

单词 somehow
释义 some·how 英ˈsʌmˌhaʊ美ˈsʌmˌhaʊAHDsŭmʹhou' ★★★☆☆高四六研I牛4八COCA²⁰⁰³BNC²⁰⁰⁷iWeb²⁹⁰⁵Economist⁴⁶²⁵


in some way


not yet known or stated

in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means;

they managed somehow

he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him

he tried to make is someway acceptable

for some unspecified reason;

It doesn't seem fair somehow

he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it

somehow, therefore

两者含义并不相同:therefore的意思是“因此”,上文要交代原因或理由; somehow的意思是“反正”,上下文无需说明原因或理由。例如:

He is not honest; therefore I don't trust him.他不老实,因而我不信任他。
Somehow I don't trust him.反正我不信任他。蒋争熟词记忆some某种how怎样;怎么地⇒不知怎么地;莫名其妙地;以某种方式some某种how怎样;怎么地⇒不知怎么地;莫名其妙地;以某种方式非常记忆some一些+how怎样⇒一些人不知道以怎样的钱博士some某+how如何,方法⇒以某种方法近义词 come what wayone way or another
用作副词adv.Somehow we lost our way.不知怎么地我们迷了路。
We must get the work finished somehow by tomorrow morning.我们必须设法在明天早上以前把工作做完。
用作副词We must make up for the lost timesomehow.我们必须以某种方式把损失的时间补上。
I wish I can repay yousomehowfor your kindness.我希望我能以某种方式报答您的好意。
He could have finished it on schedule, butsomehowhe fell behind.他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。
Somehow or other, the baby burst into tears.那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。adv.by some means
同义词 anywayafter a fashion,anyhow,anywise,by hook or crook,come what may,in one way or another,in some such way,in some way,one way or another,somehow or another,somehow or other
反义词 no way And yet somehow when I move past this fear of losing stuff, I seem to gain much more than I lose.
不知何时,我会度过失去这些东西的恐惧,我将得到比我失去的更多的东西。 yeeyan

And there are many solutions: You could have somehow taught this person to do a better job, or motivated him to do better.
如此一来,将会有很多解决问题的方法:你本可以用某种方法教这个人做得更好,或者是鼓励他做得更好。 yeeyan

I, somehow if, I want to walk through some sequence of data structures, gathering up or doing the same thing, adding ages in until I get a total age and then divide by the number faculty.

Will the shared service be hosted in the IT department of one or other of the dependent organizations, or will some shared services organization be created and somehow funded?
共享服务是否可以承载于某个依赖组织的 IT部门,或者是否将创建某个共享服务组织以某种方式为其提供资金投入呢? ibm

“ There's something in me that says I have to respond to every need and want my children express or, somehow, I'm depriving them, ” she says.
我总是觉得我该对孩子们的任何要求和希望作出回应,否则,出于某种原因,我会觉得自己在剥夺他们的权利。 kekenet

African farmers are sometimes thought to be somehow responsible for their low yields, but the blame lies with the technology at their disposal.
非洲的农民有时被认为,在某种程度上对他们的低产量负责,但是应该负责的是他们采用技术。 ecocn

All my life I seem to have been involved in helping others somehow improve themselves.
我的全部生活看起来似乎都是在帮助别人以某种方法改变他们自己。 yeeyan

But, now I struggle with those damned marketing campaigns that we were all supposed to somehow learn along the way.
但是,现在我正和那些我们都应该用某种方式学习的该死的营销战役做斗争。 yeeyan

But somehow, at that moment, she could not explain it.
但不知何故,在那一刻,她无法解释。 hxen

He thought that if these memories could somehow be brought into the conscious mind, the patient would again feel the pain.
他认为,如果这些记忆可以某种方式带入到有意识的精神,病人会再次感到疼痛。 yeeyan

He was nervous somehow.

My mother, somehow she looked like she gave up on her life.
我的母亲,不知怎么的她似乎放弃了她的生活。 yeeyan

Several hypotheses have been put forward as to why they do it, including that it may somehow help maintain body temperature or allow other monkeys to better identify an individual by smell.
至于它们为什么这么做,科学家提出过一些假设,包括可能是出于某种原因帮助维持体温,或者是为了让其他猴子通过气味更易识别出自己。 yeeyan

Since small and mid-sized states often pool their votes, any reform package would have to compensate those blocs of power somehow.
由于中小国家常常共享他们的选票,任何改革方案都必须以某种方式补偿那些权力集团。 yeeyan

So, to handle the real world, we have to somehow develop secure programs in spite of the bugs in our programs.
所以,要处理实际的问题,我们不得不以某种方式来开发安全的程序,尽管我们的程序中有缺陷。 ibm

So if somehow I thought if you could tap the rotational energy of the earth by slowing the earth down, maybe we could use it to satisfy the world energy consumption.

So should we say that the apple, the object, is somehow distinct from those properties since“ it” has “ them”?
因此,我们应该说,苹果,这个物体,从某种程度上是因为这些属性不同,因为“它”或者“它们”? yeeyan

The garments made somehow a very strong impression upon me, so that I could draw them now, if I could draw anything, as they looked when they were held up to me.
这两件衣服不知怎么的给以我一种强烈的印象以至于我现在就能把它们画出来。如果我能画出任何东西,因为他们那个时候都停滞在我的脑海之中。 yeeyan

The only thing these activities have in common is that they somehow invite people to participate.
这些活动共有的一件事就是他们都以某种方式邀请人来参与其中。 yeeyan

Yet somehow an overwhelming consensus emerged among policy makers and pundits that nothing more should be done to create jobs, that, on the contrary, there should be a turn toward fiscal austerity.
可不知为何在决策者和专家当中出现了压倒一切的共识,即在创造就业方面不应该在做更多的努力,相反,风向却转到了财政紧缩上。 yeeyan

You know, it vexes me that somehow I’m made out to be the bad guy in the room.
你们知道吗,使我十分不爽的就是不知何故我成为了这房间里的大坏蛋。 yeeyan

Somehow, he felt like he was home, almost as if God had been waiting for him there.
不知怎么的,他感觉就像在家里一般自在,就像上帝已经在那里等待他多时了。 yeeyan

Somehow, Washington has lost any sense of what’s at stake— of the reality that we may well be falling into an economic abyss, and that if we do, it will be very hard to get out again.
不知何故,华盛顿当局已然失去对事关重大的感知。 他们没有意识到这样一个现实,美国可能会就此掉入经济衰退的深渊,如果这样的话,我们将很难再次摆脱困境。 yeeyan

Somehow we know in our hearts that it is not supposed to be this way.
不知为何我们在心中知道它不应该是这个样子的。 yeeyan




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