队主席失败了,但赢得了在2000年竞选时从巴萨签下刘易斯·菲戈的承诺。 yeeyan

However, Rosell has moved to reassure worried fans that Barca's problems are under control and that the process of securing a loan had already started under the previous board.
然而,罗塞尔仍然肯定的向球迷保证,巴萨的问题是在控制中的,这样的贷款其实在前一任董事会时已经开始了。 yeeyan

I had moved down the side of the pitch after covering the Barca attack for the second- half.
在跟踪了巴萨下半时的攻势后,我沿着边线移到另一边。 yeeyan

If we take the example of Barca, this team got where it is after many years among the elite and a youth policy means several years of patience.
以巴萨为例,这支球队身处顶尖俱乐部的行列多年之后才取得如今的成就,而他们的青训策略也注定了需要时间才能出成绩。 yeeyan

If Arsenal do not go crazy, he might play at Barca.
如果阿森纳没搞错的话,法布雷加斯是应该为巴萨效力的。 yeeyan

Knocking Barca off over two legs, like Inter did in last season's Champions League semifinal, is one thing.
像上赛季欧冠半决赛那样用双腿淘汰巴萨是一回事。 yeeyan

Real posted a video on their website before the second leg showing Busquets allegedly calling Marcelo“mono” monkey during Barca's2-0 win at the Bernabeu.
在与巴萨的第二回合比赛前皇马官网发布了一段视频显示在伯纳乌巴萨2:0皇马的比赛中,布斯克茨称马赛洛“猴子”。 yeeyan

Several of Barca's current crop, the club's best yet, come from La Masia's class of1987, the year of their birth.
几位巴萨培养的球员,也是目前巴萨最好的球员,来自于拉马西亚87班,87表示的是他们的出生年份。 yeeyan

The first time he faced Barca while at Man Utd, he missed a penalty three minutes into the match.
第一次对阵巴萨时他还在曼联,但但当时他竟然罚丢了开场三分钟就获得的一个点球。 yeeyan

The second time he went90 minutes without posing any threat as Barca swept both encounters and went on to win La Liga.
第二回合C罗踢满90分钟,但未造成任何有效威胁,巴萨又赢得比赛最终卫冕西甲冠军。 yeeyan

Then they speak to their coaches for a post- match analysis and an interview with a journalist from Barca's website. They are media- trained before they turn10.
然后他们和教练进行赛后分析谈话,再接受巴萨官网记者的采访。他们在10岁以前就接受媒体的洗礼。 yeeyan

To this day foreign coaches are accommodated at Barca's new training ground on the southern fringes of the city to study the Cruyff-inspired training methods and philosophies.
时至今天,外国教练们来到巴萨位于城市南部边缘的新训练场,学习克鲁伊夫创始的训练方法和哲学。 yeeyan

Uefa has dismissed claims by Barca's Spanish rivals Real Madrid that Busquets racially insulted full-back Marcelo during their semi-final tie.
欧足联已经驳回了皇马对巴萨的指控。皇马指控在冠军杯半决赛中布斯克茨用歧视性的语言侮辱马赛洛。 yeeyan

Unlike in other countries where the biggest boys tend to excel at youth football, Barca's boys are not big for their age.
一般其他国家里少年队总是最大的孩子踢得最好,巴萨则不同,他们的孩子相比于同龄人块头不算大。 yeeyan

Victory was Real's first over Barca since May2008 and it meant that coach Mourinho has won a trophy every year since2003.
这是自2008年5月份以来皇马第一次战胜巴萨,同时,自2003年以来,主教练穆里尼奥将自己每一年都能率队捧杯的纪录延续下去。 yeeyan

Barca, you'll remember, got its tactics wrong at the start in a sort of4-3-3 with Dani Alves pushing high up; it ended in a spirited2-2 draw with Valencia.
巴萨,你可能会记得,在开局433阵型上的战术失误,使得阿尔维斯解围不当导致最终被巴伦西亚2比2逼平。 yeeyan

Barca won five Spanish youth titles under him.
在他的带领下巴萨赢得了五项西班牙青年队荣誉。 yeeyan

Barca's current roaming front three of Messi, Pedro and David Villa are nominally wingers, and even Villa, the “ striker” brought in from Valencia, often plays in a wide position.
巴萨目前的前场三叉戟梅西、佩德罗和比利亚名义上是边锋,即使是以“前锋”名义引进的瓦伦西亚球员比利亚,也经常游弋于各个位置。 yeeyan




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